LEGEN... wait for it... DARY  
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Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Ну я привык, что обычно всю инфу постят в новостях или в теме с турнирами. А тут случайно наткнулся на стрим, на пг нигде ничего не слышно. Поэтому решил поделиться, может не я один такой.


Skillshotbaby писал(а):





31 янв 2013, 20:26

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY





31 янв 2013, 23:37

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

блинский! 23 ело нехватило до платины и выключили ранкеды :(

31 янв 2013, 23:51

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Goth Annie будет доступна с сегодняшенго дня до 10 февраля за 975 рп.

Не уверен, стоит ли брать. Скин конечно классный, но Аня сейчас не может конкурировать с другими ап керри и тем более КаЗиксами и Пантеонами.

01 фев 2013, 00:56

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Я бы тебе поставил минус, если бы мог. За такие слова вообще банить нужно. Это же анечка!

01 фев 2013, 00:59

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

+ у готик ани будет новый потрясный арт.

01 фев 2013, 01:14
Профиль ICQ Skype

<Ин Террорем>

Сервер: Soulflayer
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Шокинбубз писал(а):

блинский! 23 ело нехватило до платины и выключили ранкеды :(

я знаю это ощущение

01 фев 2013, 01:22
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Было 23 эла, а теперь игр 10+ наверное играть если повезет  :good

01 фев 2013, 01:30

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Зато в серебро труднее упасть, вот.

01 фев 2013, 01:34

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

А что собственно произайдет\изменится с "включением 3 сезона"?

01 фев 2013, 01:34

<Ин Террорем>

Сервер: Soulflayer
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

При переходе из дивизиона в дивизион нужно выйграть 3 игры чтоле из 5 предоставленых, внутри дивизиона из 3х одну или две.

01 фев 2013, 02:30
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

т.е. сегодня уже включат эти дивизионы?

Где справедливость, почему мы не мусумальне!

По моему риоты просто троллят

01 фев 2013, 03:34
Профиль ICQ Skype

<Ин Террорем>

Сервер: Soulflayer
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Судя по всему да. И спотлайт изменений на ютубе появился и предупреждение в клиенте

01 фев 2013, 03:46
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Спойлер с вестом дне работает

01 фев 2013, 09:30

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Juron писал(а):

Спойлер с вестом дне работает


01 фев 2013, 09:48

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY


Base mana reduced to 240 from 300
Rocket Grab
Mana cost increased to 120 from 110

Feral Scream
Silence duration reduced to 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds from 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3

Pale Cascade
Adjusted orbs to better account for enemy model size

Mana cost increased to 80/85/90/95/100 from 60
Mana cost reduced to 50 from 65

These changes are a continuation of our earlier effort to carefully scale back some of Ezreal’s excess power. Although these nerfs affect AP Ezreal, right now we’re focused on stabilizing AD Ezreal. After that we’ll assess the state of AP Ezreal.
Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330
Rising Spell Force
Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 6
Trueshot Barrage
Damage falloff per target hit increased to 10% from 8%

Though these aren’t all the Heimerdinger changes we’d eventually like to do, these are some quality of life adjustments that should help smooth out Heimer’s current gameplay.
H-28G Evolution Turrets
Now displays timer of when Heimerdinger will get his next ammo charge
Turrets will now attempt to prioritize enemies hit by Heimerdinger’s basic attacks or his CH-1 Concussion Grenade
Cast time removed

These changes are focused on once again increasing the risk of Katarina’s gameplay by forcing her to build more offensive stats and focus on pulling off well-timed Death Lotuses.
Bouncing Blades
Initial damage reduced to 60/85/110/135/160 from 60/90/120/150/180
Damage reduction duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 3
Death Lotus
Total ability power ratio increased to 2.0 from 1.75

Slicing Maelstrom
No longer has an energy cost

Pix, Faerie Companion
Damage adjusted to 9-105 from 15-87

Master Yi
Total heal amount increased to 200/350/500/650/800 from 140/280/420/560/700
Total ability power ratio reduced to 2.0 from 4.0
Mana cost reduced to 50/65/80/95/110 from 70/80/90/100/110

Miss Fortune
Bullet Time
Bonus attack damage ratio reduced to 0.35 from 0.45
Targeting cone is now attached to Miss Fortune

Nasus now gains double the bonus from Siphoning Strike when it’s used to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.
Siphoning Strike
Permanent damage bonus is now doubled to 6 when killing a champion, large minion or large monster

