Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать? 

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LoL 58%  58%  [ 464 ]
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Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?  
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Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Tesselhoff писал(а):

напоминают чем-то водку для рабочего люда, души в них нету.




15 мар 2013, 18:52

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Vegatoxi писал(а):

Подтверждение тому что лол - говно.

Every week two editors debate a new topic—it’s
a binary exercise we use to seek common ground conclusions or identify
fundamental differences. The “my MOBA vs. your MOBA” argument is a
heated one, so we reached outside our walls to SOE game designer and
former PC Gamer Senior Editor Josh Augustine for his expertise. Josh was our resident League of Legends authority when he was here, so he’s arguing on its behalf, while T.J. stands up for Dota 2.

Argue your own side in the comments, and jump to the next page for opinions from the community. Josh, you have the floor:

The Debate

Josh: No one can question Dota’s contribution to the genre—heck,
it created it—but in the second generation of MOBAs, League of Legends
is the king. It innovates where Dota 2 stagnates, and provides a much
better experience for new players.

T.J.: Innovation and stagnation in MOBAs
is almost an entirely different discussion. The real innovators are
games like Demigod (as comparatively unsuccessful as they are). At the
end of the day, both of the big dogs have way more in common than they
do in difference. But when it comes to those differences, I think Dota 2
is the more engaging contender. What it lacks in mass accessibility,
it makes up for in depth. I’d say the spirit of PC gaming favors the

Josh: I’d love to hear what you think gives Dota 2 deeper
gameplay. It’s certainly not skillshots or mechanical complexity, like
being able to respond to opponents’ abilities. Like Dota 2, there are a
ton of abilities in LoL that must be targeted at a location rather
than an opponent. In LoL, most of these abilities can be blocked with
skillful dodging, creep manipulation, or sacrificial leaps by allies.
You know how many skills allow for that complex variety of reactions in
Dota 2? One. Pudge’s hook. Every other “skillshot” hits everyone in its
way with no regard for collision. There’s no counterplay.

[Update: A few readers pointed out that there are a couple other
skills in Dota 2 that can be blocked, including Clockwerk’s ultimate and
Mirana’s arrow. Thanks for reminding us, but Josh feels his overall
point still stands. T.J. just didn't bring them up because he didn't
feel like he needed to in order to win. Yeah, that was it. Absolutely
wasn't just having a total brain flop at the time.]

T.J.: Dota is all about counterplay, way
more so than LoL. Sure, there may not be a lot of collision-deniable
skillshots, but that’s a very niche case to hang your argument on. A
lot of Dota’s heroes are designed to counter other specific heroes, or
kinds of heroes. It creates an interesting rock-paper-scissors meta.
Except if instead of rock-paper-scissors, you had
rock-paper-scissors-garden rake-tow truck-banana cart-[insert several
dozen other things here].

Josh: It’s not niche at all! That ability to counterplay enemy
skills completely changes the laning interaction, making it much more
important to gauge your movement, and track the positioning of creeps
and enemy champions.

I want some examples of counterplay that Dota 2 has that LoL doesn’t.
Other than denying (which, let’s be honest, is kind of a stupid
mechanic), LoL has all the counterplay Dota 2 has and then some.

T.J.: I’ll go ahead and say it: I don’t
find denying particularly fun. But at a high, competitive level, it
gives you more to do in the lane (especially early on). And if you want
another example, just look at the subtle differences in the maps. Dota
2’s lanes have more variation between top and bot, more potential gank
paths, and the distance between towers means you can’t just camp out
and farm XP.

Josh: So I guess the question is: What do you want your laning
phase minigame to be? It can either be a complex game of cat-and-mouse
poking with the enemy players, using creep waves as mobile defenses, or
it can be shooting your own soldiers in the head.

I’m happy to admit that Dota 2’s map has some very cool elements,
including those gank paths and the ability for some heroes to cut
through trees to make their own path. That’s awesome. But so is LoL’s
brush, which allows skilled players to perform great jukes and
manipulate vision in the field. Dota 2 has some of that with its height
variance, but it’s not nearly as interesting or fun to play with.

T.J.: Not to pop a scroll and concede
defeat here- I think we’ve both made an argument for complexity. But
that’s only one of many differences. So much of what I prefer about
Dota is apparent when you’re not even in a match. LoL gives you a very
small pool of rotating champs to start with, whereas Dota unlocks every
hero immediately.

Josh: Yeah, it’s awesome that Dota 2 unlocks all the heroes at
once (for free, too, if it ever actually leaves beta), but Dota has to
because, like you said earlier, it’s built on hard counters for every
hero. Without access to the full roster, game balance would be broken.
LoL, on the other hand, is balanced around team compositions—a
late-game team, a poke-damage team, an AoE ult team, etc.

I’m not saying that it makes paying for every champion individually
feel better on your wallet—LoL is a much more expensive game if you want
to own every champion—but you can be completely competitive with just
the free champions, if you wanted to. And you can buy everything but
skins for free, with currency earned from playing game.

T.J.: But that’s part of the problem. I
like the idea of thematic team comps, but I think it puts you in danger
of having a patch-dependant metagame. Balance changes always lead to
early experimentation, but the über-teams are almost always
going to eventually find a “best” way to do each of the strats you
described as a cycle progresses, which can mean a smaller percentage of
the champs being in the meta at a given time. Dota’s hard counters
mean you can’t ever really feel safe in a draft, and you’re less likely
to see a dominant comp emerge in any given patch. Both games will have
their no-brainer, god-tier, autoban carries and what have you, of

Josh: I do really enjoy Dota 2’s balance—those heroes have been
around forever and have been carefully tweaked with consistent skills
and items in mind. But that also makes it feel a bit stagnant to
me—LoL’s balance and meta is constantly changing, so that a great team
comp may be dominant for a few weeks, until someone figures out how to
counter it, and then everyone’s experimenting again. They both have
their merits in this regard, I think it just comes down to preference.

