Автор | Сообщение |
на бете была новая анимация стандартного демадж текста, в релизе её нет, реально как то вернуть? |
14 ноя 2014, 10:03 |
Будьте любезны) |
15 ноя 2014, 00:14 |
PlayerFrame Tweaks не работает в аддоне вообще, вручную все норм.. может тут что-то пофиксить можно? hooksecurefunc("PlayerFrame_UpdateStatus", function()
16 ноя 2014, 10:08 |
Под пандарию не обновляли ? Самому лень садится |
17 ноя 2014, 02:09 |
Короче дефолтный др трекер в нейло гладиус не пашет, как чинить ? |
18 ноя 2014, 00:21 |
del |
18 ноя 2014, 01:30 |
Раньше использовал следующий скрипт, чтоб быть внизу пати. Нынче не робит: LoadAddOn("Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames") CRFSort_Group=function(t1, t2) if UnitIsUnit(t1,"player") then return false elseif UnitIsUnit(t2,"player") then return true else return t1 < t2 end end CompactRaidFrameContainer.flowSortFunc=CRFSort_Group |
18 ноя 2014, 01:36 |
В дефоулт гладиусе умерли диминишинги и тринкеты дерьмовенько показываются. Диминишинги лечатся аддоном Diminishing Returns, но я не разобрался как его научить, что ice nova - это не рут, а incacipate. Вообще в целом все аддоны тупят. Первый интерапт бар вообще умер, второй устраивает мега лаги. |
18 ноя 2014, 02:19 |
<Имя Говорит Само за Себя> Сервер: Гордунни |
Tesselhoff писал(а): В дефоулт гладиусе умерли диминишинги и тринкеты дерьмовенько показываются. Диминишинги лечатся аддоном Diminishing Returns, но я не разобрался как его научить, что ice nova - это не рут, а incacipate.
В луа файле спеллы расписаны по классам и по категориям, просто поменяй ему категорию. Код: [108194] = "Stun",-- Asphyxiate А хотя нет, я думал ты про этот аддон http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23099-DRTrackerStandalone.html |
18 ноя 2014, 03:56 |
<Mashed Potatoes> Сервер: Tarren Mill |
Faradey писал(а): Будьте любезны)
Просто перенеси на панель а дальше на свое усмотрение |
18 ноя 2014, 05:23 |
witcher писал(а): Tesselhoff писал(а): В дефоулт гладиусе умерли диминишинги и тринкеты дерьмовенько показываются. Диминишинги лечатся аддоном Diminishing Returns, но я не разобрался как его научить, что ice nova - это не рут, а incacipate.
В луа файле спеллы расписаны по классам и по категориям, просто поменяй ему категорию. Код: [108194] = "Stun",-- Asphyxiate А хотя нет, я думал ты про этот аддон http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info23099-DRTrackerStandalone.html уже нашёл сам и научил =) спасибо. да аддон другой.
проблему интерапт бара, который не пашет пытался решить установкой интерапт бара номер 2. От него пошли лютые лаги. Короче поставил Аффликтед и всё.
Диминишинги кстати не совсем вконец умерли в Дефолт Гладиусе, просто тупят слегка, в целом решил не эксперементировать и просто остановился на аддоне. Но например линия incacipate - шип и т.д. Умерла окончательно, как и линия фира.
Ещё вроде каст бары умерли, которые слева должны быть. Тепреь у меня на их месте диминишинги. |
18 ноя 2014, 06:43 |
<Oùt of Control> Сервер: Outland Рейтинг поля боя: 2156 2х2: 2467 3х3: 2833 |
Кто-нить знает как в новом гладиусе убрать эту фигню белую с кулдаунов? p.s. не актуально, свежая версия с курса помогла |
20 ноя 2014, 21:57 |
Как убрать PlayerFrameGroupIndicator ? PlayerFrameGroupIndicator:Hide() не работает. И еще. Почему сбивается расположение собственных плеер фреймов ? Передвинуты без скриптов. Возможно, что из-за скриптов ? |
21 ноя 2014, 01:43 |
<Имя Говорит Само за Себя> Сервер: Гордунни |
del |
24 ноя 2014, 01:20 |
<Имя Говорит Само за Себя> Сервер: Гордунни |
Diskay писал(а): У меня тут проблема возникла: скрипт на разделение больших цифр запятой в комбинации с остальными скриптами, которые у меня прописаны, не дает возможности менять глифы, пишет что действие доступно только стандартному интерфейсу близорд. Может кто помочь с этим? Все скрипты из луа файла: Код: --Change the format of hp/mana text to absolute values ("140k"): local f=function(v)if(v>=1e4) then return ('%.1fk'):format(v/1e3):gsub('%.?0+([km])$','%1') else return v end end hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString",function(s) if not GetCVarBool("statusTextPercentage") then if s.TextString and s.currValue then s.TextString:SetText(f(s.currValue)) end end end) --hide macro labels hooksecurefunc('ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys', function(self) local macro = _G[self:GetName()..'Name'] if macro then macro:Hide() end end) --Blizzard Loss Of Control hooksecurefunc("CooldownFrame_SetTimer", function(self) if self.currentCooldownType == COOLDOWN_TYPE_LOSS_OF_CONTROL then self:SetCooldown(0, 0) end end) select(1,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(2,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(3,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(2,LossOfControlFrame:GetChildren()):SetAlpha(0) select(4,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):ClearAllPoints () LossOfControlFrame:ClearAllPoints() LossOfControlFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",70,0) select(4,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",70,0) select(5,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) --Arena talents local aftscript = CreateFrame("Frame") aftscript:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") local function eventHandler(self,event) if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType == "arena" or instanceType == "pvp" then TalentFrame_LoadUI() ShowUIPanel(PlayerTalentFrame) end end end --clean player frame hooksecurefunc("PlayerFrame_UpdateStatus", function() if IsResting("player") then PlayerStatusTexture:Hide() PlayerRestIcon:Hide() PlayerRestGlow:Hide() PlayerStatusGlow:Hide() elseif PlayerFrame.inCombat then PlayerStatusTexture:Hide() PlayerAttackIcon:Hide() PlayerRestIcon:Hide() PlayerAttackGlow:Hide() PlayerRestGlow:Hide() PlayerStatusGlow:Hide() PlayerAttackBackground:Hide() end end) --hide stancebar RegisterStateDriver(StanceBarFrame, 'visibility', 'hide') --hide petname PetName:Hide() --Woundman DRTracker USD="UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED";OT="OnEvent";FR="Frame";RF=CreateFrame;RD="Border";UE=UnitName CS=RF(FR) CS.c=RF("Cooldown","CST",CS.t) CS:RegisterEvent(USD) CS.c:SetAllPoints(CS) CS:SetPoint("RIGHT",PlayerFrame,22,28)CS:SetSize(25,22)CS.t=CS:CreateTexture(nil,RD)CS.t:SetAllPoints()CS.