These changes are focused on forcing Nunu to play more actively in his support role by reducing the power he passively contributes to his allies.
Base movement speed increased to 350 from 340
Blood Boil
Duration reduced to 12 seconds from 15
Attack speed bonus reduced to 25/30/35/40/45% from 25/35/45/55/65%
Movement speed bonus reduced to 8/9/10/11/12% from 11/12/13/14/15%

Slow now fades over the duration
Vicious Strikes
Cooldown increased to 16 seconds from 12
No longer passively grants bonus armor penetration
Now only grants bonus armor penetration while active

Range reduced to 400 from 500
Two-Shiv Poison
Slow reduced at earlier ranks to 10/15/20/25/30% from 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%

Ki Strike
Cooldown reduction per attack reduced to 1 second from 1.5
Cooldown reduction per attack while Feint is active reduced to 2 seconds from 3

Sion now receives twice the bonus stats from Enrage when he uses it to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.
Permanent max health bonus is now doubled to 2/3/4/5/6 upon killing a champion, large minion or large monster

Rapid Fire
Mana cost reduced to 50 from 80
Explosive Shot
Damage increased to 110/150/190/230/270 from 110/140/170/200/230

Base Attack Speed increased to 0.670 from 0.644
Fury decay now begins after 8 seconds of being out of combat from 5 seconds

Veigar now receives twice the bonus stats from Baleful Strike when he uses it to kill more significant (“large”) targets such as enemy champions, cannon minions, the giant wolf or even Baron Nashor. This change reinforces the game’s general reward structure, wherein more important units provide additional rewards.
Baleful Strike
Permanent ability power gain is now doubled to 2 when killing a champion, large minion, or large monster

Updated Recommended Items
Vault Breaker
Fixed a bug where Vault Breaker's area of effect was inconsistent at the end area of the dash
Fixed a bug where Improved Recall was refunding Vault Breaker's cooldown and mana cost
Excessive Force
Fixed a bug where Excessive Force could fire multiple times if used on an invulnerable target or while blinded

Volibear’s base attack speed was below average for an attack-based melee champion. This change helps address this deficiency and helps him clear the jungle.
Base attack speed increased to 0.658 from 0.625


Seeker's Armguard (New Item)
Recipe: Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + Amplifying Tome + 125 gold = 1160 gold
+30 armor
+25 ability power
Unique passive: Kills grant 0.5 bonus armor and ability power. This bonus stacks up to 30 times.

Zhonya's Hourglass
Recipe changed: Seeker's Armguard + Needlessly Large Rod + 650 gold = 3410 gold (from 3100)
Ability Power increased to 120 from 100

These changes are to reduce the excessive amount of early vision teams can acquire with little cost. This should create more opportunities to gank and reward counter play, especially for junglers.
Recipe changed: Ruby Crystal + 475 gold = 950 gold (from 700)
Health increased to 180 from 100
Gold reward for Sightstone wards increased to 25 from 10

Ruby Sightstone
These changes are to reduce the excessive amount of early vision teams can acquire with little cost. This should create more opportunities to gank and reward counter play, especially for junglers.
Total cost increased to 1550 gold from 1300
Health increased to 360 from 300
Gold reward for Ruby Sightstone wards increased to 25 from 10

Giant's Belt
Health reduced to 380 from 400

Warmog's Armor
Recipe changed: Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal + Rejuvenation Bead + Rejuvenation Bead = 2830 gold (from 2650)

Sunfire Cape
Combine cost increased to 930 gold from 780 (total cost increased to 2650 gold from 2500)

Fiendish Codex
This change allows Fiendish Codex and its various build paths to be more versatile and universally attractive for ability power champions.
Faerie Charm removed from recipe
Total cost is now 820 gold from 1000
No longer grants any mana regen

Nashor's Tooth
Combine cost reduced to 200 gold from 250 (total cost reduced to 2270 gold from 2500)
No longer grants any mana regen

Banner of Command
Recipe changed: Fiendish Codex + Emblem of Valor + 890 gold = 2360 gold (from 2400)

Deathfire Grasp
Recipe changed: Fiendish Codex + Needlessly Large Rod + 880 gold = 3300 gold (from 3000)
Ability power increased to 120 from 100

Recipe changed: Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + Kage's Lucky Pick + 435 gold = 2200 gold

Athene's Unholy Grail
Combine cost reduced to 900 from 920 (total cost reduced to 2600 gold from 2800)

