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Нерф фидла(или не нерф? Оо), баф гарена, баф леоны, изменения насоса и пантеона. Так же светанули новый скин тарика.

New Skins in the Store
Sandscourge Skarner
Earthrune Skarner
Bloodstone Taric

PVP.net Store
Added a Purchases tab that contains a history of all your purchases

PVP.net v1.41.XX
Players will now receive a popup message when they attempt to join a game lobby that is already full
Fixed a bug where Summoner icons were displaying incorrectly in chat rooms
Fixed a bug where All Random Mode in Custom Games was not correctly selecting your previously used skin for a Champion

League of Legends v1.0.0.123
Skarner, The Crystal Vanguard
Crystal Slash: Skarner lashes out with his claws, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and charging himself with Crystal Energy for several seconds if a unit is struck. If he casts Crystal Slash again while empowered by Crystal Energy, he deals bonus Magic Damage and slows all targets hit.
Crystalline Exoskeleton: Skarner gains a shield and while the shield persists his movement speed and attack speed are both increased.
Fracture: Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy which deals damage to enemies struck and marks them. Any further damage dealt to marked targets by Skarner will allow him to consume the mark to heal himself.
Impale (Ultimate): Skarner suppresses an enemy champion and deals magic damage to it. During this time, Skarner can move freely and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, Skarner's target will be dealt additional damage.
Energize (Passive): Basic attacks lower the cooldowns of Skarner's abilities by 1 second against champions and 0.5 seconds against non-champions.

The cooldown before Akali's next Shadow Dance charge and her current stacks are now shown in the same buff

Amumu will now attempt to attack the target after successfully pulling himself to an enemy champion with Bandage Toss

Fixed a bug where Frost Arrow would consume mana if Ashe canceled her auto-attack early

Mana Barrier
Fixed a bug where Mana Barrier could be bypassed if the damage taken would instantly kill him
Fixed a bug where Mana Barrier would activate when the cooldown expired even if not taking damage
Fixed a bug where Power Fist failed to grant lifesteal effects

Fixed a bug where Pyroclasm would fizzle if Brand died

Fixed a bug where planting a Yordle Snap Trap after a trap was recently triggered caused a previous trap to be consumed (as if you placed too many)

Fixed a bug where Cho'Gath could gain a Feast stack when the target did not die

The cooldown before Corki's next Missile Barrage charge and his current stacks are now shown in the same buff

Fixed a bug where Malice and Spite was healing for incorrect values
Fixed a bug where Malice and Spite's cooldown would be reset upon killing enemy clones

Basic attack projectile speed increased to 1750 from 1500
Dark Wind
Damage reduced to 65/85/105/125/145 from 65/90/115/140/165
Fixed a bug where Dark Wind would fizzle when Fiddlesticks died
Fixed a bug where Dark Wind was bouncing 4 times instead of 5
Drain ability power ratio reduced to .45 from .5
Terrify cooldown increased to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10 seconds

Grog Soaked Blade max stacks has been reduced to 3 from 4
Cannon Barrage
Fixed a bug where Cannon Barrage would not grant gold on minion kills
Fixed a bug where Cannon Barrage's slow was not always applying consistently

Decisive Strike movement speed duration increased to 4 seconds from 3 seconds
Judgment cooldown reduced to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 14/13/12/11/10 seconds
Courage maximum armor and magic resistance now 25 at all ranks from 5/10/15/20/25

H28G Evolution Turret
Heimerdinger will now place Frost Turrets if he places a turret while UPGRADE!!! is active
Fixed a bug where turrets could be moved by Crystallize, Pillar of Filth, and Cataclysm

Irelia will now attempt to attack the target after dashing to an enemy champion with Bladesurge

Jarvan IV
Jarvan will no longer follow the target while he is in the air during Cataclysm
Cataclysm will now create the ring of terrain regardless of whether the enemy can be targeted or not
Cataclysm will now be slightly more likely to push targets that the ring lands on into the center rather than out
Fixed a bug where Cataclysm could be interrupted by movement displacing abilities such as Crystallize or Pillar of Filth
Fixed a bug where Dragon Strike reduced the target's base armor rather than total armor

Jax will now attempt to attack after Leap Striking if the target is an enemy champion
Fixed a bug where Jax's attacks could not be dodged

The cooldown before Karma's next Mantra charge and her current stacks are now shown in the same buff

Katarina will now attempt to attack the target after teleporting to an enemy champion with Shunpo

Holy Fervor
Armor and magic resistance shred increased to 3% from 2%
Fixed a bug where Holy Fervor was shredding the target's base armor and magic resistance rather than total armor and magic resistance

Thundering Shuriken ability power ratio increased to .75 from .66
Lightning Rush
Energy cost adjusted to 100/95/90/85/80 from 100 at all levels
Ability power ratio increased to .6 from .55

Updated Living Artillery's reveal particle effect

Lee Sin
Lee Sin will now attempt to attack the target after dashing to a champion with Resonating Strike

