LEGEN... wait for it... DARY  
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Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

2 тянки вообще сок , какие в пень адк братюня. Блин, я знал, что с твоим ником и правда что-то не так   

11 мар 2015, 20:35

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1591
3х3: 1760
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

не ну а что, Аша пойдет? Если лутану на ней чалленгера, дадите зеленый ник хотяб?

11 мар 2015, 20:37

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Зеленый не за это дают. Да врывайся на чем хочешь, хотя за Ашу бонусные поинты положены.

11 мар 2015, 21:15
Профиль Skype


Сервер: Черный Шрам
Рейтинг поля боя: 2020
2х2: 1826
3х3: 2196
5х5: 2316
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Spicetime писал(а):

На каком адк ворваться до чалленгера на рашке? не ургот.

попробуй дрейвена , в основном на боте играют о̶д̶н̶и̶ ̶а̶у̶т̶и̶с̶т̶ы̶ люди не играющие на адк/саппортах , поэтому для того чтобы налутать халявы на боте и выйграть 1в9 дравен подходить хорошо . но это если фанится , а так грейвс/калиста/досочка

11 мар 2015, 21:58
Профиль Skype

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1591
3х3: 1760
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

знаешь, я подумал, но ловить топоры так влом, вообщем ворвусь ка Ашой, с меня скрины, расскажу работает или нет. Всем добра.  

11 мар 2015, 22:02

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Чем тебе Грейвс не угодил или Коркет?

11 мар 2015, 22:05

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1591
3х3: 1760
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Очень простые чемпионы. Не интересно. 

да еще хочу ради этих моментов поиграть. 


11 мар 2015, 22:06

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Spicetime писал(а):

На каком адк ворваться до чалленгера на рашке? не ургот.

говорят джинкс, но я сам не пробовал

11 мар 2015, 22:45


Сервер: Черный Шрам
Рейтинг поля боя: 2020
2х2: 1826
3х3: 2196
5х5: 2316
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

http://www.lolking.net/summoner/ru/126881#profile недавно встречали в солоку , незнаю чем так всех адшников превлекает аша , но моей леоне нравится играть против неё 

11 мар 2015, 22:47
Профиль Skype

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1591
3х3: 1760
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Какой то он неочень. С ашой зайдет отлично жанна, но в сыграном дуо q аша бц pwn all.

11 мар 2015, 22:52

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

 Definitely Not Udyr ( )

750 RP  


11 мар 2015, 23:15

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1591
3х3: 1760
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

На 4 скрине чувак, которого в гта сан андреас так не переплыл, быстрый был, сволоч.

11 мар 2015, 23:18

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Champion Mastery

Today's PBE patch includes a new Champion Mastery system, a new reward system where you rank up with each individual champion while playing and earn various rewards.

Here's more information from Riot's release announcement:

"CHAMPION MASTERY  We want to recognize you for playing the champs you love and give you feedback on how well you play them.

"With Champion Mastery, you now get points, ranks, and rewards for the champs you play. Now, if you want to show other players that you’re a dedicated Swain main, or a big cheese with Twitch, you can!  HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS

Finish a game of League and you’ll earn points for your champion based on your team’s performance as well as your own contribution. Earn enough points and you’ll level up that champ’s mastery level, giving you rewards as you progress.

  Hover over your Champion Mastery points bar in the post-game screen and you’ll see the grade that our new system gives you. Grades are awarded based on your overall performance in the role along with the champion you’re playing and, crucially, where you’re playing them. Leveling Up  Check out your in-client profile, and you’ll see a new stat telling you your mastery score, a sum of all your mastery ranks combined. 


REWARDS We’re kicking off Champion Mastery with the first five ranks for each champion unlocked. Here are the crests your champion will earn as they rank up:

We’re kicking off the rollout with a PBE stint from 3/11. If all goes well, a couple of weeks later we’ll then launch a beta in a single region, focusing on Summoner’s Rift normal queues to make sure the feature’s stable for expanded use. We’ll read through your feedback and keep you updated with our progress, too, so keep an eye out for future posts after the service goes live!  Eligibility  All summoners who’ve hit level five or higher will be eligible for Mastery points. However, at launch, it’ll only support normal games on Summoner’s Rift.  The Future  This is just the beginning for Champion Mastery. As the system matures, we’ll unlock extra tiers and rewards as we build on the program! "

AIR Client animations -

IN-Game strings:

 "Make your champion display your mastery badge.  This will cancel any attack or movement commands."   "If you have unlocked a mastery emote for the champion you are currently playing, the command will play your mastery emote."

11 мар 2015, 23:51

<Ин Террорем>

Сервер: Soulflayer
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

тот самый момент, когда рито взяли идею у вольво и метелицы  

12 мар 2015, 00:13
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Педоудир это пипец, приехали

12 мар 2015, 00:23
Профиль WWW

<Ин Террорем>

Сервер: Soulflayer
Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

скажи спасибо что не селфи камеры и интеграция с твитером

12 мар 2015, 00:43
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

А что, с твиттером было бы круто. Делаешь пенту и в твиттер улетает мессадж со скриншотом. Убиваешься об куриц в джунглях и твит "fml".

Если со скрином, то это в момент заменило бы один раздел на этом форуме

12 мар 2015, 00:51

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

rip in peperoni liga ligend

12 мар 2015, 01:54

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

Warfail писал(а):

Champion Mastery

Today's PBE patch includes a new Champion Mastery system, a new reward system where you rank up with each individual champion while playing and earn various rewards.

Here's more information from Riot's release announcement:

"CHAMPION MASTERY  We want to recognize you for playing the champs you love and give you feedback on how well you play them.

"With Champion Mastery, you now get points, ranks, and rewards for the champs you play. Now, if you want to show other players that you’re a dedicated Swain main, or a big cheese with Twitch, you can!  HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS

Finish a game of League and you’ll earn points for your champion based on your team’s performance as well as your own contribution. Earn enough points and you’ll level up that champ’s mastery level, giving you rewards as you progress.

  Hover over your Champion Mastery points bar in the post-game screen and you’ll see the grade that our new system gives you. Grades are awarded based on your overall performance in the role along with the champion you’re playing and, crucially, where you’re playing them. Leveling Up  Check out your in-client profile, and you’ll see a new stat telling you your mastery score, a sum of all your mastery ranks combined. 


REWARDS We’re kicking off Champion Mastery with the first five ranks for each champion unlocked. Here are the crests your champion will earn as they rank up:

We’re kicking off the rollout with a PBE stint from 3/11. If all goes well, a couple of weeks later we’ll then launch a beta in a single region, focusing on Summoner’s Rift normal queues to make sure the feature’s stable for expanded use. We’ll read through your feedback and keep you updated with our progress, too, so keep an eye out for future posts after the service goes live!  Eligibility  All summoners who’ve hit level five or higher will be eligible for Mastery points. However, at launch, it’ll only support normal games on Summoner’s Rift.  The Future  This is just the beginning for Champion Mastery. As the system matures, we’ll unlock extra tiers and rewards as we build on the program! "

AIR Client animations -

IN-Game strings:

 "Make your champion display your mastery badge.  This will cancel any attack or movement commands."   "If you have unlocked a mastery emote for the champion you are currently playing, the command will play your mastery emote."

12 мар 2015, 03:02

Сообщение Re: LEGEN... wait for it... DARY

скринов ещё про "первый нах" накидай,чтоб вообще в тренде быть  

12 мар 2015, 03:21
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