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 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
Druid (Forums)
- Ferocious Bite now does less base damage and scales more with AP.
- Moonfire now scales with 63% of Spell Power, up from 48%. Now scales with 45% of Spell Power on the DoT component, up from 34.4%.
- Shred now does 365% damage, up from 260%.
- Starfall now scales with 33% of Spell Power, up from 25.3%. Now ticks every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Wrath now scales with 154% of Spell Power, up from 94.4%.
- Savagery - Savage Roar now also increases all Physical damage dealt by 45%.
- Moonkin Form now increases your armor by 100%, up from 60%.
- Starfall now scales with 33% of Spell Power, up from 25.3%. Now ticks every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Starfire now scales with 249% of Spell Power, up from 153.2%.
- Starsurge now scales with 273% of Spell Power, up from 168%.
- Sunfire now costs 8.4% of Base Mana, down from 9%. Now scales with 63% of Spell Power, up from 48%. Now scales with 45% of Spell Power on the DoT component, up from 34.4%.
Feral & Guardian
- Rip now does ~2.5x more damage.
Про рип непонятное изменение совсем, видимо AP будет так мало, что все коэффициенты нужно перекручивать
22 апр 2014, 11:02 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
22 апр 2014, 12:38 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator)
- Astral Storm now has a 35 yd range, up from 30 yds. Now ticks for 12% of Spell Power damage, down from 16%.
- Efflorescence now heals the main target for 1 + 428.5% of Spell Power, up from 132.8%. Now heals 51.4% of Spell Power to the three most injured allies within 10 yards of the initial target every 2 sec for 5 min, up from 15.9%.
- Faerie Fire now increases the target's physical damage taken by 5% for 30 sec, up from 4%.
- Hurricane (Balance) now has a 35 yd range, up from 30 yds. Now ticks for 15.8% of Spell Power damage, down from 21.1%.
- Lacerate now generates 5 rage, down from 10.
- Lifebloom now costs 5.5% of Base Mana, up from 5%.
- Maim now does 60% weapon damage, down from 100%.
- Mangle now does 230% weapon damage and generate 15 Rage, rather than 215% and 30 Rage.
- Maul now does 100% weapon damage, up from 85%.
- Moonfire now does 47.25% of Spell Power initially, down from 63%. Now does an additional 33.75% of Spell Power damage, down from 45%.
- Rake now stuns the target for 4 sec if used while stealthed.
- Shred now does 245% damage, down from 365%. Damage increased 35% while stealthed, and increased 20% against bleeding targets.
- Starfall now ticks for 24.75% of Spell Power damage, down from 33%.
- Swipe now does 135% weapon damage, down from 205%.
- Wild Mushroom: Detonate now does 17.77% of Spell Power damage, down from 23.7%.
- Wrath now does 115.5% of Spell Power, down from 154%.
- Bloody Thrash was replaced with Bloodtalons - Casting Healing Touch causes your next two melee abilities to deal 30% additional damage.
- Cenarion Ward now costs 9.2% of Base Mana, down from 8.4%.
- Dream of Cenarius has another new effect - Your Healing Touch and Rejuvenation also heal you as well, when you heal someone else
- Guardian of Elune - Savage Defense now lasts 3 sec, down from 4 sec.
- Incarnation: King of the Jungle now causes Shred and Rake to function as if stealth were active rather than allowing the use of all abilities which normally require stealth and removing the positional requirement of Ravage.
- Insect Swarm now ticks for 38.7% of Spell Power, down from 51.6%.
- Pulverize now does 300% weapon damage and generates 15 Rage, rather than 290% weapon damage and 30 Rage.
- Soul of the Forest now grants 50% haste for your next spell when you cast Swiftmend, down from 100%.
- Balance has significant changes coming. All of the changes are not reflected in these notes.
- Celestial Alignment now puts you in Celestial Alignment, an Eclipse state.
- Starfall now ticks for 24.75% of Spell Power damage, down from 33%.
- Starfire now does 186.75% of Spell Power, down from 249%.
- Starsurge now has spec specific tooltips. Now does 204.75% of Spell Power damage, down from 273%.
- Sunfire now does 47.25% of Spell Power damage initially, down from 63%. Now does an additional 33.75% of Spell Power damage, down from 45%.
- Wild Mushroom: Detonate now does 17.77% of Spell Power damage, down from 23.7%.
- Ursa Major now also grants Ursa Major from Lacerate periodic multistrikes. Ursa Major increases your maximum health by 2% for 30 sec, down from 5% for 15 sec.
- Genesis now costs 23.2% of Base Mana, up from 18%. Now heals the target for an amount equal to the healing from the consumed Rejuvenation effects over 3 sec.
- Swiftmend now costs 24.2% of Base Mana, up from 7.5%. Now heals for 428.5% of Spell Power, up from 132.8%.
- Wild Growth now costs 55% of Base Mana, up from 14.5%. Now heals for 47.4% of Spell Power, up from 12.5%.
- Wild Mushroom now heals for 51.4% of Spell Power, up from 15.9%. Now also grows from Genesis healing.
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Pounce was replaced by Glyph of Rake - Increases the range of your Rake by 8 yards while Prowl is active.
22 май 2014, 10:22 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
новая волна:
Для фералов забрали корни, барскин, майт фо урсок, вообще удалили хибернейт, многие феральные базовые абилки отобрали у других спеков т.е. помоемому сильно порезали универсальность класса
- Barkskin is now available only to Guardian Druids, and no longer provides pushback protection, but its base cooldown has been reduced to 30 seconds.