The Bloodthirster
Combine cost increased to 850 gold from 650 (total cost increased to 3200 gold from 3000)

The Black Cleaver
We are now fairly comfortable with Black Cleaver’s strategic niche, but we want to scale back some excess power.
Health reduced to 200 from 300
Maximum stacks increased to 5 from 4
Armor reduction per stack reduced to 5% from 6%
Fixed a bug where spells were applying more reduction than intended

Trinity Force
Combine cost reduced to 3 gold from 300 (total cost reduced to 3903 gold from 4200)

Spirit Stone
Combine cost reduced to 40 gold from 140 (total cost reduced to 700 gold from 800)

Spirit of the Spectral Wraith
Combine cost reduced to 100 gold from 400 (total cost reduced to 2000 gold from 2400)

Frozen Heart
Combine cost reduced to 400 gold from 500 (total cost reduced to 3000 gold from 3100)

Doran's Shield
Health regen per 5 seconds increased to 8 from 5

The matchmaking system will now take into account matchmaking rating and number of wins in the player's current queue when creating matches

We've made database upgrades which have cleared displayed match history in player profiles. All stats are still stored, but your previous 10 games will not show up.
Tenacity now appears on the character sheet as a stat.
All champions with abilities that reduce the duration of disabling effects now gain tenacity instead.
e.g. Singed, Trundle, Irelia, Garen, etc.
Champion tenacity stacks with item tenacity, mastery tenacity and cleanse.
Fixed a bug where Rengar and Kha'zix "On The Hunt" quest might fail to activate when Kha'zix was dead.
Fixed a bug where chat messages from Anivia would display the incorrect champion name while she was in egg form.
Inhibitors and turrets now have kill callouts.

Co-op vs. AI:
Bots will occasionally chat at the beginning and end of games
Added Jarvan IV bot to all maps
Improved retreat logic for bots with dashes.

01 фев 2013, 10:20

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1257
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Цитата с офф форума,красный пост, на болезненную для многих тему :rofl


Hey guys, let me jump into this thread and throw in my 2c. When a player
types the words Easy at the end of a game, GG easy or something
similar, it is a taunt or a bait to entice anger. If you have been
stomped in 20 minutes and an opponent types easy, it is not only
possibly true for them, but it is said in malice and to spite his
opponents. If an opponent says that after a 50minute back and forth nail
biter, the intention is still the same, to simply spite his opponents.

The problem is two fold here, if a player starts to 'bait' these
comments and entice flame in the post game match up, the best thing to
do is to simply wipe your hands of the event and move on. If someone is
truly offended by an opponent typing 'easy' then I think the /mute
function is your friend and you should just mute that player in the
event you ever play against them again. As this is just a single line,
often without any context, or without any build up or discussion. It is
extremely difficult to monitor and police. However that is the reason
for the Tribunal, and if players have been negative throughout the match
up and leading to this, then obviously report them.

In an ideal world, players are respectful on both sides, graceful in
defeat and honourable in victory, but this simply isn't always the case.
This isn't something clear cut, like swearing, language, personal
attacks etc. If we are ever going to get over these instances, then
players on both sides of the fence need to stop feeding the trolls that
fight back. If someone types Easy and you report, flame and fight, you
are on fueling them to continue doing so. Take the high road and don't
allow these players to negatively affect your gaming experience.
Eventually without people fighting or flaming back, even the trolls will
stop typing GG easy.

01 фев 2013, 10:21
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Красиво сделали


01 фев 2013, 10:25

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Баф триника-отличная новость, нерф вармога тоже нормально, хотя он был идеальным артом практически всем на ком я играю.

Достали уже одинаковые билды на любом герое через вармог+ рандом итем на деф-хп.

Надо глянуть, что теперь может насус в джангле с этим баффом, насколько больше будет на q минуте к 20-той

01 фев 2013, 10:57

<Нафиг с пляжу я тут ляжу>

Сервер: Страж Смерти
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

p0figist писал(а):

Баф триника-отличная новость, нерф вармога тоже нормально, хотя он был идеальным артом практически всем на ком я играю.

Достали уже одинаковые билды на любом герое через вармог+ рандом итем на деф-хп.

Надо глянуть, что теперь может насус в джангле с этим баффом, насколько больше будет на q минуте к 20-той

каждое животное так думало, поэтому и большая часть нынешних игр превращалась в унылое гавно


01 фев 2013, 11:00
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