 Grand Nerf
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#31 Death KnightFrost
- Rune Strike now scales from 15% of Attack Power, down from 20%.
- Icebound Fortitude now reduces damage taken by 20%, down from 30%. Cooldown increased from 2 min to 3 min.
- Mastery: Blightcaller now increases damage done by your diseases by 40%, up from 32%. Each point of Mastery increases disease damage by an additional 5%, up from 4%.
#31 DruidFeral
- Mangle (Cat Form) now deals 184% normal damage, down from 360%.
- Mangle (Bear Form) now deals 95% normal damage, down from 230%.
- Bear Form now increases Stamina by 10%, down from 25%.
- Survival Instincts now reduces damage taken by 50%, down from 60%. Cooldown changed to 3 min, down from 5 min.
- Shred now deals 267% damage, down from 350%. Additional damage reduced by 25%, from 1156 to 882.
- Savage Defense now reduces damage from the next physical attack that strikes you by 35% of your attack power, down from 65%.
- Swipe now deals 232% weapon damage, down from 335%.
- Ravage (Cat Form) now deals 505% damage, down from 850%. Additional damage reduced by 40%, from 2809 to 1669.
- Ravage! (Stampede) now deals 505% damage, down from 850%. Additional damage reduced by 8%, from 1817 to 1669.
- Claw now deals 77% of normal damage, down from 155%.
- Rejuvenation now costs 26% of base mana, up from 20% of base mana.
- Revitalize is now a 2 Ranks talent, down from 3 Ranks. Now has a 20% chance to proc at all ranks, now regenerates 1/2% of your total mana (down from 3%) and cannot occur more than once every 12 sec (up from 6 sec).
- Heart of the Wild now increases your Stamina in bear form by 2/4/6%, down from 3/7/10%.
#31 HunterMarksmanship
- Kill Shot now deals 116% weapon damage, down from 150%.
- Multi-Shot now deals 40% weapon damage, down from 55%.
- Aimed Shot! now deals 65% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Steady Shot now deals 62% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Arcane Shot now deals 61% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Chimera Shot now scales from 48.8% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 28.8%.
- Black Arrow base damage increased by 20%, from 3077 to 3685.
- Explosive Shot now scales from 42% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 22%. Base damage increased by 25%, from 558 to 697.
#31 MageArcane
- Arcane Blast now increases damage by 10% (down from 20%) and mana cost by 150% (down from 175%) with each cast of Arcane Blast. Now also reduces the casting time by 0.1 sec with each cast. Base cast time reduced from 2.5 sec to 2.35 sec.
- Arcane Missiles base damage has been increased by 5%, from 341 to 358.
- Focus Magic tooltip clarified to add the 30 min duration and 1 target limit.
- Arcane Barrage base damage has been increased by 5%, from [ 1004 - 1228 ] to [ 1054 - 1288 ].
- Combustion now combines all your damaging periodic Fire effects on the enemy target, but does not consume them.
- Fire Power damage has been added to the tooltip - [ 1134 to 1336 ].
- Shattered Barrier now freezes enemies within 10 yards for 2/4 sec, down from 3/6 sec.
- Fingers of Frost now has a 7/14/20% chance to proc from your Chill effects, down from 10/20/30%.
- Early Frost now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.3/0.6 sec, down from 0.35/0.7 sec.
#31 PaladinHoly
- Holy Radiance 20 yards range added to the tooltip.
- Light of Dawn now uses Holy Power instead of Mana. Now heals up to 5 targets. No longer has a cooldown - Consumes all Holy Power to send a wave of healing energy before you, healing up to 5 of the most injured targets in your party or raid within a 30 yard frontal cone for 1008.96 to 1124.15 per charge of Holy Power.
- Blessed Life now cannot occur more than 8 seconds (up from 2 seconds).
- Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself.
- Sanctity of Battle now also affects Divine Storm.
- Divine Storm no longer uses Holy Power. Now deals 60% weapon damage, costs 5% of base mana, and has a 4.5 sec cooldown.
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases your chance to block melee attacks by 18%, down from 24%. Each point of Mastery increases block chance by an additional 2.25%, down from 3%.
- Shield of the Templar now reduces the cooldown of Guardian of Ancient Kings by 45/80/120 sec, down from 1/2/3 min.
- Holy Shield now increases the amount your shield blocks by an additional 10% for 20 sec instead of increasing your block chance by 15%.
#31 Priest Discipline
- Rapture now cannot occur more than once every 12 sec, down from 6 sec.
- Atonement now heals for 50% of the damage dealt, down from 100%.
- Inner Focus no longer affects Heal. Now affects Binding Heal.
- Rapid Renewal has been removed as a talent and is now a passive skill.
- Tome of Light is now a Tier 4 talent, up from Tier 3.