- Entangling Roots is now available only to Balance and Restoration Druids.
- Faerie Fire is now available only to Feral and Guardian Druids.
- Innervate has been removed (again). is now available only to Restoration Druids. Mana costs for Druids have been adjusted accordingly.
- Hibernate has been removed.
- Hurricane is now available only to Balance and Restoration Druids.
- Lacerate is now available only to Guardian Druids.
- Leader of the Pack no longer restores Mana.
- Mana regeneration for Feral and Guardian Druids has been increased by 100%.
- Lifebloom can no longer stack. Its healing has been increased to compensate.
- Maim is now available only to Feral Druids.
- Maul is now available only to Guardian Druids.
- Might of Ursoc is now available only to Guardian Druids, and no longer automatically activates Bear Form.
- Moonfire is now available only to Balance and Restoration Druids.
- Nature’s Grasp has been removed.
- Nature’s Swiftness is now available only to Restoration Druids.
- Nourish has been removed.
- Omen of Clarity (Feral) now affects all Druid spells and abilities.
- Owlkin Frenzy has been removed.
- Rake is now only available to Feral Druids and also stuns the target for 4 seconds when used while stealthed.
- Pounce has been removed. Abilities which modified Pounce now modify Rake instead.
- Regrowth now has a duration of 12 seconds (up from 6 second), but no longer refreshes itself on targets below 50% health.
- Rejuvenation is no longer available to Guardian Druids.
- Rip is now available only to Feral Druids.
- Shred is now available to all Druid specializations and now deals an additional 35% damage in addition to having twice the normal chance to critically strike while stealthed. Additionally, both Shred and Mangle now naturally apply the Infected Wounds snare for Feral and Guardian Druids.
- Skull Bash no longer increases the mana cost of the victim’s spells.
- Swipe is now available only to Feral Druids, and is only usable in Cat Form. Swipe (Bear Form) has been removed. Swipe (Cat Form) remains unchanged.
- Thick Hide has been removed.
- Bear Form now increases armor by 330% for all Druid specializations. For Guardian Druids, it also naturally reduces magical damage taken by 25%, reduces physical damage taken by 12%, reduces the chance to be critically hit by 6%, and reduces the chance for attacks to be parried by 3%.
- Track Humanoids has been removed.
- Travel Form now automatically transitions between Aquatic, Land, and Flight versions, as is appropriate to the Druid’s location.
- Glyph of the Stag now teaches the Druid a separate shapeshift ability, Stag Form. Stag Form will not switch between different Travel Form, and allows the Druid to act as a mount for other players.
- New passive abilities granting a 5% bonus to specific secondary stat bonuses received from equipped items have been added for all specializations.
- Balance: Mastery
- Feral: Critical Strike
- Guardian: Mastery
- Restoration: Haste
- Survival Instincts is now available to all Druid specializations. Survival Instincts now reduces damage taken by 70% (up from 50%) with a 2-minute cooldown (down from 3 minutes), and for Feral and Guardian specializations can have up to 2 charges (up from 1 charge).
- Ferocious Bite now has double the normal chance to critically strike against bleeding targets (instead of having an additional 25% chance to critically strike).
14 июн 2014, 08:19 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
скучные ченджи, просто разделяют абилки по спекам и удаляют уже имеющиеся
14 июн 2014, 13:04 |
<Ловцы Душ>
Сервер: Ткач Смерти
Рейтинг поля боя: 1439
2х2: 1313
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
такое впечатление, что управление WoW под 10-кнопочные геймпады переделывают - треть абилок тупо выпиливают, еще треть - на пассивки перекладывают, такими темпами уже какой-нибудь 6.3 вполне может выйти на PS и XBox
20 июн 2014, 16:05 |
Сервер: Blackscar
Рейтинг поля боя: 1580
2х2: 1591
3х3: 2212
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
Судить конечно рано, но по ммо-чампу у котов какие-то минимальные изменеия относительно других классов. Где-то читал, что удалят нс прок, хз правда ли. Сделали бы они что-нить антитурельное коту, заепало созерцать ваншоты по себе.
21 июн 2014, 08:38 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
Конечно судить рано они ещё могут передумать вернуть большинство абилок и нарисовать новые, добавить скилкапа и перестать отуплять вов. А ещё люди скоро начнут летать и жить вечно
21 июн 2014, 10:10 |
Сервер: Blackscar
Рейтинг поля боя: 1580
2х2: 1591
3х3: 2212
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
21 июн 2014, 12:50 |
Сервер: Черный Шрам
2х2: 1423
3х3: 1051
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
нужен нс циклон без дра
22 июн 2014, 08:11 |
Сервер: Черный Шрам
2х2: 1398
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
Там с контролем фералу что нибудь придумали, или так и остался стой кастуй? Еще какое то странное изменение с шилд воллом нашим, кд 12 сек, два заряда, действует 12 сек, втф О_о (сегодняшние патчноуты). А да, и снижение урона 70% (хотя, меня как то раз друг-энх в пвешке взорвал прямо под шв).
12 июл 2014, 19:33 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
осталось забрать у котов циклон и хилинг тач, чтобы они со всей очевидностью стали недорогами и недодруидами
12 июл 2014, 20:57 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
переделывают вов под современные тенденции. Думаю получится нечто вроде лола с 4 способностями.
13 июл 2014, 09:50 |
 HOT Таланты друидов на 100lvl HOT
переделывают потому что игра своё отжила и чтобы не потерять всех подписчиков упрощают под большинство, так как большинство играют плохо КЭП
13 июл 2014, 12:28 |