Как сменить шрифт в lol?  
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Сообщение Как сменить шрифт в lol?

Пытался сделать как в данном видео



Но не меняет.

Как сделать чтоб был только 1 шрифт Архангельск?

31 мар 2012, 23:57

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

а зачем? невидно по сколько по тебе волки критуют? xD

01 апр 2012, 00:49

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?


01 апр 2012, 11:05

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

Вообще шрифты лежат тут, но с таким как в видео комбат текстом я не заморачивался.

League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_game_client_en_gb\managedfiles\\DATA\Menu\fontconfig_en_GB

02 апр 2012, 01:35

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

League of Legends\rads\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\\deploy\DATA\CFG\GamePermanent.cfg


Поставь везде Архангельск :<

И да, установи его o/


02 апр 2012, 02:44

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

Ну он стоит.

Запилил так

localaddr =
; numclients used only by server to determine how many clients he expect to connect
NumClients = 1
; 100 - order side, 200 - chaos side
TeamID = 100
; if not specified will be Annie for order, minotaur for chaos
Skin= Minotaur
CheatsDisabled = 0
PerceptionBubbleRadius = 1350
Font.Label = Archangelsk 14 1 0
Font.Text = Archangelsk 9 1 0
Font.Large = Archangelsk 12 1 0
Font.Editor = Archangelsk 10 1 0
FontSize = 9
FontName = Archangelsk
;FontName = Archangelsk
OutlineSize = 1
Bold = 1
Italic = 00
Glow = 2
OutlineColor = 0 0 0
;FillPattern = Data/Images/UI/FontBackgrounds/HorizontalWhiteGradient.dds
Color = 255 255 255
GlowColor = 0 45 0
FontSize = 9
FontName = Archangelsk
;FontName = Archangelsk
OutlineSize = 1
Bold = 1
Italic = 0
Glow = 2
OutlineColor = 0 0 0
;FillPattern = Data/Images/UI/FontBackgrounds/HorizontalWhiteGradient.dds
Color = 255 255 255
GlowColor = 45 0 0
FontSize = 9
FontName = Archangelsk
;FontName = Archangelsk
OutlineSize = 1
Bold = 1
Italic = 0
Glow = 2
OutlineColor = 0 0 0
;FillPattern = Data/Images/UI/FontBackgrounds/HorizontalWhiteGradient.dds
Color = 255 255 185
GlowColor = 0 0 0
Dance = 1
Taunt = 0
Laugh = 0
Joke = 0
MinPercentTimeForValidOnWin = .12                 ; At the end of the game on a win, how much of a percentage of a game has someone spent disconnected to be considered a leave
MinPercentTimeForValidOnFail = .10               ; At the end of the game on a fail, how much of a percentage of a game has someone spent disconnected to be considered a leave
MinTimeForValidOnWinAtEndOfGame = 300             ; At the end of the game on a win, how long do they have to be disconnected before we consider it not a leave
MinTimeForValidOnFailAtEndOfGame = 240           ; At the end of the game on a fail, how long do they have to be disconnected before we consider it not a leave
DefaultMissileGravity = 1500.000
DirectFireRadius = 200.000
IndirectFireRadius = 1000.000
; Note FPS = 1 / Frames
OverallServerFPSCap = .033 ; 1 / Frames ; Note this doesn't update live
PercentageOfMinionsProccessedPerFrame = .5 ; ie .3 means a minion will get updated every 3 frames
FPSMinonCapBeforeThrottle = .2 ;1 / Frames
PercentageOfHeroesProccessedPerFrame = .1 ; ie .3 means a hero will get updated every 3 frames (TODO: Make this not based on the number of heroes : Joel)
FPSHeroCapBeforeThrottle = .2 ;1 / Frames
BaseFontName = Archangelsk
BaseFontBold = 1
BaseFontItalic = 0
BaseFontSize = 12
BaseFontOutlineSize = 0
BaseFontColor = 255 255 255
BaseFontOutlineColor = 255 255 255
BaseFontFillPattern =
intervalInPix = -1
decayTime = 2.2
scrollSpeed = 45
; here you can specify font height / color and formatting for following event IDs
; possible key names is
;   EventId_FontSize
;   EventId_OutlineSize
;   EventId_Color
;   EventId_Text
;   EventId_ShadowColor
;   EventId_OutlineColor
;   EventId_FillPattern
;   FLOATTEXT_Damage      = 0,
Damage_FontName = Archangelsk
Damage_Bold = 0
Damage_Italic = 0
Damage_FontSize = 28
Damage_Text     = "-%d"
Damage_Color    = 255 255 255
Damage_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Damage_OutlineSize = 0
Damage_OutlineColor = 0 0 0
Damage_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Heal        = 1,
Heal_FontName = Arial
Heal_Bold = 1
Heal_Italic = 0
Heal_FontSize = 16
Heal_Color    = 0 255 0
Heal_Text     = "+%d"
Heal_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Heal_OutlineSize = 0
Heal_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
Heal_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_ManaHeal    = 2,
ManaHeal_FontName = Archangelsk
ManaHeal_Bold = 1
ManaHeal_Italic = 0
ManaHeal_FontSize = 12
ManaHeal_Color    = 100 150 255
ManaHeal_Text     = "+%d"
ManaHeal_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
ManaHeal_OutlineSize = 1
ManaHeal_OutlineColor = 10 20 50
ManaHeal_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_ManaDamage  = 3,
ManaDamage_FontName = Archangelsk
ManaDamage_Bold = 1
ManaDamage_Italic = 0
ManaDamage_FontSize = 22
ManaDamage_Color    = 0 0 190
ManaDamage_Text     = "-%d"
ManaDamage_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
ManaDamage_OutlineSize = 0
ManaDamage_OutlineColory = 255 255 255
ManaDamage_FillPattern =  None
;   FLOATTEXT_Dodge       = 4,
Dodge_FontName = Archangelsk
Dodge_Bold = 1
Dodge_Italic = 0
Dodge_FontSize = 12
Dodge_Color    = 100 200 255