T.J.: Absolutely. It’s a matter of
preference. It’s just that my preference is objectively better. You
made a good point about Dota’s heroes having a longer balance history.
And Riot’s business model forces it to keep releasing champions to keep
making money—whether they’re ready for primetime or now. We also
haven’t even addressed how LoL’s rune and mastery system keeps you in a
stat ghetto until you’ve invested dozens and dozens of hours into the

Josh: The Rune and Mastery system adds a ton of depth to stat
tweaking and theorycrafting builds at high levels, and the matchmaking
system keeps you playing with people around your same level. It is a
minor penalty when trying to play with max-level friends as a brand new
player, but I’ll trade that for a massive boost to customization at
high-level. Another win for LoL’s depth.

T.J.: I don’t object to the concept of
runes and masteries, I do object to having to unlock them over weeks or
months. And the difference between a beginner account and a maxed one
makes you almost re-learn each champ at certain milestones. You can’t
just go look up a good jungle Warwick build, because they all assume
you have certain runes and masteries. But I can look up a pro-level
jungle Lycan. And while I may fail utterly in the execution, at least
that’s my fault, and not some stat deficiency I have to grind my way
out of.

Josh: You know what else isn’t your fault, T.J.? The fact that
Dota 2 didn’t bother to tell you that it chose to recreate bugs caused
by the original Dota’s RTS engine. Are you familiar with creep
stacking, T.J.?

T.J.: Why yes, Josh. Yes I am.

Josh: Then you’re, no doubt, also familiar with the fact that
it is absolutely ridiculous to expect players to know that if they pull
jungle camps far enough away from their spawn points, the game will
create a duplicate camp on top of it. Oh, and that you can only do it
at the minute mark because that’s when the map checks most jungle
camps, and respawns the ones it thinks are dead. Gameplay is balanced
around this opaque, archaic design! That is some of the stupidest, most
unintuitive, lazy game design I’ve ever seen.

T.J.: Josh, do you know what the following things have in common? Potato chips. X-rays. Velcro. Post-it notes. Silly Putty.

Josh: They’re delicious in small doses?

T.J.: Yes. But they’re also inventions
that came about by accident, and we kept them around because people
like them. Both in a limited culinary sense, and for their original
purposes. You can call Dota 2’s mechanics “archaic,” but if they were
such a bother, people would have all abandoned the game by now.

Josh: 70 million people have, according to Riot’s last released registration numbers, with 12 million of them playing every day!

T.J.: And “Call Me Maybe” had 367 million
views online last year. I never contended that LoL isn’t the more
accessible, or even more popular game. Consoles also tend to have a
higher install base than high-end gaming PCs, typically, and Call of
Duty is more popular than Crusader Kings. And yet here we are on PC
Gamer, because we love things that aren’t the most popular. I’m saying
Dota is the superior experience. I could go on and on.

The stronger abilities and items combined with
smaller health pools make team fights more interesting. It feels like a
high-stakes samurai duel, where one misclick can result in a
triple-kill for the enemy team in the space of seconds. I’ve been in
too many mid-game brawls in LoL where a couple people die, and the other
eight walk away with lowish health to lick their wounds. That’s just
not as exciting.

Josh: Fights are definitely faster in Dota 2. Getting one- or
two-shotted isn’t uncommon, and that goes back to hero balance: Dota 2
makes everyone overpowered and hopes you pick the right counters for
the enemy heroes. It’s a different playstyle.

Unreal Tournament’s fast-paced instagib mode, where everyone wields
laser rifles that explode the enemy in one hit, is a ton of fun when we
play it casually in the office. But when I want a competitive,
team-based experience that relies on working together with other people,
I want it to be at a pace where meaningful strategy can be coordinated
during the fight. There are still plenty of burst damage moments in
LoL—you just have to work a little harder to make them happen.

T.J.: Yeah, that one pretty much comes
down to a stylistic preference. I know it sounds silly to try to frame
MOBAs in anything resembling reality, but I prefer games where the
lethality is a little closer to how an actual such fight would work.
Hollywood aside, most sword fights last a couple seconds, then someone
gets stabbed. (That’s the only conceivable reason fencing never took
off as a spectator sport.) It’s the same argument I make about shooters
feeling boring when you can soak up bullets for a half hour.

Josh: I’ve never actually been gored by a rampaging minotaur, but I do concede that I probably wouldn’t last very long.

T.J.: Speaking of rampaging minotaurs,
how’s LoL’s solo queue treating you? Now, before we get into this: Both
games have a higher than acceptable percentage of bad-mannered,
text-based shouting matches. And I admire LoL’s Tribunal system. But
the fact is that a game with as many players as LoL has is inevitably
going to attract a lot of… less than mature community members. Same
thing happens in just about every explosively popular game. WoW, Call
of Duty, you name it.

Josh: Yeah, and being free-to-play certainly doesn’t help
either game. Riot’s done a lot to help improve the community beyond
just the Tribunal, but there are still plenty of jerks clogging up the
chat channels. There are friendly people in both games, and as long as
you queue up with friends, you’ll be okay.

T.J.: Oh, absolutely. Both games are far superior played with a pre-made.

Josh: And my teams learn from watching the best teams, and this is an area I think LoL stands as the uncontested champion.

T.J.: *cough*Hero*cough*

Josh: …Right, hero. LoL’s new league hosts 16 pro teams in NA
and EU, pays them salaries and has them play weekly matches in a giant
stadium in LA. Rivalries are developing, player stories are getting a
spotlight, and it’s building a huge community around eSports, which is
great for everyone.

It’s exciting to finally have reliable eSports scheduling. I’ve been
watching at least 3 days a week and I can’t get enough. Ive learned a
lot from the great commentary and play of the pros, and I’ve never been
more motivated to play LoL.

Best of all, the entire thing is livestreamed in HD for free, while
Dota 2 fans are often asked to pay real cash for tournament passes to
watch tournaments in the game client. That constant entertainment is
reason enough to choose LoL.