Shield of Daybreak cooldown reduced to 11/10/9/8/7 seconds from 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Zenith Blade
Mana cost reduce to 60 at all ranks from 60/65/70/75/80
Particle adjusted to more accurately reflect the area of effect (actual area of effect unchanged)
Leona will now attempt to attack the target if she uses Zenith Blade to jump to a target
Solar Flare cooldown reduced to 90/75/60 seconds from 105/90/75 seconds
Fixed a bug where Eclipse would break enemy spell shields on activation

Updated Lux's autoattack to feel more responsive and increased its missile speed
Light Binding cooldown reduced to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds from 16/15/14/13/12 seconds

Brutal Strikes mana cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70 from 55/60/65/70/75
Ground Slam
Radius increased to 400 from 350
Mana cost reduced to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80
Fixed a bug where Unstoppable Force sometimes failed to pass through Crystallize, Pillar of Filth, and Cataclysm

Maokai will now attempt to attack after using Twisted Advance if the target is a champion

Master Yi
Alpha Strike
Master Yi can now use Wuju Style and Highlander while Alpha Strike is active
Master Yi will now attempt to attack the target after using Alpha Strike to teleport to a champion

Fixed a bug where Mace of Spades was providing the diminished Spell Vamp effect even if used against a single target
Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave would fail to clone targets if they were nontargetable when they died (Sanguine Pool, Alpha Strike, etc)
Fixed a bug where Children of the Grave could clone a clone

Updated Morgana's autoattack to feel more responsive and increased its missile speed
Base movement speed increased to 310 from 300
Dark Binding cooldown reduced to 11 seconds from 12 seconds.
Tormented Soil mana cost reduced to 70/85/100/115/130 from 70/90/110/130/150
Soul Shackles
Stun duration adjusted to 1.5 at all ranks from 1/1.5/2
Cooldown reduced to 120/110/100 seconds from 120 seconds at all ranks
Shackle activation time reduced to 3 seconds from 4 seconds

Attack range increased to 125 from 110
Soul Eater lifesteal increased at earlier levels to 14/17/20% from 10/15/20%
Cooldown reduced to 15/14/13/12/11 seconds from 15 seconds at all ranks
Mana cost reduced to 80 from 100
Wither will now reach its max slow even if its duration is reduced (ie: by tenacity)
Spirit Fire
No longer has a 0.5 second delay before taking effect
Now deals half of its damage initially and the other half over the duration -- initial 55/95/135/175/215 (+0.6 ability power) Magic Damage and 11/19/27/35/43 (+0.12 ability power) Magic Damage each second for the next 5 seconds
Fixed a bug where Siphoning Strike sometimes gained extra lifesteal

Updated Bushwhack's reveal particle effect
Fixed a bug where Bushwhack was reducing the target's base armor and magic resistance rather than total armor and magic resistance

Nocturne will now attempt to attack the target after using Paranoia
Paranoia no longer grants assists for limiting enemy vision

Heartseeker Strike
Now does a better job of hitting targets on top of Pantheon
Damage increased to 13/23/33/43/53 from 4/6/8/10/12
Scaling adjusted to a .6 bonus Attack Damage ratio from a .2/.25/.3/.35/.4 total Attack Damage ratio
Now fires 3 strikes instead of 5
Cooldown reduced to 10/9/8/7/6 seconds from 18/17/16/15/14 seconds
Mana cost reduced to 45/50/55/60/65 from 70 at all ranks
Channel duration reduced to .75 seconds from 1.8 seconds
Spear Shot
Damage increased to 65/105/145/185/225 from 16/28/40/52/64
Now scales off of a 1.4 bonus Attack Damage ratio from a 1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6 total Attack Damage ratio
Certain Death now causes Spear Shot to critically strike for 1.5x damage
Aegis of Zeonia
Cooldown adjusted to 13/12/11/10/9 seconds from 12 seconds at all levels
Stun duration adjusted to 1 second from .7/.9/1.1/1.3/1.5
Pantheon will now attempt to attack the target after using Aegis of Zeonia
Grand Skyfall
Jump channel time reduced to 2 seconds from 3 seconds
Land time reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds
Edge damage increased to 50% from 33%

Fixed a bug where Slice and Dice was only reducing the target's base armor rather than total armor

Fixed a bug where The Equalizer would fizzle if Rumble died

Jack-in-the-Boxes can no longer be disabled or pushed by effects like Crystallize

Fixed a bug where Enrage would consume health if Sion canceled his auto-attack early

Noxious Traps will now 'level up' if Teemo ranks up his R slot while the traps are active

Fixed a bug where Rabid Bite was not blocked by Spell Shield, Shroud of Darkness, or Banshee's Veil

Bloodlust heal per 1 fury increased to .65/1.15/1.65/2.15/2.65 from .5/.95/1.4/1.85/2.3
Spinning Slash
Base damage increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
Bonus AD ratio increased to 1.2 from 1
Fixed a bug where Tryndamere was not gaining the proper Fury upon using Spinning Slash

Noxian Corrosive Charge will now update as the target gains or loses armor

Infinite Duress
Fixed a bug where Infinite Duress would sometimes tick only 4 times
Fixed a bug where Infinite Duress could sometimes break early even if not interrupted

Wukong will now attempt to attack a target champion after using Nimbus Strike
Cyclone Attack Damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1
Wukong is now properly considered melee for items and spells that differentiate between melee and ranged characters.
Fixed a bug where Crushing Blow was shredding the target's base armor rather than total armor

Omen of War attack damage ratio increased to 1.2 from 1

Quicksilver Sash is now unique
Tears of the Goddess, Manamune and Archangel's Staff now display your unique bonus mana in their tooltips.