Dodge_Text     = "-%d"
Dodge_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Dodge_OutlineSize = 1
Dodge_OutlineColor = 10 20 50
Dodge_FillPattern =  None
;   FLOATTEXT_Critical    = 5,
Critical_FontName = Archangelsk
Critical_Bold = 1
Critical_Italic = 0
Critical_FontSize = 35
Critical_Color    = 255 0 6
Critical_Text      = "%d"
Critical_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Critical_OutlineSize = 1
Critical_OutlineColor = 30 0 0
Critical_FillPattern =  None
;   FLOATTEXT_GoldKill    = 6,
GoldKill_FontName = Archangelsk
GoldKill_Bold = 1
GoldKill_Italic = 0
GoldKill_FontSize = 19
GoldKill_Color    = 255 214 0
GoldKill_Text      = "%d"
GoldKill_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
GoldKill_OutlineSize = 0
GoldKill_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
GoldKill_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_GoldOther   = 7,
GoldOther_FontName = Archangelsk
GoldOther_Bold = 1
GoldOther_Italic = 0
GoldOther_FontSize = 19
GoldOther_Color    = 255 214 025
GoldOther_Text     = "%d"
GoldOther_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
GoldOther_OutlineSize = 0
GoldOther_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
GoldOther_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_HealthLoss  = 8,
HealthLoss_FontName = Archangelsk
HealthLoss_Bold = 1
HealthLoss_Italic = 0
HealthLoss_FontSize = 12
HealthLoss_Color    = 255 255 255
HealthLoss_Text            = "%d"
HealthLoss_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
HealthLoss_OutlineSize = 0
HealthLoss_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
HealthLoss_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Special     = 9,
Special_FontName = Archangelsk
Special_Bold = 1
Special_Italic = 0
Special_FontSize = 12
Special_Color    = 255 255 0
Special_Text     = "%s"
Special_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Special_OutlineSize = 0
Special_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
Special_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Experience  = 10,
Experience_FontName = Archangelsk
Experience_Bold = 1
Experience_Italic = 0
Experience_FontSize = 13
Experience_Color    = 180 0 255
Experience_Text     = "%s"
Experience_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Experience_OutlineSize = 1
Experience_OutlineColor = 10 0 50
Experience_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Gold    = 11,
Gold_FontName = Archangelsk
Gold_Bold = 1
Gold_Italic = 0
Gold_FontSize = 19
Gold_Color    = 255 230 0
Gold_Text          = "%d"
Gold_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Gold_OutlineSize = 1
Gold_OutlineColor = 40 20 0
Gold_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Level    = 12,
Level_FontName = Archangelsk
Level_Bold = 0
Level_Italic = 0
Level_FontSize = 22
Level_Color    = 80 250 255
Level_Text         = "%d"
Level_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Level_OutlineSize = 1
Level_OutlineColor = 0 0 50
Glow = 0
GlowColor = 255 255 0
;Level_FillPattern = Data/Images/UI/FontBackgrounds/BlueGradient.tga
;   FLOATTEXT_Invulnerable    = 13,
Invulnerable_FontName = Archangelsk
Invulnerable_Bold = 1
Invulnerable_Italic = 0
Invulnerable_FontSize = 12
Invulnerable_Color    = 255 214 0
Invulnerable_Text          = "%d"
Invulnerable_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
Invulnerable_OutlineSize = 0
Invulnerable_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
Invulnerable_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_SpellImmunue    = 14,
SpellImmune_FontName = Archangelsk
SpellImmune_Bold = 1
SpellImmune_Italic = 0
SpellImmune_FontSize = 12
SpellImmune_Color    = 200 0 255qqq
SpellImmune_Text           = "%d"
SpellImmune_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
SpellImmune_OutlineSize = 0
SpellImmune_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
SpellImmune_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_PhysicalImmune    = 15,
PhysicalImmune_FontName = Archangelsk
PhysicalImmune_Bold = 1
PhysicalImmune_Italic = 0
PhysicalImmune_FontSize = 12
PhysicalImmune_Color    = 255 214 0
PhysicalImmune_Text        = "%d"
PhysicalImmune_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
PhysicalImmune_OutlineSize = 1
PhysicalImmune_OutlineColor = 255 255 255
PhysicalImmune_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_QuestReceived    = 22,
QuestReceived_FontName = Archangelsk
QuestReceived_Bold = 0
QuestReceived_Italic = 0
QuestReceived_FontSize = 14
QuestReceived_Color    = 0 174 255
QuestReceived_Text         = "%d"
QuestReceived_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
QuestReceived_OutlineSize = 1
QuestReceived_OutlineColor = 40 20 0
QuestReceived_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_QuestComplete    = 23,
QuestComplete_FontName = Archangelsk
QuestComplete_Bold = 0
QuestComplete_Italic = 0
QuestComplete_FontSize = 14
QuestComplete_Color    = 0 255 90
QuestComplete_Text         = "%d"
QuestComplete_ShadowColor = 0 0 0
QuestComplete_OutlineSize = 1
QuestComplete_OutlineColor = 40 20 0
QuestComplete_FillPattern = None
;   FLOATTEXT_Disable    = 28,
Disable_FontName = Archangelsk
Disable_Bold = 1
Disable_Italic = 0
Disable_FontSize = 25
Disable_Color    = 255 255 255
Disable_Text         = "%d"
Disable_ShadowColor = 40 40 40
Disable_OutlineSize = 2
Disable_OutlineColor =  35 35 35
Disable_FillPattern = None

