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лол и у них даже форум с гайдами есть   но спс

03 ноя 2016, 18:32

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн




и тут уже http://forums.crestfall-gaming.com/ начали кукарекать что ност не запустится, а мы до нового года точно запустимся

06 ноя 2016, 12:21

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

быстрее бы уже. блевать от легиона охота

06 ноя 2016, 13:30

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

В след году может релизнут

06 ноя 2016, 18:17

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Yaposhka писал(а):

В след году может релизнут


как бы срокам запуска ничего не мешает, только юридическая сторона то что они подписали бумаги что ничего не запустят лично

найти левого хозяина хоста, передать руты ядро и все форки, получить доступ как дев и профит.



Это - только несколько часов теперь перед объявлением о нашем плане относительно #wowlegacy сообщества... #Warcraft

через несколько часов ждем ответ по поводу носта от админов )

06 ноя 2016, 18:23

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн


Они отдают исходный код мёртвому серверу ЭЛИЗИУМ  

06 ноя 2016, 20:47

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06 ноя 2016, 21:13

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

кронос рип короче, теперь вопрос, акки вернут или нет

элизиум уже лежит лал )

06 ноя 2016, 21:17

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Уточка писал(а):


Они отдают исходный код мёртвому серверу ЭЛИЗИУМ  

Скольких чаров вкачал на Кроносе?   

06 ноя 2016, 21:30

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

лучше б крестам отдали ност ядро и базу, чем вальке, пстц

еще в середине лета походу было известно что вальке отдадут, так как все топы с носта как элизиум открылся, побежали туда, не на кронос

06 ноя 2016, 21:35

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Ну так крестфолл где базируется? Валька то в рашке, а у близзов тут полномочий нету

06 ноя 2016, 21:58

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Yaposhka писал(а):

Ну так крестфолл где базируется? Валька то в рашке, а у близзов тут полномочий нету


да ты прям кэп ебта

кресты какбэ тоже могли мигрировать, так как они даже не релизились

06 ноя 2016, 22:08

<Вышибатели Днищ>

Сервер: Подземье
2х2: 1127
3х3: 956
Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

valkyre-wow это же какая-то нереально древняя хрень вроде. Впринципе, если они так долго держатся, значит им можно дать какой-то кредит доверия.


Для смеха ввел свои стандартные пиратошные логин-пасс на их сайте, лол, а у меня тут 27 лвл чар какой-то есть. И аккаунт зареган в 2010 году (!), ебать.

Пожалуй вздрочну там немного.

06 ноя 2016, 22:33

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн
Сёма Серов И как теперь спать? Блин ну вы как назло на ночь взяли такие вещи постить
Legacy continues!

Dear community, 

We want to start by thanking you all for your patience. We know it has not been easy for you to wait amidst all of the rumors and hype. We too have been very excited and have struggled to keep the secret! So without further delay, let's get to it! 

It continues
As you may have already read in the latest Nostalrius announcement, Elysium will now proudly revive and continue what began a year and half ago. We will be gratefully accepting the core and player database of Nostalrius. This means that Nostalrius, exactly as you know it, will be returning. The core has not yet been transferred, but will be shortly after this announcement. Additionally, as many of you know, we have a very large percentage of the Nostalrius staff that has been part of Elysium. Their positions in the staff reach all possible areas such as Administration, Development, Game Masters and Quality Assurance. As of now we have a total of 16 Nostalrius team members (excluding Nostalrius’ administration whom will remain off of the project) and the number is growing. Together we will bring true Legacy servers to the private server community until Blizzard does! 

Respecting core values
You may be wondering why Nostalrius chose Elysium to have the first priority with the software. This has largely been answered in the announcement from Nostalrius (http://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.p ... mp;t=44550). To re-hash their points, both of our servers have many of the same moral values: 
Provide the players with the best server possible, 
Project born purely from a love of the game, 
An absolute refusal to profit from it. 
On behalf of the Elysium team, we cannot hope to fully express our gratitude for this opportunity. We promise the Nostalrius team and the community, that we will not let you down. 

Elysium’s next steps
We made a promise to the players on Elysium. That promise was a simple one: you will always have a home. We will not retract on that promise. 

The Elysium database is being frozen while work on the Nostalrius core progresses. As of the time of this announcement, all characters on Elysium have been saved and frozen to be loaded into the new core once it's complete. Elysium, as a server, will remain up for your enjoyment until the new server is complete, but any changes to your character after this announcement will not carry over. Furthermore, all items from Elysium will be downgraded to match the 1.9 Patch itemization of Nostalrius. 

First and foremost, we will hold a stress test for both PvP and PvE realms to help us gauge the amount of players to expect. We understand that players that did not experience Nostalrius will want a fresh start. Therefore, we will also hold a stress test for a fresh start. More information about this will be given in the next announcement. Depending on the community’s response, we will decide on how many realms will be open at re-launch using the Nostalrius’ core. 

PvP, PvE & fresh start
You will be able to choose which realm (in case of multiple realms) that you will be able to transfer your character to and resume playing as if Nostalrius never left. You will not be able to transfer from PvP to PvE, and so Elysium characters will only be able to join a PvP realm and Nostalrius PvE characters will only join a PvE realm. 
Additionally, we wish to assure you that all personal information linked to accounts will be protected at all costs. Therefore, a very secure process will be implement to transfer your character data from Nostalrius to the new realms hosted by Elysium. 

