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Тролли ОП! (en)
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(С официального форума.)
So, as you all know, I play a Shaman. I'm currently the best geared Shaman in the world ( So I cast Lightning Shield on myself, because that's what Shamans do. They call down MOTES OF ELECTRICITY FROM THE HEAVENS and they SURROUND THEMSELVES with DEADLY AMOUNTS OF LIGHTNING!!! All of my teammates are instantly electrocuted to death, but me? I merely bathe in the energy; it is my plaything. Even though my teammates are now charred corpses, they continue to cheer, because they know that I can solo this. The gates open. I run in. With Ghost Wolf, my movement speed is increased by 40 PERCENT Horde sees me run by but they can't do anything about it because I'm a ghost and I'm wolfing at 40 PERCENT a Blood Elf Paladin with Crusader Aura on bubbles and flees in terror when he sees me traveling at 40 PERCENT They can hear the howl of my ghost wolf. They are all cowering--no, literally, they type the /cower emote and just stand there--as I cap the Stables. I cast WATERWALKING on myself--WATERWALKING, like Jesus, and I careen towards the Blacksmith. The Horde there see me coming and they just /afk the !@#$ out. I put down my totems before I start capping Blacksmith's flag. A Rogue tries to sap me-- BAM!! The Rogue is engulfed in flame as my Searing Totem SEARS him from the inside out! His leather clothing EXPLODES in a rain of fire that spirals around my beautiful female Draenei form as I continue to cap the Blacksmith. The fire rips through the Rogue's bones, but it doesn't even consider touching me--why? Because I've got FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Warlock swoops in in Demon Form and tries to Conflag me but his Conflag does 0 damage to me because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Troll Mage Slowfalls in and he Pyroblasts me but it is ineffective because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM Blacksmith caps. I mount up on my KAEL'THAS MOUNT--no, literally, I ride Kael'thas around, the Blood Elf--and head over to Farm, because I feel like eating some potatoes. POTATOES. BOIL 'EM, MASH 'EM, STICK 'EM IN A STEW. AND HEARTS. SHAMAN DESIRES PALADIN HEARRRRRRRTS. Just then, I see something through my Sentry Totem. It's the WoW General Forums! --People are complaining about how overpowered I am! They're saying that Shamans need to be nerfed. I smirk. That's when I decide to take out my HAND OF RAGNAROS. EIGHTY POINT FOUR DAMAGE PER SECONNNNND I slam the Hand of Ragnaros down into the ground. Arathi Basin shatters like glass--the ground falls out from under me. The fabric of SPACE itself CRUMBLES beneath my feet. I cackle as I enter the REAL REALM, becoming a TRUE ENTITY existing ON THE PLANET EARTH. I am a Draenei walking around New York--the cops try to stop me, but they forget all about me when they take a gander at my STONECLAW TOTEM STONE AND CLAW COMBINED. CAN YOU TAKE IT? But then, in the spaces between the gathering crowds, I see something. Someone. The smirk on my face deteriorates. .. it's one of the Horde. A Troll. I thought I had destroyed Arathi Basin. I thought I had won the Battleground. But all that time-- But all that time--... ...there he was. Just standing there. Regenerating 5, health, per second. I glared at the Troll. The Troll glared back at me. Silence flooded the world. "And there's nothing you can do about it," the Troll whispered. |
25 июл 2009, 12:10 |
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парняга нехуева курит...
25 июл 2009, 12:34 |
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ахахах лол!:) стоп...а чего я смеюсь? я ведь английский нинаю
![]() ![]() ![]() перевод будет?:) |
25 июл 2009, 14:04 |
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25 июл 2009, 16:23 |
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25 июл 2009, 21:56 |
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