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Hotfixes September 20  
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Сообщение Hotfixes September 20

Patch 5.0.5 Hotfixes - September 20


Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment General

  • Cross-realm zones no longer bring together players who are more than 3 timezones apart.
  • When Tol Barad and Wintergrasp battles commence, cross-realm zoning should now cease for the duration, and resume after the end of the battle.
  • Cross-realm zones no longer behave erratically when a party changes leader.
  • The organizers of Azeroth's fishing tournaments have temporarily shut down their weekly affairs. Fishing tournaments will return soon. 


 Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Starfire damage has been increased by approximately 3%.
  • Starsurge damage has been increased by approximately 3%.
  • Wrath damage has been increased by approximately 9%.
  • Non-Restoration Druids will now properly get a mana discount when casting Cenarion Ward while Heart of the Wild is active. Feral and Guardian Druids will also properly gain increased healing.

 Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Glyph of Scattering should no longer cancel DoTs on boss creatures, but does still still remove all DoTs from non-boss NPCs and enemy players.

 Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

 Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Immunity to Fear will no longer prevent Void Tendrils from landing on a target.

 Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

 Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Lightning Bolt damage has been increased by approximately 8%. This also applies to Overload Lightning Bolt and Echo of the Elements Lightning Bolt.

 Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)

  • Mortal Strike now does 165% weapon damage (down from 185%).
  • Overpower now does 105% weapon damage (down from 120%)
  • Slam now does 190% weapon damage (down from 215%).
  • Raging Blow now does 190% weapon damage (down from 215%),
  • Bloodthirst now does 90% weapon damage (down from 100%).
  • Wild Strike now does 195% weapon damage (down from 220%).



Bug Fixes

  • Tanks in Theramore's Fall are no longer skinnable for leatherworkers. They can still be dismantled by engineers.

22 сен 2012, 21:33
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