Wotlk - What will happen on season start?
So there's a lot of things going around right now.
As most of you already read we there will be some delays.
So what exactly will be out on season end?
- The starter trinkets 245-258 will be added and unlocked
- ICC trinkets will be unlocked again so you can use them and you can buy it with Badge of the furious
- You will be able to earn the new Badge of the wrathful token in 3s only (possibly exchange as well)
- Updated reward box drops
- Renaming the "Badge of the furious" to "Badge of the relentless"
What will be delayed?
- Rated battleground solo queue
The rbg does work and its fully functional. However it needs the last finetune before we launch the beta phase
- The rest of the heroic gear
Its getting delayed because we have yet not decided how it will be implemented.
We also need a new vendor system due the clusterfuck in the malls and possible badge/rating support
- Unlink solo queue with rated 3v3
This change will come but we prio the other changes first
- Templeta npc trinket update
Due lack of time we didnt change the starter trinkets yet. it will get added within a week
As usual the season ends 21.00 CET and we close all arenas 20.55 CET.
You will keep your badges, arena points and honor points.
We will wipe your team arena team, mmr and solo queue team.