Made adjustments to reduce the load time for games
Made adjustments to how death and kill streaks work
Dying to non-champions no longer resets kill streaks or increases death streaks
Assists now reduce (not reset) death streaks
Using Summoner Teleport on a ward will no longer reveal the ward through fog of war to enemies. Instead, it will destealth the ward to be seen if an enemy is near and reveal the teleport particle through fog of war to enemies
Allied champions can no longer block targeting of an enemy champion if they are standing on top of one another
Added a new in-game option for "Borderless Window Mode" that allows people to alt-tab more efficiently
Attack-move improvements:
Attack-move targeting is now more predictable (now targets closest enemy)
Attack-move will now target visible wards
Changed attack-move cursor color to red from green
Added new keybindings for "Self+Smart Cast" for abilities and Summoner spells. Casting with these binds will first try to Smart-Cast the ability; if there is no target or an invalid target under the cursor, it will attempt to Self-Cast the ability
Fixed a bug where clones did not show items in their inventories
Fixed a bug where certain particle effects would not show up if using the minimap for targeting
Fixed minor tooltip errors on Kayle, Soraka, Nasus, Sona, and Renekton
Fixed a bug where some Energy runes were giving less Energy than their tooltip stated
Fixed a bug where several spells were triggering on-cast events more than once
Fixed a bug in which players could get stuck in a "dead" state until they disconnected and then reconnected

08 авг 2011, 00:21

<Преферанс и Дамы>

Сервер: Подземье
Рейтинг поля боя: 1502
ммм ап гарена

08 авг 2011, 02:31

Жалко нерфят сало у фидла

08 авг 2011, 03:31

радует что у насуса теперь быстрее будет появляется лужа. ну и красный тарик офк

08 авг 2011, 06:43

еще светанули новый скин гарена

08 авг 2011, 08:25
Профиль ICQ

Единственная более-менее радостная новость - нерф Фидла. На лайне с ним станет легче, ибо как я понял, его ворона теперь не имеет 100% приоритет долететь до энеми чемпиона.

08 авг 2011, 08:34

<Алиса в стране грибов>

Сервер: Черный Шрам
Насусу вообще бесполезный бафф, лучше бы скейлинг ульты бафнули.

08 авг 2011, 08:36


Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Рейтинг поля боя: 192
2х2: 2091
3х3: 1810
5х5: 1149
чот я ничего не понял про 2ю часть. Что там имеется ввиду про киллы суппортов и смерти от товера?

08 авг 2011, 09:41

Жика писал(а):

чот я ничего не понял про 2ю часть. Что там имеется ввиду про киллы суппортов и смерти от товера?

Показалось, что уменьшили голд за убийство саппорта. А тауверы килинг спри не снимают типо.

08 авг 2011, 09:47

Нет же, теперь если у чувака много асистов, то теперь он тоже начинает расти в цене как и те у кого много убийств.

08 авг 2011, 09:51

Патчем недоволен. Скок играл за панта полёты по мапе очень помогали. =\

08 авг 2011, 12:54
Профиль ICQ

Skvad писал(а):

Нет же, теперь если у чувака много асистов, то теперь он тоже начинает расти в цене как и те у кого много убийств.

Нет, теперь ассисты резетят дес стрики(те за повторные килы обычно дают меньше голды, но с ассистом голд будет расти)
Если я правильно понял офк.

08 авг 2011, 13:21


Нет, теперь ассисты резетят дес стрики(те за повторные килы обычно дают меньше голды, но с ассистом голд будет расти)
Если я правильно понял офк.

А я думал просто Сораку апнули. FAIL.
Шучу. Походу Талер всё же прав. :dirol :siski Я хоть и :crab , но английский минимально знаю.

08 авг 2011, 13:40
Профиль ICQ


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Настолько минимально, что не понял, что Пантеона апают, а не нерфят?

08 авг 2011, 13:52


Сервер: Борейская тундра
2х2: 1768
3х3: 1151
5х5: 96
Его ульту занерфили в хуй в текущем патче. Сейчас слегка апают

08 авг 2011, 14:16


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Я в курсе.

08 авг 2011, 14:30

Ну хоть чето бафнули Насусу)))Хотя толку то)))

08 авг 2011, 15:07

Ну насусу, теперь импакт с 3его скила будет хоть что-то вносить, раньше все убегали до раскрытия.
Но канечно это гавно, по сравнению с повышением скейлинга ульты.

08 авг 2011, 15:40

Сам чар гавно. Унылейший однокнопочный фармер, с единственной ролью - отсасывать солотоп.

08 авг 2011, 16:01

<Алиса в стране грибов>

Сервер: Черный Шрам
угу гавно. особенно криты по 600-800 настаканной Q.

08 авг 2011, 18:47
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