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 Начало новой Эры
Анонсы, изменения на портале, планы на будущее, подробные списки Гладиаторов и прочее будет позже. Конец сезона и Разгневанные Гладиаторы #538 А пока, в ожидании подъёма армори и серверов, можно обсудить новый билд беты. Важно: время каста контроля снизили с двух секунд до 1.7 Патчик
[рыцарь смерти] Death KnightBlood
- Rune Strike now deals 150% weapon damage, down from 200%. No longer requires you to dodge or parry, only usable while in Blood Presence. Now costs 30 Runic Power, up from 20 Runic Power.
- Improved Blood Presence now increases your rune generation by 10/20%
[друид] DruidBalance- Moonfury now also affects Starsurge.
- Cyclone now has a 1.7 sec cast time, down from 2 sec.
- Starfire now costs 11% of base mana, down from 16%. Cast time changed to 3.2 sec, down from 3.5 sec.
- Entangling Roots now has a 1.7 sec cast time, down from 2 sec.
- Thorns damage reduced by 66%, now deals [ 16.8% of Spell Power + 178.58 ] or [ 16.8% of AP + 178.58 ] depending on the highest.
- Moonfire base additional damage increased by 50%.
- Wrath now costs 9% of base mana, down from 14%.
- Euphoria now restores 8/16% (up from 6/12%) mana when you reach a Solar or Lunar eclipse.
Feral- Swipe base damage reduced by 50%. Now costs 15 Rage, down from 30 Rage.
- Nurturing Instinct now increases healing spells by up to 50/100% of your Agility, up from 35/70%.
Restoration- Efflorescence now heals over 7.5 sec, up from 7 sec.
[охотник] HunterMarksmanship- Flare now lasts 20 secs.
- Tranquilizing Shot now costs 20 Focus, down from 35 Focus.
- Aimed Shot now scales from 48% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 31%.
- Arcane Shot nos cales from 4.2% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 4%.
Survival- Explosive Shot now scales from 18% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 15%.
- Freezing Trap now lasts up to 1 min, up from 20 sec.
- Hunting Party now increases your total Agility by 2%, down from 10%.
- Survival Tactics no longer reduces the resist chances of Feign Death.
- Improved Serpent Sting now also increases the periodic critical strike chance of your Serpent Sting by 5/10%.
[маг] MageArcane- Polymorph now has a 1.7 sec cast time, down from 2 sec.
Frost- Ring of Frost now has a 2 min cooldown, down from 3 min.
- Shatter now also increases the damage done by Frostbolt against frozen targets by 10/20%.
Fire- Combustion reworded to clarify its effect - Consumes all your damaging periodic Fire effects on an enemy target, instantly dealing 954.57 to 1131.92 Fire damage and creating a new periodic effect that lasts 10 sec and deals damage per time equal to the sum of the consumed effects. / 40 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown
[паладин] PaladinHoly- Holy Radiance now heals all friendly targets within 20 yards, up from 10 yards.
- Exorcism now scales from 22,5% of AP or Spell Power, up from 15%.
- Lay on Hands Forbearance effect no longer includes Divine Protection or self-targeted Lay on Hands.
- Paragon of Virtue now also reduces the cooldown of Hand of Sacrifice by 15/30 sec.
- Infusion of Light now reduces the cast time of your next Divine Light in addition to Holy Light.
Retribution- Acts of Sacrifice has an additional effect - In addition, your Cleanse will remove one movement impairing effect if cast on yourself.
- Divine Purpose now also procs from Hammer of Wrath
- Crusade has an additional effect - In addition, for 15 sec after you kill an enemy that yields experience or honor, your next Holy Light heals for an additional 100/200/300%.
Protection- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases your chance to block melee attacks by 24%, up from 16%. Each point of Mastery increases block chance by an additional 3%, up from 2%.
[жрец] PriestDiscipline- Power Word: Barrier now has a 2 min cooldown, down from 3 min.
- Evangelism now has a 100% chance to proc from Mind Flay, up from 40%. Now lasts 20 sec, up from 15 sec.
Shadow- Mind Flay now costs 8% of base mana, down from 9%.
- Mind Spike no longer causes a high amount of threat. Now extinguishes your shadow damage-over-time effects from the target in the process. Range increased from 35 to 40 yards.
- Mind Control now lasts up to 30 sec, down from 1 min.
- Masochism now gives you 5/10% of your total mana, up from 4/8%.
[разбойник] RogueSubtlety- Honor Among Thieves now affects all types of critical strikes, including spells.