The timeline that Nostalrius created will be followed and items will follow a progression through patches. We will provide a new timeline with the launch date announcement. 

Let’s get this party started!
As for the dates of these servers coming to life, we cannot provide you an answer on that just yet. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done! But rest assured, the team will work tirelessly day and night until everything is ready. 

The next announcement will be this coming weekend, as well as an AMA on Sunday November 13th on /r/wowservers at 9 PM server time. We're sure you will have many more questions for us, and we will try to answer as many of them as we can. The entire staff are super excited, and could not have asked for a better community to work with. 

Together, we will shape our own Legacy.

06 ноя 2016, 22:35

Сервер: Черный Шрам
Рейтинг поля боя: 960
2х2: 1655
3х3: 1573
Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн


06 ноя 2016, 22:43

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

короче вернут пвп пве реалмы носта, с базой акков которые там были, и откроют трансфер с элизиума туда, логичное решение в общем

всем спокойной ночи, можно ждать новых новостей на след выходных   

06 ноя 2016, 22:50

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

нну норм будут с украины рулить без палева серваком

06 ноя 2016, 23:03

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Официальное инфо от одного из ГМов Носта:

Pottu писал(а):
If you have a character on Elysium currently, you can move it to the new PVP server that uses Nostalrius database.

If you had a character on Nostalrius PVP realm, it will be available on the new PVP realm.

If you had a character on Nostalrius PVE realm, it will be available on the new PVE realm.

There will possibly also be a fresh start realm, using Nostalrius core, where anyone can create a new character.

Стейтмент Элизиума:
Dear community,


We want to start by thanking you all for your patience. We know it has not been easy for you to wait amidst all of the rumors and hype. We too have been very excited and have struggled to keep the secret! So without further delay, let's get to it!


It continues


As you may have already read in the latest Nostalrius announcement, Elysium will now proudly revive and continue what began a year and half ago. We will be gratefully accepting the core and player database of Nostalrius. This means that Nostalrius, exactly as you know it, will be returning. The core has not yet been transferred, but will be shortly after this announcement. Additionally, as many of you know, we have a very large percentage of the Nostalrius staff that has been part of Elysium. Their positions in the staff reach all possible areas such as Administration, Development, Game Masters and Quality Assurance. As of now we have a total of 16 Nostalrius team members (excluding Nostalrius’ administration whom will remain off of the project) and the number is growing. Together we will bring true Legacy servers to the private server community until Blizzard does!


Respecting core values


You may be wondering why Nostalrius chose Elysium to have the first priority with the software. This has largely been answered in the announcement from Nostalrius (http://forum.nostalr...php?f=2&t=44550). To re-hash their points, both of our servers have many of the same moral values:


  • Provide the players with the best server possible,

  • Project born purely from a love of the game,

  • An absolute refusal to profit from it.


On behalf of the Elysium team, we cannot hope to fully express our gratitude for this opportunity. We promise the Nostalrius team and the community, that we will not let you down.                                                                


Elysium’s next steps
We made a promise to the players on Elysium. That promise was a simple one: you will always have a home. We will not retract on that promise.


The Elysium database is being frozen while work on the Nostalrius core progresses. As of the time of this announcement, all characters on Elysium have been saved and frozen to be loaded into the new core once it's complete. Elysium, as a server, will remain up for your enjoyment until the new server is complete, but any changes to your character after this announcement will not carry over. Furthermore, all items from Elysium will be downgraded to match the 1.9 Patch itemization of Nostalrius.




First and foremost, we will hold a stress test for both PvP and PvE realms to help us gauge the amount of players to expect. We understand that players that did not experience Nostalrius will want a fresh start. Therefore, we will also hold a stress test for a fresh start. More information about this will be given in the next announcement. Depending on the community’s response, we will decide on how many realms will be open at re-launch using the Nostalrius’ core.


PvP, PvE & fresh start


You will be able to choose which realm (in case of multiple realms) that you will be able to transfer your character to and resume playing as if Nostalrius never left. You will not be able to transfer from PvP to PvE, and so Elysium characters will only be able to join a PvP realm and Nostalrius PvE characters will only join a PvE realm.


Additionally, we wish to assure you that all personal information linked to accounts will be protected at all costs. Therefore, a very secure process will be implement to transfer your character data from Nostalrius to the new realms hosted by Elysium.




The timeline that Nostalrius created will be followed and items will follow a progression through patches. We will provide a new timeline with the launch date announcement.


Let’s get this party started!


As for the dates of these servers coming to life, we cannot provide you an answer on that just yet. There is a lot of work that still needs to be done! But rest assured, the team will work tirelessly day and night until everything is ready.


The next announcement will be this coming weekend, as well as an AMA on Sunday November 13th on /r/wowservers at 9 PM server time. We're sure you will have many more questions for us, and we will try to answer as many of them as we can. The entire staff are super excited, and could not have asked for a better community to work with.


Together, we will shape our own Legacy.

Сам я надеюсь, что они запилят fresh start сервак, причём не с пред AQ патча, а с релизного, как в своё вермя сделали для Nostalrius PvE.

06 ноя 2016, 23:18

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Alaron писал(а):

Какой на Элизиум ПвП был онлайн? 


06 ноя 2016, 23:22

Сообщение Крутой ванила сервер nostalrius.org - 6К+ онлайн

Я вижу один плюс, пинг должен быть норм

07 ноя 2016, 00:55
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На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.