-- Interrupt Bar by Kollektiv
InterruptBarDB = InterruptBarDB or { scale = 1, hidden =
false, lock = false, } local abilities =
{} local order local band =
bit.band local spellids = {[6552] = 10, [2139] =
24, [19647] = 24, [80965] = 10, [1766] = 10, [47528] = 10, [85285] =
10, [57994] =
6} for
spellid,time in pairs(spellids) do local
name,_,spellicon = GetSpellInfo(spellid)
abilities[name] = { icon = spellicon, duration = time
} end
-- Edit this table to change the order
-- 6552 Pummel -- 2139 Counterspell -- 19647 Spell Lock
-- 1766 Kick -- 47528 Mind Freeze -- 80965 Skull
Bash -- 85285 Rebuke -- 57994 Wind
local order = {6552, 2139, 19647, 1766, 47528, 80965,
85285, 57994}