Не работает, что не так я делаю?



02 апр 2012, 12:02

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?


25 апр 2012, 20:51

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

Fiction писал(а):

Пытался сделать как в данном видео



Но не меняет.

Как сделать чтоб был только 1 шрифт Архангельск?

Ты ещё мучаешься с комбат текстом (который изменили недавно на вполне сексуальный), или просто хочешь другой шрифт?

Магазин и прочая фигня меняется таки тут: 

Nikki писал(а):

Вообще шрифты лежат тут, но с таким как в видео комбат текстом я не заморачивался.

League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_game_client_en_gb\managedfiles\\DATA\Menu\fontconfig_en_GB

26 апр 2012, 01:50

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

Да я хочу Архангельск впилить в комбат текст.

24 май 2012, 11:55

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

После патча не изменяет.

League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_game_client_en_gb\managedfiles\\DATA\Menu\fontconfig_en_GB

Изменил тут и вообще во всех папках с 0.0.0.**, не изменяет.

В чем мб проблема?


03 июл 2012, 13:20

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?

League of Legends\rads\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\\deploy\DATA\CFG\GamePermanent.cfg


 Тоже не пашет. Везде гжде можно прописал архангельск. Не меняет. До патча все ок было


04 июл 2012, 03:01

Сообщение Re: Как сменить шрифт в lol?


04 июл 2012, 11:34
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