Вы зачем буржуев запугали?  
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Сообщение Вы зачем буржуев запугали?

Tired of these cheating groups, face them more and more, they Always steam roll over the other groups and Always win.

It got to a point that now when I entered a random bg where the opponent team is full of russians half my team prefers to deal with the deserted debuff than to actually play and at least lose faster than the 15mins


Нас ведь отделить теперь хотят.

21 апр 2014, 20:00

Сообщение Вы зачем буржуев запугали?

горжусь вами (серьезно)

01 май 2014, 09:00

Сообщение Вы зачем буржуев запугали?

It is tha fact, that in russia, cheating for mmo's is legal. The justice says, if you pay monthly for a game, you are allowed to cheat/bot, whatever. So, blizz can't do anything against it, otherwise they would cause trouble and have a lot to pay. In other words: the only thing blizz could do is remove russian servers out of crossrealms/pvp areas, bgs and so on. but....ask yourself: how would this look like, in politic ways? would not be a clever act,. i, as a german player would also like to have cheaters, no matter from which country they are, out of the game. they just suck. I also have this problem and at the moment, pvp is all i can do, because there is nothing to do at all, and then you have to play against onehitter or ppl. who kill you from 200 miles away..o.O I makes me mad as hell. I have no problem to lose against someone, who is in fact better than me, but not against botters and cheaters. this is no fun at all.

Доставила фраза "The justice says"   

01 май 2014, 09:04

Сообщение Вы зачем буржуев запугали?

So basically. You want to not have to play against Russians because they're better than you. 


01 май 2014, 16:38
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