T.J.: Technically, StarCraft II has had
regular eSports scheduling for years in Korea… but that’s beside the
point. (Though I’d gladly argue “StarCraft II is the best eSport ever”
any day.)

You’re right, though. I objectively can’t argue
that LoL eSports has way more going on, more of an in-person tournament
scene (which I think is a far superior format), and more viewership
because of it. But part of that is due to Riot not having… really
anything else going on. LoL has been out for a while, and their
resources are dedicated to it. Valve has a lot more on its plate,
including but not limited to a little thing called Steam. And their game
isn’t even out yet. Give it time.

Josh: That’s a good thing for LoL players—they get their dev
team’s full attention all the time. As a gamer with choices, I don’t
want excuses, I want the highest quality content as frequently as

T.J.: And I’ll give you that one. In
terms of how much eSports goodness you can get, and the regular
spectacle of it all, LoL is a more fun scene to follow at the moment.
But Dota 2 is like the early days of mixed martial arts, when it was
all underground, and only a select, cliquish cadre of fans could see
that it was going to be something bigger. It’s a microcosm of eSports
itself. And the core part of Dota 2’s scene that really matters—the
game—is superior. I think time will vindicate that, like a late-game
tower dive on that jerk who’s been ganking you over and over.

Ultimately, I enjoy playing and watching both.
The rivalry is almost silly, with how similar they are at the end of
the day. I choose Dota if I have to choose, but I don’t see why they
can’t coexist.

Josh: Yeah, I think both games are going to thrive and do
well—and they should! We don’t have to forsake one for the other, and
it’s probably better that we specialize in different games. You carry
me in Dota 2, and I’ll get your back in LoL. Teamwork OP!

После твоего поста сам собой возникает вопрос: животное вроде тебя вообще поняло, что тут написано? facepalm

Я в упор не вижу, где тут кто доказал, что лол говно. Оба приводят аргументы, рассказывают чуть больше про игру и сходятся на том, что обе игры хороши, как и любой адекватный человек. 

Но нет, должен быть какой-нибудь упоротый школьник. facepalm

15 мар 2013, 19:22
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Rushmeplz писал(а):


После твоего поста сам собой возникает вопрос: животное вроде тебя вообще поняло, что тут написано? facepalm

Я в упор не вижу, где тут кто доказал, что лол говно. Оба приводят аргументы, рассказывают чуть больше про игру и сходятся на том, что обе игры хороши, как и любой адекватный человек. 

Но нет, должен быть какой-нибудь упоротый школьник. facepalm

Забей. Я, вообще, сомневаюсь, что он там хоть строчку прочитал и понял. Скорее всего где-то от кого-то услышал и запостил.


15 мар 2013, 19:46

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Rushmeplz писал(а):

Vegatoxi писал(а):

Подтверждение тому что лол - говно.

Every week two editors debate a new topic—it’s
a binary exercise we use to seek common ground conclusions or identify
fundamental differences. The “my MOBA vs. your MOBA” argument is a
heated one, so we reached outside our walls to SOE game designer and
former PC Gamer Senior Editor Josh Augustine for his expertise. Josh was our resident League of Legends authority when he was here, so he’s arguing on its behalf, while T.J. stands up for Dota 2.

Argue your own side in the comments, and jump to the next page for opinions from the community. Josh, you have the floor:

The Debate

Josh: No one can question Dota’s contribution to the genre—heck,
it created it—but in the second generation of MOBAs, League of Legends
is the king. It innovates where Dota 2 stagnates, and provides a much
better experience for new players.

T.J.: Innovation and stagnation in MOBAs
is almost an entirely different discussion. The real innovators are
games like Demigod (as comparatively unsuccessful as they are). At the
end of the day, both of the big dogs have way more in common than they
do in difference. But when it comes to those differences, I think Dota 2
is the more engaging contender. What it lacks in mass accessibility,
it makes up for in depth. I’d say the spirit of PC gaming favors the

Josh: I’d love to hear what you think gives Dota 2 deeper
gameplay. It’s certainly not skillshots or mechanical complexity, like
being able to respond to opponents’ abilities. Like Dota 2, there are a
ton of abilities in LoL that must be targeted at a location rather
than an opponent. In LoL, most of these abilities can be blocked with
skillful dodging, creep manipulation, or sacrificial leaps by allies.
You know how many skills allow for that complex variety of reactions in
Dota 2? One. Pudge’s hook. Every other “skillshot” hits everyone in its
way with no regard for collision. There’s no counterplay.

[Update: A few readers pointed out that there are a couple other
skills in Dota 2 that can be blocked, including Clockwerk’s ultimate and
Mirana’s arrow. Thanks for reminding us, but Josh feels his overall
point still stands. T.J. just didn't bring them up because he didn't
feel like he needed to in order to win. Yeah, that was it. Absolutely
wasn't just having a total brain flop at the time.]

T.J.: Dota is all about counterplay, way
more so than LoL. Sure, there may not be a lot of collision-deniable
skillshots, but that’s a very niche case to hang your argument on. A
lot of Dota’s heroes are designed to counter other specific heroes, or
kinds of heroes. It creates an interesting rock-paper-scissors meta.
Except if instead of rock-paper-scissors, you had
rock-paper-scissors-garden rake-tow truck-banana cart-[insert several
dozen other things here].

Josh: It’s not niche at all! That ability to counterplay enemy
skills completely changes the laning interaction, making it much more
important to gauge your movement, and track the positioning of creeps
and enemy champions.

I want some examples of counterplay that Dota 2 has that LoL doesn’t.
Other than denying (which, let’s be honest, is kind of a stupid
mechanic), LoL has all the counterplay Dota 2 has and then some.

T.J.: I’ll go ahead and say it: I don’t
find denying particularly fun. But at a high, competitive level, it
gives you more to do in the lane (especially early on). And if you want
another example, just look at the subtle differences in the maps. Dota
2’s lanes have more variation between top and bot, more potential gank
paths, and the distance between towers means you can’t just camp out
and farm XP.