- Mastery: Shadow Orb has been renamed to Mastery: Shadow Orb Power - Increases the damage done by your Shadow Orbs. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 1.25%
- Shadow Orbs *New* - You have a 10% chance for your Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay spells to grant you a Shadow Orb each time they deal damage. Casting your Mind Blast or Mind Spike spell consumes all Shadow Orbs, increasing damage of that spell by 0% per Shadow Orb, and granting 0% increased damage on your periodic Shadow spells for until cancelled. You can have up to a maximum of 3 orbs.
- Mind Spike now stacks up to 3 times (Tooltip fix)
#31 RogueAssassination
- Ambush now deals 90% weapon damage, down from 190%. Deals 130% weapon damage if a dagger is equipped, down from 275%.
- Venomous Wounds damage increased by 66%, from 403 to 675.
- Mutilate now deals 63% weapon damage, down from 150%.
- Backstab now deals 111% weapon damage, down from 200%.
- Sinister Strike now deals 42% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Bandit's Guile now increases damage to the target by up to 30%. (Up from 15%)
- Revealing Strike now deals 81% weapon damage, down from 125%.
- Aggression now increases damage of Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Eviscerate by 7/14/20%, up from 5/10/15%.
- Redirect now also redirects any insight gained from Bandit's Guile.
- Hemorrhage now deals 69% weapon damage, down from 110%. Deals 100% weapon damage if a dagger is equipped, down from 160%.
- Mastery: Executioner now increases damage done by all your finishing moves, and the effectiveness of your Slice and Dice and Recuperate abilities, by 16%, down from 20%.
- Slice and Dice now increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 6 sec, up from 3 sec.
#31 ShamanElemental
- Elemental Reach now also increases the range of Searing Totem by 7/15 yards.
- Windfury Weapon now deals 40% of weapon damage when Unleash Elements is used, up from 20%.
#31 Warlock ( Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents) Affliction
- Bane of Doom base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 2213 to 1948.
- Bane of Agony base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1743 to 1535.
- Drain Soul base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 437 to 384.
- Drain Life base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 125 to 109.
- Corruption base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1004 to 883.
- Jinx now affects up to 15 nearby targets.
- Hand of Gul'dan base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 1597 - 1886 ] to [ 1405 - 1660 ]
- Chaos Bolt base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 1490 - 1893 ] to [ 1311 - 1665 ]
- Shadowburn base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 737 - 823 ] to [ 649 - 724 ]
- Fel Flame base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 251 - 291 ] to [ 220 - 256 ]
- Shadowflame cooldown has been changed to 12 sec, down from 25 sec.
- Incinerate base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 579 - 673 ] to [ 510 - 592 ]
- Soul Fire base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 2468 - 3094 ] to [ 2171 - 2722 ].
- Searing Pain base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 322 - 382 ] to [ 283 - 336 ].
- Immolate base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 756 + 2401 over 15 sec ] to [ 665 + 2112 over 15 sec ].
- Shadow Bolt base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 640 to 714 ] to [ 563 to 629 ].
#31 WarriorArms
- Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity's additional attack now deals 100% normal damage, down from 115%.
- Overpower now deals 77% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Heroic Strike now scales from 42% of Attack Power, down from 60%.
- Rend base damage has been reduced by 17%, from 635 to 528. Additional bleed damage increased by 25%, from [ 8.57% of MWS * AP + 60% of MWB + 60% of mwb ] over 15 sec to [ 10.71% of MWS * AP + 75% of MWB + 75% of mwb ].
- Mortal Strike now deals 80% weapon damage, down from 185%.
- Mastery: Unshackled Fury now increases the benefit of abilities that cause or require you to be enraged by 37.6%, up from 25%. Each point of Mastery increases enrage effects by an additional 4.7%, up from 3.13%.
- Bloodthirst now scales from 33% of Attack Power, down from 75%.
- Raging Blow now deals 80% weapon damage, down from 150%.
- Slam now deals 95% weapon damage, down from 150%. Additional damage increased by 55%, from 277 to 430.
- Whirlwind now deals 46% weapon damage, down from 75%.
- Cleave now scales from 56.2% of Attack Power, up from 45%.
- Victory Rush now scales from 56% of Attack Power, up from 45%.
- Devastate now deals 109% weapon damage, down from 150%.
- Shield Block (Passive) now increases your chance to block by 25%, down from 100%. In addition, if your total chance to block or avoid an attack exceeds 100%, your chance to critically block is increased by the excess.
- Vigilance no longer reduces damage taken by the target by 3%.
- Mastery: Critical Block now increases your chances to block by 12%, up from 10%. Increases your chance to critically block by 12%, down from 20%. Each point of mastery now increases your chance to block by an additional 1.5%, and your chance to critically block by an additional 1.5% (Down from 2.5%).
Update #3 Yep! Our fault! Not Blizzard's! Working on a fix. (Personal message to Blizzard's CMs and Ghostcrawler: Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry.) Update: без паники! Вроде как изменения по большей части относятся к low-lvl.