Автор Сообщение

Сообщение Письмецо
Over the course of the past few months, we have been devising a plan to improve stability of our European Platform, which is currently supporting hundreds of thousands summoners all playing League of Legends simultaneously.

While we're excited by the enthusiasm you have all shown for the game, the demand has presented complications such as lengthy login queues, New York based overflow servers, and unscheduled downtime.

So what does this mean for you?

Well, we have been making preparations to split our European service onto two new platforms: EU West and EU Nordic & East.

Each of these platforms will be able to support the same number of players as the current European environment, dramatically increasing your gameplay experience and paving the way for future growth.

The split will be happening soon, and once it is complete your summoner will only be accessible from the platform you have been assigned. If you are unsatisfied with your destination platform for any reason, we will be facilitating one free transfer between the two platforms following shortly after the split.

The platform to which you have been assigned is: EU Nordic & East

If you have a specific question about the split that hasn't been answered here, please visit our European Platform Split FAQ.

We're excited to be able to bring you a service upgrade that should bring about a lasting resolution to your concerns!

Thanks for your patience, and thank you for playing League of Legends.

Я думал они дадут выбрать, а не автоматом распределят с возможностью трансфера.

07 июл 2011, 19:59
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Письмецо
Обещали 1 бесплатный трансфер.

07 июл 2011, 20:03
the observer

Сообщение Письмецо
Очевидно, что первоначальное распределение будет по IP адресу. Дальше уже можно будет трансфернуться куда хочется.

07 июл 2011, 20:08

Сообщение Письмецо
Nikki писал(а):

Обещали 1 бесплатный трансфер.

Судя по FAQ, трансферы можно делать бесплатно и безконечно пока будет действовать определенный период, о конце которого известят заранее.

07 июл 2011, 20:18
Форум закрыт Эта тема закрыта, вы не можете редактировать и оставлять сообщения в ней.


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