Josh: So I guess the question is: What do you want your laning
phase minigame to be? It can either be a complex game of cat-and-mouse
poking with the enemy players, using creep waves as mobile defenses, or
it can be shooting your own soldiers in the head.

I’m happy to admit that Dota 2’s map has some very cool elements,
including those gank paths and the ability for some heroes to cut
through trees to make their own path. That’s awesome. But so is LoL’s
brush, which allows skilled players to perform great jukes and
manipulate vision in the field. Dota 2 has some of that with its height
variance, but it’s not nearly as interesting or fun to play with.

T.J.: Not to pop a scroll and concede
defeat here- I think we’ve both made an argument for complexity. But
that’s only one of many differences. So much of what I prefer about
Dota is apparent when you’re not even in a match. LoL gives you a very
small pool of rotating champs to start with, whereas Dota unlocks every
hero immediately.

Josh: Yeah, it’s awesome that Dota 2 unlocks all the heroes at
once (for free, too, if it ever actually leaves beta), but Dota has to
because, like you said earlier, it’s built on hard counters for every
hero. Without access to the full roster, game balance would be broken.
LoL, on the other hand, is balanced around team compositions—a
late-game team, a poke-damage team, an AoE ult team, etc.

I’m not saying that it makes paying for every champion individually
feel better on your wallet—LoL is a much more expensive game if you want
to own every champion—but you can be completely competitive with just
the free champions, if you wanted to. And you can buy everything but
skins for free, with currency earned from playing game.

T.J.: But that’s part of the problem. I
like the idea of thematic team comps, but I think it puts you in danger
of having a patch-dependant metagame. Balance changes always lead to
early experimentation, but the über-teams are almost always
going to eventually find a “best” way to do each of the strats you
described as a cycle progresses, which can mean a smaller percentage of
the champs being in the meta at a given time. Dota’s hard counters
mean you can’t ever really feel safe in a draft, and you’re less likely
to see a dominant comp emerge in any given patch. Both games will have
their no-brainer, god-tier, autoban carries and what have you, of

Josh: I do really enjoy Dota 2’s balance—those heroes have been
around forever and have been carefully tweaked with consistent skills
and items in mind. But that also makes it feel a bit stagnant to
me—LoL’s balance and meta is constantly changing, so that a great team
comp may be dominant for a few weeks, until someone figures out how to
counter it, and then everyone’s experimenting again. They both have
their merits in this regard, I think it just comes down to preference.

T.J.: Absolutely. It’s a matter of
preference. It’s just that my preference is objectively better. You
made a good point about Dota’s heroes having a longer balance history.
And Riot’s business model forces it to keep releasing champions to keep
making money—whether they’re ready for primetime or now. We also
haven’t even addressed how LoL’s rune and mastery system keeps you in a
stat ghetto until you’ve invested dozens and dozens of hours into the

Josh: The Rune and Mastery system adds a ton of depth to stat
tweaking and theorycrafting builds at high levels, and the matchmaking
system keeps you playing with people around your same level. It is a
minor penalty when trying to play with max-level friends as a brand new
player, but I’ll trade that for a massive boost to customization at
high-level. Another win for LoL’s depth.

T.J.: I don’t object to the concept of
runes and masteries, I do object to having to unlock them over weeks or
months. And the difference between a beginner account and a maxed one
makes you almost re-learn each champ at certain milestones. You can’t
just go look up a good jungle Warwick build, because they all assume
you have certain runes and masteries. But I can look up a pro-level
jungle Lycan. And while I may fail utterly in the execution, at least
that’s my fault, and not some stat deficiency I have to grind my way
out of.

Josh: You know what else isn’t your fault, T.J.? The fact that
Dota 2 didn’t bother to tell you that it chose to recreate bugs caused
by the original Dota’s RTS engine. Are you familiar with creep
stacking, T.J.?

T.J.: Why yes, Josh. Yes I am.

Josh: Then you’re, no doubt, also familiar with the fact that
it is absolutely ridiculous to expect players to know that if they pull
jungle camps far enough away from their spawn points, the game will
create a duplicate camp on top of it. Oh, and that you can only do it
at the minute mark because that’s when the map checks most jungle
camps, and respawns the ones it thinks are dead. Gameplay is balanced
around this opaque, archaic design! That is some of the stupidest, most
unintuitive, lazy game design I’ve ever seen.

T.J.: Josh, do you know what the following things have in common? Potato chips. X-rays. Velcro. Post-it notes. Silly Putty.

Josh: They’re delicious in small doses?

T.J.: Yes. But they’re also inventions
that came about by accident, and we kept them around because people
like them. Both in a limited culinary sense, and for their original
purposes. You can call Dota 2’s mechanics “archaic,” but if they were
such a bother, people would have all abandoned the game by now.

Josh: 70 million people have, according to Riot’s last released registration numbers, with 12 million of them playing every day!

T.J.: And “Call Me Maybe” had 367 million
views online last year. I never contended that LoL isn’t the more
accessible, or even more popular game. Consoles also tend to have a
higher install base than high-end gaming PCs, typically, and Call of
Duty is more popular than Crusader Kings. And yet here we are on PC
Gamer, because we love things that aren’t the most popular. I’m saying
Dota is the superior experience. I could go on and on.

The stronger abilities and items combined with
smaller health pools make team fights more interesting. It feels like a
high-stakes samurai duel, where one misclick can result in a
triple-kill for the enemy team in the space of seconds. I’ve been in
too many mid-game brawls in LoL where a couple people die, and the other
eight walk away with lowish health to lick their wounds. That’s just
not as exciting.

Josh: Fights are definitely faster in Dota 2. Getting one- or
two-shotted isn’t uncommon, and that goes back to hero balance: Dota 2
makes everyone overpowered and hopes you pick the right counters for
the enemy heroes. It’s a different playstyle.