[шаман] ShamanGlyph- Lava Lash now Increases the damage dealt by your Lava Lash ability by 20% and no longer requires your weapon to be enchanted with Flametongue.
- Stormstrike now increases the Nature damage bonus of Stormstrike by an additional 10%, up from 8%.
[чернокнижник] WarlockAffliction- Fear now has a 1.7 sec cast time, down from 2 sec.
- Drain Life now restores 2% health every 1 sec, up from 0.5 sec. Lasts 1.5 sec, down from 3 sec. Now costs 12% of base mana, down from 17% of base mana.
Destruction- Searing Pain now costs 18% of base mana, up from 12% of base mana.
- Shadowburn now has a 40 yards range, up from 35 yards.
- Improved Soul Fire no longer requires your target to be above 80% health.
- Improved Searing Pain now affects at or below
Pet- Whiplash now scales from 42.5% of Spell Power. (Probably already does, but reflected in tooltip now)
[воин] Warrior Arms- Colossus Smash now costs 20 rage, down from 30 rage.
Fury- Inner Rage now has a 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Dual Wield Specialization (Passive) now only increases Physical damage by 10% instead of all damage.
Protection- Concussion Blow now scales from 75% of Attack Power, up from 38%
- Mastery: Critical Block now increases your chance to critically block by 20%, up from 10%. Each point of mastery now increases your block chance by an additional 1.25% and your critical block chance by an additional 2.5% (Up from 1.25%).
13 окт 2010, 12:47 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
1st Протов апают и апают 
13 окт 2010, 12:47 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
есть инфа по друидам в их разделе. теперь какбе циклон юзается в форме дерева лол
похоже шатер будут бафать до посинения
13 окт 2010, 12:55 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
13 окт 2010, 12:57 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
О, у ретриков холилайты отлично подняли, радует, сегодня пойду своей дварфихой дам по морде кому-нибудь.
13 окт 2010, 12:57 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Arcane Shot nos cales from 4.2% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 4%. Боже... 
13 окт 2010, 12:57 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
По источникам америкосов, инженерия теперь стакается с дефолтовыми чантами.
13 окт 2010, 13:00 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Soulmate писал(а): По источникам америкосов, инженерия теперь стакается с дефолтовыми чантами.

13 окт 2010, 13:01 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
hex - ok 30sec cd. banish - ok.
хоть чтото )))
13 окт 2010, 13:02 |
Сервер: Черный Шрам
Рейтинг поля боя: 1489
2х2: 1654
3х3: 1759
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Soulmate писал(а): По источникам америкосов, инженерия теперь стакается с дефолтовыми чантами.
13 окт 2010, 13:04 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Godsbow писал(а): Arcane Shot nos cales from 4.2% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 4%. Боже...
Бафанулись на отличненько
13 окт 2010, 13:05 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Цитата: Subtlety Honor Among Thieves now affects all types of critical strikes, including spells.
дак и так же со спелов прокало, зато не nothing, sorry 
13 окт 2010, 13:14 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
обидно будет,что ретрики вот сейчас пока идет 2месяца будут выдавать уг дпс
13 окт 2010, 13:15 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Soulmate писал(а): По источникам америкосов, инженерия теперь стакается с дефолтовыми чантами.

13 окт 2010, 13:19 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Цитата: Rune Strike now deals 150% weapon damage, down from 200%. No longer requires you to dodge or parry, only usable while in Blood Presence. Now costs 30 Runic Power, up from 20 Runic Power.
Опять нерфят!
13 окт 2010, 13:27 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
Protection Concussion Blow now scales from 75% of Attack Power, up from 38% [be] [be] [be] ITS OKEY TO BE GAY
13 окт 2010, 13:28 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
так сложно снизить урон абилок и увеличить агро 
13 окт 2010, 13:33 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
mombu писал(а): обидно будет,что ретрики вот сейчас пока идет 2месяца будут выдавать уг дпс
ну да, ~270% 3х стаковый темплар вердикт это не ок. если учесть еще зиалотри, крылья и возможность сбить каст то это конечно же не ОК.
13 окт 2010, 13:34 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
nonexy писал(а): так сложно снизить урон абилок и увеличить агро
ну тогда ращепителей не будет кастера можно а милишникам нет? ПРОТЫ НА СТРАЖЕ МИЛИШНИКОВ! ЗАЩИТИМ НАШИХ ОТ КАСТЕРОВ!
13 окт 2010, 13:37 |
 Re: Начало новой Эры
nonexy писал(а): так сложно снизить урон абилок и увеличить агро
Готовте сладкие анусы варлоки и прочая нечисть....я уже достал свой розовый щит 
13 окт 2010, 13:39 |