Открытие портов для игры на EU  
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Сообщение Открытие портов для игры на EU
Доброго времени суток дамы и господа! :bye
Итак,моя проблема заключается в том,что я не могу играть MM в LOL,мне подсказали что нужно открыть порты,но какие и как это сделать...
Прошу помочь в этом вопросе! :unknw

25 июн 2011, 23:52

Сообщение Re: Открытие портов для игры на EU
Port Forwarding for League of Legends:
Required Ports:

Each of these ports must be forwarded for League of Legends to operate properly.

5000 - 5500 UDP - League of Legends Game Client
8393 - 8400 TCP - Patcher and Maestro
2099 TCP - PVP.Net
5223 TCP - PVP.Net
5222 TCP - PVP.Net
80 TCP - HTTP Connections
443 TCP - HTTPS Connections

Forwarding Ports:

Unfortunately, each router is different. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover each and every router. However, I will provide a general outline of the steps you may need to take.
Obtain your Default Gateway and Internal IP Address:

Press the [Windows Key] + R
Type cmd and hit Ok
You should now see a black window labelled Command Prompt that is black with white lettering.
Type ipconfig
Hit Enter
You should now see a list of information in front of you. Write down your Default Gateway and IPv4 Address we will need these in a later step.

Access your router's configuration page:

Open your favorite web browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Firefox.
Place your Default Gateway into the URL Address bar.
It may ask you for a password and username. This will be different for each router. You may try simply hitting Ok. Most of the time the username is admin and the password is password.
Locate a page with one of these names: Port Forwarding, Virtual Servers, NAT or Applications
Port Triggering is NOT Port Forwarding. It is completely different.
If we have reached the proper screen you will notice that you can input several pieces of information.
The correct screen will ALWAYS have these: A SINGLE Port Range, Protocol and Local IP/IP Address/Computer.
The correct screen MAY have these: Application Name, A check box for enabled.
The correct screen should NEVER have: A second port range or an external IP field
Now you must create an entry for each of the port ranges. It is very important that you put in the correct Port Range, Protocol(UDP or TCP) and Local IP.

Confirm your ports are forwarded:

Firebind.com has graciously created a script for League of Legends players to test their ports for the game with one simply click. Simply follow this link: http://www.firebind.com/lol.phpA big shout out to these guys for being so amazing.

Simply check the ranges listed above to check if the ports are currently open. If they are not double check to make sure all the information you included is correct.
If you have problems following the guide:

You may be able to find a guide on this website dedicated to Port Forwarding. However, I'd like to add a disclaimer that it requires no purchase. The website currently hosts a rather aggressive advertisement for an unneeded piece of software. You can skip this advertisement in the upper right corner of the window. Simply select your specific router from the list and it will take you to a guide that will give you a step by step with pictures showing you how to forward the proper ports. Be sure to check your port list against this article when you are finished.

Port Forwarding Guide:
http://portforward.com/english/routers/ ... rindex.htm

http://support.leagueoflegends.com/entr ... of-legends

26 июн 2011, 00:22
Профиль ICQ

Сообщение Открытие портов для игры на EU
Спс,помогло! :dance

26 июн 2011, 08:02
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На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.