Unreal Tournament’s fast-paced instagib mode, where everyone wields
laser rifles that explode the enemy in one hit, is a ton of fun when we
play it casually in the office. But when I want a competitive,
team-based experience that relies on working together with other people,
I want it to be at a pace where meaningful strategy can be coordinated
during the fight. There are still plenty of burst damage moments in
LoL—you just have to work a little harder to make them happen.

T.J.: Yeah, that one pretty much comes
down to a stylistic preference. I know it sounds silly to try to frame
MOBAs in anything resembling reality, but I prefer games where the
lethality is a little closer to how an actual such fight would work.
Hollywood aside, most sword fights last a couple seconds, then someone
gets stabbed. (That’s the only conceivable reason fencing never took
off as a spectator sport.) It’s the same argument I make about shooters
feeling boring when you can soak up bullets for a half hour.

Josh: I’ve never actually been gored by a rampaging minotaur, but I do concede that I probably wouldn’t last very long.

T.J.: Speaking of rampaging minotaurs,
how’s LoL’s solo queue treating you? Now, before we get into this: Both
games have a higher than acceptable percentage of bad-mannered,
text-based shouting matches. And I admire LoL’s Tribunal system. But
the fact is that a game with as many players as LoL has is inevitably
going to attract a lot of… less than mature community members. Same
thing happens in just about every explosively popular game. WoW, Call
of Duty, you name it.

Josh: Yeah, and being free-to-play certainly doesn’t help
either game. Riot’s done a lot to help improve the community beyond
just the Tribunal, but there are still plenty of jerks clogging up the
chat channels. There are friendly people in both games, and as long as
you queue up with friends, you’ll be okay.

T.J.: Oh, absolutely. Both games are far superior played with a pre-made.

Josh: And my teams learn from watching the best teams, and this is an area I think LoL stands as the uncontested champion.

T.J.: *cough*Hero*cough*

Josh: …Right, hero. LoL’s new league hosts 16 pro teams in NA
and EU, pays them salaries and has them play weekly matches in a giant
stadium in LA. Rivalries are developing, player stories are getting a
spotlight, and it’s building a huge community around eSports, which is
great for everyone.

It’s exciting to finally have reliable eSports scheduling. I’ve been
watching at least 3 days a week and I can’t get enough. Ive learned a
lot from the great commentary and play of the pros, and I’ve never been
more motivated to play LoL.

Best of all, the entire thing is livestreamed in HD for free, while
Dota 2 fans are often asked to pay real cash for tournament passes to
watch tournaments in the game client. That constant entertainment is
reason enough to choose LoL.

T.J.: Technically, StarCraft II has had
regular eSports scheduling for years in Korea… but that’s beside the
point. (Though I’d gladly argue “StarCraft II is the best eSport ever”
any day.)

You’re right, though. I objectively can’t argue
that LoL eSports has way more going on, more of an in-person tournament
scene (which I think is a far superior format), and more viewership
because of it. But part of that is due to Riot not having… really
anything else going on. LoL has been out for a while, and their
resources are dedicated to it. Valve has a lot more on its plate,
including but not limited to a little thing called Steam. And their game
isn’t even out yet. Give it time.

Josh: That’s a good thing for LoL players—they get their dev
team’s full attention all the time. As a gamer with choices, I don’t
want excuses, I want the highest quality content as frequently as

T.J.: And I’ll give you that one. In
terms of how much eSports goodness you can get, and the regular
spectacle of it all, LoL is a more fun scene to follow at the moment.
But Dota 2 is like the early days of mixed martial arts, when it was
all underground, and only a select, cliquish cadre of fans could see
that it was going to be something bigger. It’s a microcosm of eSports
itself. And the core part of Dota 2’s scene that really matters—the
game—is superior. I think time will vindicate that, like a late-game
tower dive on that jerk who’s been ganking you over and over.

Ultimately, I enjoy playing and watching both.
The rivalry is almost silly, with how similar they are at the end of
the day. I choose Dota if I have to choose, but I don’t see why they
can’t coexist.

Josh: Yeah, I think both games are going to thrive and do
well—and they should! We don’t have to forsake one for the other, and
it’s probably better that we specialize in different games. You carry
me in Dota 2, and I’ll get your back in LoL. Teamwork OP!

После твоего поста сам собой возникает вопрос: животное вроде тебя вообще поняло, что тут написано? facepalm

Я в упор не вижу, где тут кто доказал, что лол говно. Оба приводят аргументы, рассказывают чуть больше про игру и сходятся на том, что обе игры хороши, как и любой адекватный человек. 

Но нет, должен быть какой-нибудь упоротый школьник. facepalm


Просто тот кто был за доту не стал публично унижать лолец, а то ведь это СМИ и всё такое, но на самом то деле все мы знаем что он об этом думает.

15 мар 2013, 19:47

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Кстати, в лиге спавны в лесу блочатся, когда на точке оставляют мелкого крипа.

Vegatoxi писал(а):

Просто тот кто был за доту не стал публично унижать лолец, а то ведь это СМИ и всё такое, но на самом то деле все мы знаем что он об этом думает.

Сходи лучше потренеруйся в доту, чтобы слить хотя бы минут за 5-7.


15 мар 2013, 19:50

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Vegatoxi писал(а):

Подтверждение тому что лол - говно.


Тебя можно расценивать как подтверждение того что люди - говно, но мы же все ровно на позитиве, верим в человечество.

15 мар 2013, 19:53

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Vegatoxi писал(а):

Подтверждение тому что лол - говно.

Every week two editors debate a new topic—it’s
a binary exercise we use to seek common ground conclusions or identify
fundamental differences. The “my MOBA vs. your MOBA” argument is a
heated one, so we reached outside our walls to SOE game designer and
former PC Gamer Senior Editor Josh Augustine for his expertise. Josh was our resident League of Legends authority when he was here, so he’s arguing on its behalf, while T.J. stands up for Dota 2.

