LEGEN... wait for it... DARY  
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<Monkey Madness>

Сервер: Sylvanas
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Сежуани будут реворкать :troll:

Here is what Meddler had to say about Sejuani's rework, what details they've more or less settled on, and what they are still experimenting with:


folks, first update on progress with Sejuani here. Since the original
post I've gathered a bunch of feedback, particularly through threads
like this, and tried out various changes in internal playtests, some of
which have tested well, some of which haven't and some of which are
still works in progress. The goal of these changes is to try and
maintain what people like about Sejuani while adding a bit more
perceived impact/readability to her abilities, increasing her
opportunities for big plays (and, if needed to balance that, adding a
bit more counterplay in exchange) and investigating a bit of increased
use of her boar/flail as thematic elements if appropriate.


of things that have already tested well and are likely to be part of
her rework (generally low risk quality of life improvements):



  1. Changing
    the mark for Permafrost from a very weak slow to a non CC debuff. This
    allows allows the mark's duration to be extended to a longer value than
    would be appropriate for a slow and stops the mark from having a reduced
    duration against targets with CC.
  2. A clearer particle for that mark so it's really clear at any point which enemies will be affected by Permafrost's activation.
  3. Slightly
    increased responsiveness on Artic Assualt when it comes to detecting
    collisions with enemies and calculating travel through terrain, courtesy
    of some tech improvements since her development.

Examples of things still in testing (being experimented with to see if they work, not guaranteed to happen): 



  1. Base stat tweaks
  2. Adding
    a bit of tankiness somewhere on the kit to better match Sejuani's
    thematics (tough warrior on a giant boar) and reduce the amount of
    damage she takes early on.
  3. Changes to Artic Assault's behaviour on hitting an enemy champion (e.g. stronger CC than just a slow)
  4. Whether Northern
    Winds should apply the mark for Permafrost and then have its gameplay
    tweaked (since the current 'bonus damage against Frosted targets'
    interaction wo
    uld then be irrelevant)
  5. Increasing risk of play slightly and in exchange increasing reward for good play to match.

next step design side is simply more testing and iteration, both on the
examples listed above and some other stuff. Then, once we've got a set
of changes we're happy with, we'll refine those, balance them and, where
needed then work with our art department on new visual/audio elements
(e.g. the clearer mark for Permafost as above). As previously mentioned
there's also some interest internally in tweaking Sejuani's appearance a
bit. That's not my area of expertise so I'll try and catch IronStylus
at some point and see if there's anything concrete about that can be
passed on about that. As far as timeframe for all of this goes there's
still a fair while to go - I expect we'll see at least one other rework
out before Sejuani's. Stuff is progressing though and I'll update again
in a while once we've got things more locked down design side.





21 янв 2013, 18:06

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Ubah писал(а):

Deadly Union, маг Ubah, ты ли это?


Передавай привет Шаго.


21 янв 2013, 18:09

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Шаго я не видел года полтора


Ты конченый выблядок с 1200, который пикает Ли Сина, не умея на нем играть.

Не благодари.


нет, это ты конченый выблядок !

21 янв 2013, 18:31

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

roguerogue писал(а):

сильнейшие ганки в игре.

просто имбалансный сплит пуш всю игру.


Не понимаю как это противоречит тому, что я писал прежде.

Вполне отчётливо высказался, что ёрли Шако - как у ЛБ и Мэнтеона, и все прекрасно знают что будет в лейте.

Точно также, как и полезность до 6го уровня и полезность после.  Только вот не говори, что остальные джанглеры (скарнер, нок, бла бла) после 6го совсем никудышные и не оп.



Куча это лии син, ксин и дариус?


Если у тебя есть опыт 30+ игр на Шако - то сам ответишь на свой вопрос. Если нет, то и незачем влезать.

Не вижу смысла вступать в словесную перебранку ради "ничего".

Если тебе нужен совет профи - обратись к гумбеку и саттару.


