Metalocalypse follows the adventures of the world's most popular band, Dethklok. The half American, half Scandinavian band is the epitome of metal, so much so that they are pretty much useless in every other facet of life, as the first episode shows. Clearly, Brendon Small (the creator of the show) is a metal-head, and as such there are often little nuances and inside jokes that other metal fans will truly appreciate. The Norwegian and Swedish guitar players are hysterical, even though you can hardly understand anything they say, but thats what makes them so funny. Their broken English is a perfect play on almost any guitar player from any death/black metal band you can think of. Cameos from Kirk and James from Metallica leave me wondering what other musicians might do voices in upcoming episodes, and how can you not automatically love a show that has Mark Hamill in a recurring role? The music is also worth mentioning
30 май 2010, 03:58
Re: Metalocalypse
Die for dethklok
30 май 2010, 12:31
Re: Metalocalypse
круче :)
30 май 2010, 15:07
Re: Metalocalypse
Deathmont писал(а):
круче :)
Это какой-то лютый пиздец.
04 июн 2010, 05:54
Re: Metalocalypse
металпокалипс интересная вещица смотрел первый сезон и чутка второго
На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.