Argue your own side in the comments, and jump to the next page for opinions from the community. Josh, you have the floor:

The Debate

Josh: No one can question Dota’s contribution to the genre—heck,
it created it—but in the second generation of MOBAs, League of Legends
is the king. It innovates where Dota 2 stagnates, and provides a much
better experience for new players.

T.J.: Innovation and stagnation in MOBAs
is almost an entirely different discussion. The real innovators are
games like Demigod (as comparatively unsuccessful as they are). At the
end of the day, both of the big dogs have way more in common than they
do in difference. But when it comes to those differences, I think Dota 2
is the more engaging contender. What it lacks in mass accessibility,
it makes up for in depth. I’d say the spirit of PC gaming favors the

Josh: I’d love to hear what you think gives Dota 2 deeper
gameplay. It’s certainly not skillshots or mechanical complexity, like
being able to respond to opponents’ abilities. Like Dota 2, there are a
ton of abilities in LoL that must be targeted at a location rather
than an opponent. In LoL, most of these abilities can be blocked with
skillful dodging, creep manipulation, or sacrificial leaps by allies.
You know how many skills allow for that complex variety of reactions in
Dota 2? One. Pudge’s hook. Every other “skillshot” hits everyone in its
way with no regard for collision. There’s no counterplay.

[Update: A few readers pointed out that there are a couple other
skills in Dota 2 that can be blocked, including Clockwerk’s ultimate and
Mirana’s arrow. Thanks for reminding us, but Josh feels his overall
point still stands. T.J. just didn't bring them up because he didn't
feel like he needed to in order to win. Yeah, that was it. Absolutely
wasn't just having a total brain flop at the time.]

T.J.: Dota is all about counterplay, way
more so than LoL. Sure, there may not be a lot of collision-deniable
skillshots, but that’s a very niche case to hang your argument on. A
lot of Dota’s heroes are designed to counter other specific heroes, or
kinds of heroes. It creates an interesting rock-paper-scissors meta.
Except if instead of rock-paper-scissors, you had
rock-paper-scissors-garden rake-tow truck-banana cart-[insert several
dozen other things here].

Josh: It’s not niche at all! That ability to counterplay enemy
skills completely changes the laning interaction, making it much more
important to gauge your movement, and track the positioning of creeps
and enemy champions.

I want some examples of counterplay that Dota 2 has that LoL doesn’t.
Other than denying (which, let’s be honest, is kind of a stupid
mechanic), LoL has all the counterplay Dota 2 has and then some.

T.J.: I’ll go ahead and say it: I don’t
find denying particularly fun. But at a high, competitive level, it
gives you more to do in the lane (especially early on). And if you want
another example, just look at the subtle differences in the maps. Dota
2’s lanes have more variation between top and bot, more potential gank
paths, and the distance between towers means you can’t just camp out
and farm XP.

Josh: So I guess the question is: What do you want your laning
phase minigame to be? It can either be a complex game of cat-and-mouse
poking with the enemy players, using creep waves as mobile defenses, or
it can be shooting your own soldiers in the head.

I’m happy to admit that Dota 2’s map has some very cool elements,
including those gank paths and the ability for some heroes to cut
through trees to make their own path. That’s awesome. But so is LoL’s
brush, which allows skilled players to perform great jukes and
manipulate vision in the field. Dota 2 has some of that with its height
variance, but it’s not nearly as interesting or fun to play with.

T.J.: Not to pop a scroll and concede
defeat here- I think we’ve both made an argument for complexity. But
that’s only one of many differences. So much of what I prefer about
Dota is apparent when you’re not even in a match. LoL gives you a very
small pool of rotating champs to start with, whereas Dota unlocks every
hero immediately.

Josh: Yeah, it’s awesome that Dota 2 unlocks all the heroes at
once (for free, too, if it ever actually leaves beta), but Dota has to
because, like you said earlier, it’s built on hard counters for every
hero. Without access to the full roster, game balance would be broken.
LoL, on the other hand, is balanced around team compositions—a
late-game team, a poke-damage team, an AoE ult team, etc.

I’m not saying that it makes paying for every champion individually
feel better on your wallet—LoL is a much more expensive game if you want
to own every champion—but you can be completely competitive with just
the free champions, if you wanted to. And you can buy everything but
skins for free, with currency earned from playing game.

T.J.: But that’s part of the problem. I
like the idea of thematic team comps, but I think it puts you in danger
of having a patch-dependant metagame. Balance changes always lead to
early experimentation, but the über-teams are almost always
going to eventually find a “best” way to do each of the strats you
described as a cycle progresses, which can mean a smaller percentage of
the champs being in the meta at a given time. Dota’s hard counters
mean you can’t ever really feel safe in a draft, and you’re less likely
to see a dominant comp emerge in any given patch. Both games will have
their no-brainer, god-tier, autoban carries and what have you, of

Josh: I do really enjoy Dota 2’s balance—those heroes have been
around forever and have been carefully tweaked with consistent skills
and items in mind. But that also makes it feel a bit stagnant to
me—LoL’s balance and meta is constantly changing, so that a great team
comp may be dominant for a few weeks, until someone figures out how to
counter it, and then everyone’s experimenting again. They both have
their merits in this regard, I think it just comes down to preference.

T.J.: Absolutely. It’s a matter of
preference. It’s just that my preference is objectively better. You
made a good point about Dota’s heroes having a longer balance history.
And Riot’s business model forces it to keep releasing champions to keep
making money—whether they’re ready for primetime or now. We also
haven’t even addressed how LoL’s rune and mastery system keeps you in a
stat ghetto until you’ve invested dozens and dozens of hours into the

Josh: The Rune and Mastery system adds a ton of depth to stat
tweaking and theorycrafting builds at high levels, and the matchmaking
system keeps you playing with people around your same level. It is a
minor penalty when trying to play with max-level friends as a brand new
player, but I’ll trade that for a massive boost to customization at
high-level. Another win for LoL’s depth.