21 янв 2013, 18:46

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Странно, что в патчнотах про казикса (пока?) ничего нет

21 янв 2013, 18:53

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

flander писал(а):

Он походу имел ввиду что и чары будут промахиваться :) Если я правильно понял)

Да, я не обратил внимание, что там нон-чамп =)


21 янв 2013, 18:55

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

cкиньте полностью патчноуты уже

21 янв 2013, 19:04

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

ccылку пасоны постили недавно



21 янв 2013, 19:59
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY


Энерлол писал(а):

Сежуани будут реворкать :troll:

Here is what Meddler had to say about Sejuani's rework, what details they've more or less settled on, and what they are still experimenting with:


folks, first update on progress with Sejuani here. Since the original
post I've gathered a bunch of feedback, particularly through threads
like this, and tried out various changes in internal playtests, some of
which have tested well, some of which haven't and some of which are
still works in progress. The goal of these changes is to try and
maintain what people like about Sejuani while adding a bit more
perceived impact/readability to her abilities, increasing her
opportunities for big plays (and, if needed to balance that, adding a
bit more counterplay in exchange) and investigating a bit of increased
use of her boar/flail as thematic elements if appropriate.


of things that have already tested well and are likely to be part of
her rework (generally low risk quality of life improvements):



  1. Changing
    the mark for Permafrost from a very weak slow to a non CC debuff. This
    allows allows the mark's duration to be extended to a longer value than
    would be appropriate for a slow and stops the mark from having a reduced
    duration against targets with CC.
  2. A clearer particle for that mark so it's really clear at any point which enemies will be affected by Permafrost's activation.
  3. Slightly
    increased responsiveness on Artic Assualt when it comes to detecting
    collisions with enemies and calculating travel through terrain, courtesy
    of some tech improvements since her development.

Examples of things still in testing (being experimented with to see if they work, not guaranteed to happen): 



  1. Base stat tweaks
  2. Adding
    a bit of tankiness somewhere on the kit to better match Sejuani's
    thematics (tough warrior on a giant boar) and reduce the amount of
    damage she takes early on.
  3. Changes to Artic Assault's behaviour on hitting an enemy champion (e.g. stronger CC than just a slow)
  4. Whether Northern
    Winds should apply the mark for Permafrost and then have its gameplay
    tweaked (since the current 'bonus damage against Frosted targets'
    interaction wo
    uld then be irrelevant)
  5. Increasing risk of play slightly and in exchange increasing reward for good play to match.

next step design side is simply more testing and iteration, both on the
examples listed above and some other stuff. Then, once we've got a set
of changes we're happy with, we'll refine those, balance them and, where
needed then work with our art department on new visual/audio elements
(e.g. the clearer mark for Permafost as above). As previously mentioned
there's also some interest internally in tweaking Sejuani's appearance a
bit. That's not my area of expertise so I'll try and catch IronStylus
at some point and see if there's anything concrete about that can be
passed on about that. As far as timeframe for all of this goes there's
still a fair while to go - I expect we'll see at least one other rework
out before Sejuani's. Stuff is progressing though and I'll update again
in a while once we've got things more locked down design side.








21 янв 2013, 21:53

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Только что мой топер после того как отдался 2ой раз на лайне рейджквитнул послав всех нахуй. И ТУТ СЛУЧИЛОСЬ ЧУДО!!! Loss Prevented! Спасибо риоты за лаги, я люблю вас!

21 янв 2013, 22:15

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Представляю вам Упоротого Человека Наутилуса.


99% игр за Наутилуса и только на доминионе.

Вот та игра за Сораку - случайность. Но даже на Сораке он собрал берсерки. :facepalm

21 янв 2013, 23:08

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY


21 янв 2013, 23:18

Сообщение LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

теперь мой твич вообще самый топовый твич.

Шокинбубз писал(а):

Только что мой топер после того как отдался 2ой раз на лайне рейджквитнул послав всех нахуй. И ТУТ СЛУЧИЛОСЬ ЧУДО!!! Loss Prevented! Спасибо риоты за лаги, я люблю вас!

Свин минуснул. Это был он?

21 янв 2013, 23:28

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY


21 янв 2013, 23:29

Сообщение LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

roguerogue писал(а):

теперь мой твич вообще самый топовый твич.

Шокинбубз писал(а):

Только что мой топер после того как отдался 2ой раз на лайне рейджквитнул послав всех нахуй. И ТУТ СЛУЧИЛОСЬ ЧУДО!!! Loss Prevented! Спасибо риоты за лаги, я люблю вас!

Свин минуснул. Это был он?

Свину просто не нравится, что когда его керят ему дают всего +6.

21 янв 2013, 23:33

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Сегодня короче джанглил впервые твитчом с акка друга:





21 янв 2013, 23:34

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

На вармоге затащил по пацаначке

21 янв 2013, 23:39

Сервер: Draenor
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Juron писал(а):

Сегодня короче джанглил впервые твитчом с акка друга:






рогуерогуе делай заметки по билдам


21 янв 2013, 23:46

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Мне ли советовать Графу как билдить твитча  :rofl

21 янв 2013, 23:56

Сообщение LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Отличный билд . Отличный счет. Все по мете. Претензий не имею.

22 янв 2013, 00:05
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