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Получение Очков чести удвоено, новые изменения на PTR
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<Т Е Р Р О Р Ш Т О Р М> ![]() ![]() ![]() Сервер: Черный Шрам ![]() |
Veni писал(а): c 4.1.0 стартует 10-ый сезон, я правельно понял? нет |
02 апр 2011, 22:18 |
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Warriors Charge and Intercept no longer have diminishing returns on their stun effects. Colossus Smash now ignores 50% of a hostile player's armor (PvP), but continues to ignore 100% of a non-player character's armor (PvE). Heroic Throw is now available from trainers at level 20. Heroic Leap is no longer on the global cooldown, similar to other warrior movement abilities. Inner Rage is now available at level 56. Intercept now has a 1.5-second stun, down from 3 seconds. Pummel is now usable in all stances. Rallying Cry (new ability) is available from trainers at level 83. It temporarily grants the warrior and all party or raid members within 30 yards 20% of maximum health for 10 seconds. After the effect expires, the health is lost. It has no cost, no stance requirements, and is not on the global cooldown. It has a 3-minute cooldown, but also shares a cooldown with Last Stand. Shield Bash has been removed from the game. Spell Reflection cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 10. Whirlwind now has its cooldown reduced by 6 seconds when it deals damage to 4 or more targets. The Whirlwind effect caused by Bladestorm remains unchanged. Talent Specializations Arms Improved Hamstring now reduces the global cooldown on Hamstring by 0.5/1 seconds in addition to its current effects. Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 2 seconds (to 13 seconds total without the glyph). Lambs to the Slaughter now causes Mortal Strike to refresh Rend in addition to its current effects. Strikes of Opportunity value per point of mastery has been increased by 10%. Fury Precision (passive) now increase auto-attack damage by 40%, in addition to the 3% hit it offers currently. Unshackled Fury now only grants 2 base points of mastery, down from 8. Protection Shield Mastery no longer affects the cooldown of Spell Reflection, however, it now allows Shield Block to proc a second aura that reduces magic damage by 7/14/20% for 6 seconds. Gag Order now applies to Pummel and only affects Heroic Throw, giving these abilities a 100% chance to silence the target for 3 seconds. In addition, Gag Order lowers the cooldown of Heroic Throw by 30 seconds. Glyphs Glyph of Spell Reflection reduces the cooldown of Spell Reflection by 5 seconds, up from 1 second. Те кто без знания англа вкратце: Колосс игнорит 70%, вместо 100 - незаметный нерф для пвп. Цепт станит 1.5 сек вместо 3х - слегка радует, но дальше страшнее. Дамаг от оверпауэра увеличили до 140%, было 125% - привет рогам. +1 сек к хармстрингу - не особо понятно для чего такой "фикс". Увеличен дамаг от мортала до 175%, был 150% - ;( Не знаю, чего хотели этим добится близы, но это еще небольшой оп варов, что делает их еще большими геями. 10й сезон можно сказать уже будет испорчен если такие изменения дойдут до лайва. Источник: |
03 апр 2011, 08:07 |
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Xaeron писал(а): Те кто без знания англа вкратце: Колосс игнорит 70%, вместо 100 - незаметный нерф для пвп. Цепт станит 1.5 сек вместо 3х - слегка радует, но дальше страшнее. Дамаг от оверпауэра увеличили до 140%, было 125% - привет рогам. +1 сек к хармстрингу - не особо понятно для чего такой "фикс". Увеличен дамаг от мортала до 175%, был 150% - ;( Не знаю, чего хотели этим добится близы, но это еще небольшой оп варов, что делает их еще большими геями. 10й сезон можно сказать уже будет испорчен если такие изменения дойдут до лайва. Колосс игнорит 50% в пвп и смысл имп. хамстринга в дополнительном свободном гкд. К тому же полностью не согласен с твоим выводом: хуже разве, что станет клозерам. Шаманы, дк, паладины будут по комфортнее себя чувствовать. |
03 апр 2011, 08:27 |
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Xaeron писал(а): Warriors Charge and Intercept no longer have diminishing returns on their stun effects. Colossus Smash now ignores 50% of a hostile player's armor (PvP), but continues to ignore 100% of a non-player character's armor (PvE). Heroic Throw is now available from trainers at level 20. Heroic Leap is no longer on the global cooldown, similar to other warrior movement abilities. Inner Rage is now available at level 56. Intercept now has a 1.5-second stun, down from 3 seconds. Pummel is now usable in all stances. Rallying Cry (new ability) is available from trainers at level 83. It temporarily grants the warrior and all party or raid members within 30 yards 20% of maximum health for 10 seconds. After the effect expires, the health is lost. It has no cost, no stance requirements, and is not on the global cooldown. It has a 3-minute cooldown, but also shares a cooldown with Last Stand. Shield Bash has been removed from the game. Spell Reflection cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 10. Whirlwind now has its cooldown reduced by 6 seconds when it deals damage to 4 or more targets. The Whirlwind effect caused by Bladestorm remains unchanged. Talent Specializations Arms Improved Hamstring now reduces the global cooldown on Hamstring by 0.5/1 seconds in addition to its current effects. Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 2 seconds (to 13 seconds total without the glyph). Lambs to the Slaughter now causes Mortal Strike to refresh Rend in addition to its current effects. Strikes of Opportunity value per point of mastery has been increased by 10%. Fury Precision (passive) now increase auto-attack damage by 40%, in addition to the 3% hit it offers currently. Unshackled Fury now only grants 2 base points of mastery, down from 8. Protection Shield Mastery no longer affects the cooldown of Spell Reflection, however, it now allows Shield Block to proc a second aura that reduces magic damage by 7/14/20% for 6 seconds. Gag Order now applies to Pummel and only affects Heroic Throw, giving these abilities a 100% chance to silence the target for 3 seconds. In addition, Gag Order lowers the cooldown of Heroic Throw by 30 seconds. Glyphs Glyph of Spell Reflection reduces the cooldown of Spell Reflection by 5 seconds, up from 1 second. Те кто без знания англа вкратце: Колосс игнорит 70%, вместо 100 - незаметный нерф для пвп. Цепт станит 1.5 сек вместо 3х - слегка радует, но дальше страшнее. Дамаг от оверпауэра увеличили до 140%, было 125% - привет рогам. +1 сек к хармстрингу - не особо понятно для чего такой "фикс". Увеличен дамаг от мортала до 175%, был 150% - ;( Не знаю, чего хотели этим добится близы, но это еще небольшой оп варов, что делает их еще большими геями. 10й сезон можно сказать уже будет испорчен если такие изменения дойдут до лайва. Источник: + к дмг убрали уже давно, очнись |
03 апр 2011, 08:47 |
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gwld писал(а): + к дмг убрали уже давно, очнись Кхм, сорри, старую инфу запостил, мой фейл -_- |
03 апр 2011, 09:08 |
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