T.J.: I don’t object to the concept of
runes and masteries, I do object to having to unlock them over weeks or
months. And the difference between a beginner account and a maxed one
makes you almost re-learn each champ at certain milestones. You can’t
just go look up a good jungle Warwick build, because they all assume
you have certain runes and masteries. But I can look up a pro-level
jungle Lycan. And while I may fail utterly in the execution, at least
that’s my fault, and not some stat deficiency I have to grind my way
out of.

Josh: You know what else isn’t your fault, T.J.? The fact that
Dota 2 didn’t bother to tell you that it chose to recreate bugs caused
by the original Dota’s RTS engine. Are you familiar with creep
stacking, T.J.?

T.J.: Why yes, Josh. Yes I am.

Josh: Then you’re, no doubt, also familiar with the fact that
it is absolutely ridiculous to expect players to know that if they pull
jungle camps far enough away from their spawn points, the game will
create a duplicate camp on top of it. Oh, and that you can only do it
at the minute mark because that’s when the map checks most jungle
camps, and respawns the ones it thinks are dead. Gameplay is balanced
around this opaque, archaic design! That is some of the stupidest, most
unintuitive, lazy game design I’ve ever seen.

T.J.: Josh, do you know what the following things have in common? Potato chips. X-rays. Velcro. Post-it notes. Silly Putty.

Josh: They’re delicious in small doses?

T.J.: Yes. But they’re also inventions
that came about by accident, and we kept them around because people
like them. Both in a limited culinary sense, and for their original
purposes. You can call Dota 2’s mechanics “archaic,” but if they were
such a bother, people would have all abandoned the game by now.

Josh: 70 million people have, according to Riot’s last released registration numbers, with 12 million of them playing every day!

T.J.: And “Call Me Maybe” had 367 million
views online last year. I never contended that LoL isn’t the more
accessible, or even more popular game. Consoles also tend to have a
higher install base than high-end gaming PCs, typically, and Call of
Duty is more popular than Crusader Kings. And yet here we are on PC
Gamer, because we love things that aren’t the most popular. I’m saying
Dota is the superior experience. I could go on and on.

The stronger abilities and items combined with
smaller health pools make team fights more interesting. It feels like a
high-stakes samurai duel, where one misclick can result in a
triple-kill for the enemy team in the space of seconds. I’ve been in
too many mid-game brawls in LoL where a couple people die, and the other
eight walk away with lowish health to lick their wounds. That’s just
not as exciting.

Josh: Fights are definitely faster in Dota 2. Getting one- or
two-shotted isn’t uncommon, and that goes back to hero balance: Dota 2
makes everyone overpowered and hopes you pick the right counters for
the enemy heroes. It’s a different playstyle.

Unreal Tournament’s fast-paced instagib mode, where everyone wields
laser rifles that explode the enemy in one hit, is a ton of fun when we
play it casually in the office. But when I want a competitive,
team-based experience that relies on working together with other people,
I want it to be at a pace where meaningful strategy can be coordinated
during the fight. There are still plenty of burst damage moments in
LoL—you just have to work a little harder to make them happen.

T.J.: Yeah, that one pretty much comes
down to a stylistic preference. I know it sounds silly to try to frame
MOBAs in anything resembling reality, but I prefer games where the
lethality is a little closer to how an actual such fight would work.
Hollywood aside, most sword fights last a couple seconds, then someone
gets stabbed. (That’s the only conceivable reason fencing never took
off as a spectator sport.) It’s the same argument I make about shooters
feeling boring when you can soak up bullets for a half hour.

Josh: I’ve never actually been gored by a rampaging minotaur, but I do concede that I probably wouldn’t last very long.

T.J.: Speaking of rampaging minotaurs,
how’s LoL’s solo queue treating you? Now, before we get into this: Both
games have a higher than acceptable percentage of bad-mannered,
text-based shouting matches. And I admire LoL’s Tribunal system. But
the fact is that a game with as many players as LoL has is inevitably
going to attract a lot of… less than mature community members. Same
thing happens in just about every explosively popular game. WoW, Call
of Duty, you name it.

Josh: Yeah, and being free-to-play certainly doesn’t help
either game. Riot’s done a lot to help improve the community beyond
just the Tribunal, but there are still plenty of jerks clogging up the
chat channels. There are friendly people in both games, and as long as
you queue up with friends, you’ll be okay.

T.J.: Oh, absolutely. Both games are far superior played with a pre-made.

Josh: And my teams learn from watching the best teams, and this is an area I think LoL stands as the uncontested champion.

T.J.: *cough*Hero*cough*

Josh: …Right, hero. LoL’s new league hosts 16 pro teams in NA
and EU, pays them salaries and has them play weekly matches in a giant
stadium in LA. Rivalries are developing, player stories are getting a
spotlight, and it’s building a huge community around eSports, which is
great for everyone.

It’s exciting to finally have reliable eSports scheduling. I’ve been
watching at least 3 days a week and I can’t get enough. Ive learned a
lot from the great commentary and play of the pros, and I’ve never been
more motivated to play LoL.

Best of all, the entire thing is livestreamed in HD for free, while
Dota 2 fans are often asked to pay real cash for tournament passes to
watch tournaments in the game client. That constant entertainment is
reason enough to choose LoL.

T.J.: Technically, StarCraft II has had
regular eSports scheduling for years in Korea… but that’s beside the
point. (Though I’d gladly argue “StarCraft II is the best eSport ever”
any day.)

You’re right, though. I objectively can’t argue
that LoL eSports has way more going on, more of an in-person tournament
scene (which I think is a far superior format), and more viewership
because of it. But part of that is due to Riot not having… really
anything else going on. LoL has been out for a while, and their
resources are dedicated to it. Valve has a lot more on its plate,
including but not limited to a little thing called Steam. And their game
isn’t even out yet. Give it time.

