2v2 Event, Feb 2 at 18:00 CET, Cataclysm Realm
One player from each team reply to this topic with your and your team mates character names aswell as
team name to be eligible for an invitation.
Sign up by using the following form:
Player1: Name - Class/spec
Player2: Name - Class/spec
Do not reply to this thread unless you are certain that you can attend. Failing to attend will result in a 2 day ban.
The event will most likely last 2-3 hours - make sure you have enough time to participate.
1st place: The Immortal
2nd place: The Undying
3rd place: Duelist
If you are drafted, we need you and your partner to be online at 17:30-17:45 or you will be replaced.
This thread will be closed at 16:30 and teams will be announced at 17:00.
Chances are high that we will need atleast one of the reserve teams, so be ready if you want to participate.
Only double DPS comps are allowed.
Changing specs is allowed as long as you're not changing from dps to healer or healer to dps.
Changing class is not allowed.
Faction and race changing is allowed.
8 teams
Single Elimination
Best of 3 bracket, best of 5 final match.
We will randomly select 8 teams from this thread, along with 1-2 extra in case of no-shows. Sadly if you do not see your name you have not been picked! All picking is done at random.
You will be able to spectate the games via the Spectator NPC or live on stream.
Do NOT reply to thread with anything else than sign up info.
Extra edit!
There will be a VIP giveaway at the end of the event stream!