Josh: That’s a good thing for LoL players—they get their dev
team’s full attention all the time. As a gamer with choices, I don’t
want excuses, I want the highest quality content as frequently as

T.J.: And I’ll give you that one. In
terms of how much eSports goodness you can get, and the regular
spectacle of it all, LoL is a more fun scene to follow at the moment.
But Dota 2 is like the early days of mixed martial arts, when it was
all underground, and only a select, cliquish cadre of fans could see
that it was going to be something bigger. It’s a microcosm of eSports
itself. And the core part of Dota 2’s scene that really matters—the
game—is superior. I think time will vindicate that, like a late-game
tower dive on that jerk who’s been ganking you over and over.

Ultimately, I enjoy playing and watching both.
The rivalry is almost silly, with how similar they are at the end of
the day. I choose Dota if I have to choose, but I don’t see why they
can’t coexist.

Josh: Yeah, I think both games are going to thrive and do
well—and they should! We don’t have to forsake one for the other, and
it’s probably better that we specialize in different games. You carry
me in Dota 2, and I’ll get your back in LoL. Teamwork OP!

Хватит себя утешать не понятными ссылками. Они нечего не показывают, а только позорят доту своей донной аналитикой.


15 мар 2013, 20:07

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Го уже дофлудим на 100 страниц и пусть удаляют тему вместе с вегатокси. Почему банят нормальных троллей, которых смешно почитать, а упоротых говноедов нет?

15 мар 2013, 20:29

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Дотеры,ответьте: Во второй доте можно играть с модами втф ардм в пабе какомнибудь или как там устроено ?

15 мар 2013, 20:39

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

В курсе кто нибудь что там с матчем Фили в доту?)

15 мар 2013, 20:40

<Альфа Притон>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Zoxius писал(а):

Дотеры,ответьте: Во второй доте можно играть с модами втф ардм в пабе какомнибудь или как там устроено ?


в игру встроена система поиска соперников, которая ищет игроков сообразно выставленным тобою:

а) модам, среди которым:  ap, ar, sd, rd, cm и ещё один, который запрещает пикать героев, которые были ранее;

б) регионам.


выбрал всё, запустил поиск игры, дождался, погнал)


15 мар 2013, 20:42

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Mengele писал(а):

В курсе кто нибудь что там с матчем Фили в доту?)



15 мар 2013, 20:49

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Nfg писал(а):

Mengele писал(а):

В курсе кто нибудь что там с матчем Фили в доту?)




Да всем интересно =) Вроде как собирались. Филя в своем стриме прошлого матча с этим "любое ругательство" сказал что очень надеется что "этот самый" не спрыгнет. 


Втуль писал(а):

Zoxius писал(а):

Дотеры,ответьте: Во второй доте можно играть с модами втф ардм в пабе какомнибудь или как там устроено ?


в игру встроена система поиска соперников, которая ищет игроков сообразно выставленным тобою:

а) модам, среди которым:  ap, ar, sd, rd, cm и ещё один, который запрещает пикать героев, которые были ранее;

б) регионам.


выбрал всё, запустил поиск игры, дождался, погнал)



Только Zoxius  - если играешь соло нафиг убирай из условий поиска регионы русскоязычного населения, а из языков - русский. По своему опыту скажу - встроенный войс чат и русскоязычные подростки пубертатного возраста это просто ад кромешный.


15 мар 2013, 20:57

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Mengele писал(а):

В курсе кто нибудь что там с матчем Фили в доту?)


Не пришёл сегодня ваш великий филя, слился.

15 мар 2013, 21:49

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Думал кого купить Акали или Ренектона и увидел в лаунчере  риплэй  с акали решил посмотреть что она могет.

Не впадлу даже было зафрапсить и залить на ютуб  ;D



В дотане наверное так не по триксуешь?Какой нить Генадий оформит тебе стан на 5 секунд из которого

ты хрен выйдишь скорей всего,а про дотер Vegatoxi накроет тебя своим смертоносным комбо QWER  :D

15 мар 2013, 21:51

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Tesselhoff писал(а):

Для меня , кстати, эти моба игры на порядок ниже чем таже FIfa 13.


Вот это достойно уважения.

Футбол игра для настоящих мужчин. Она прекрасна.


А не то что долбёж анимешных или пластилиновых фигурок.

15 мар 2013, 21:58


Сервер: Страж Смерти
2х2: 1484
3х3: 96
Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

НА видео с Акали что-то особое? Оо Так в любой моба гире можно делать.


з.ы Голос русского анонсера в 10000 раз лучше сблёва в инглиш ьклиенте, пожалуй ради этого его и установлю.

15 мар 2013, 22:04

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Krutitel писал(а):

Думал кого купить Акали или Ренектона и увидел в лаунчере  риплэй  с акали решил посмотреть что она могет.

Не впадлу даже было зафрапсить и залить на ютуб  ;D



В дотане наверное так не по триксуешь?Какой нить Генадий оформит тебе стан на 5 секунд из которого

ты хрен выйдишь скорей всего,а про дотер Vegatoxi накроет тебя своим смертоносным комбо QWER  :D

Больше вероятности, что токсичный Вега мисанет директ станом в крипа.


15 мар 2013, 22:05

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Поиграл в лол, это какойто акт копрофилии, серьезно, не знаю как вы играете, анимация бега мужика из сплинтер села убила весь интерес.


Мне искренне жаль людей которые играют в это. :BP:

15 мар 2013, 22:05

Сообщение Dota 2 vs LoL что же выбрать?

Tremere писал(а):

НА видео с Акали что-то особое? Оо Так в любой моба гире можно делать.

В игре с Фнатиками у Денди так не подросло. Sad


Jetmars писал(а):

Поиграл в лол, это какойто акт копрофилии, серьезно, не знаю как вы играете, анимация бега мужика из сплинтер села убила весь интерес.


Мне искренне жаль людей которые играют в это. :BP:

В лоле нету мужика из спринтер села. Crab


15 мар 2013, 22:07
Начать новую тему Эта тема закрыта, вы не можете редактировать и оставлять сообщения в ней.


На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.