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ability_cheapshot") CS:SetScript(OT,function(self,event,...)if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==1833 then CST:SetCooldown(GetTime(),23) end if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==408 then CST:SetCooldown(GetTime(),25)end end) SP=RF(FR) SP.c=RF("Cooldown","SAP",SP.t) SP:RegisterEvent(USD) SP.c:SetAllPoints(SP) SP:SetPoint("RIGHT",PlayerFrame,22,6)SP:SetSize(25,22)SP.t=SP:CreateTexture(nil,RD)SP.t:SetAllPoints()SP.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ability_sap") SP:SetScript(OT,function(self,event,...)if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==6770 then SAP:SetCooldown(GetTime(),27)end if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==1776 then SAP:SetCooldown(GetTime(),23)end end) --cd text fix COOLDOWN_DURATION_MIN = "%dm" COOLDOWN_DURATION_HOURS = "%dh" --Combat Text local ctscript = CreateFrame("Frame") ctscript:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local function eventHandler(self,event,a1) if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and a1 == "Blizzard_CombatText" then --ENTERING_COMBAT = "+Combat" --LEAVING_COMBAT = "-Combat" CombatText:SetScale(.7) --AURA_END = "-%s" --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_START_HARMFUL"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_END_HARMFUL"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_END"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_DAMAGE"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_DAMAGE_CRIT"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["DAMAGE_CRIT"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_CRIT_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["PERIODIC_HEAL"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_CRIT"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["PERIODIC_HEAL_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ABSORB_ADDED"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_COMBO_POINTS = "%d CP" --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].r = 0.1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].g = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].b = 0.1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].r = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].g = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].b = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].r = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].g = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].b = 1 end end ctscript:SetScript("OnEvent",eventHandler) --arena statistic for i=0,1 do teamName,oldTeamRating,newTeamRating, teamRating=GetBattlefieldTeamInfo(i);SendChatMessage(teamName .. " (now: " .. newTeamRating .. "; before: " .. oldTeamRating .. "; mmr: " .. teamRating .. ")", "PARTY"); end --Disable healing/damage spam over player/pet frame PlayerHitIndicator:SetText(nil) PlayerHitIndicator.SetText = function() end PetHitIndicator:SetText(nil) PetHitIndicator.SetText = function() end -- EDIT THIS LINE BELOW TO CHANGE YOUR NAME NewName = "Diskay" PN = GetUnitName("player") -- Change Player UnitFrame Name PFNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "PlayerFrameNameChange") local function ChangePlayerName(self) PlayerFrame.name:SetText(NewName) end PFNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangePlayerName) --group number PlayerFrameGroupIndicator.Show = function() return end --Class colors in hp bars local function colour(statusbar, unit) local _, class, c if UnitIsPlayer(unit) and UnitIsConnected(unit) and unit == statusbar.unit and UnitClass(unit) then _, class = UnitClass(unit) c = CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS and CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS[class] or RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] statusbar:SetStatusBarColor(c.r, c.g, c.b) PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarColor(0,1,0) end end hooksecurefunc("UnitFrameHealthBar_Update", colour) hooksecurefunc("HealthBar_OnValueChanged", function(self) colour(self, self.unit) end) --FocusFrameSpellBar FocusFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints() FocusFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", FocusFrame, "LEFT", -80, 0) FocusFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end FocusFrameSpellBar:SetScale(1.3) --target cast bar TargetFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 30) TargetFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end TargetFrameSpellBar:SetScale(1.3) --[[ BuffTracker bl = icon list bs = icon size xb = x positon of buff Tracker yb = y positon of buff Tracker br = x buffs per line ]]-- bl={73651,5171,1966,108208,1784,126707,118334,51713} bs=25;xb=-290;yb=35;br=7;bdr="BORDER"be="UNIT_AURA"cbf=CreateFrame;gi=GetSpellInfo;bm=math.ceil;fm=math.floor;st=STANDARD_TEXT_FONT;function cu(s)return UnitBuff("player",gi(s))end function Cb(i,s)local _,_,t3=gi(s)local f=cbf("Frame")f:SetSize(bs,bs)f.t=f:CreateTexture(nil,bdr)f.t:SetAllPoints(true)f.t:SetTexture(t3)f.f=f:CreateFontString(nil,bdr)f.f:SetFont(st,12,"OUTLINE")f.f:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)return f;end function vb(s,i,row)local b1,_,_,b4=cu(s)local f=_G["B"..i]if b1 then f:Show()f:SetPoint("CENTER",xb+(bs+5)*bm((row-1)%br),yb-(bs+10)*bm(row/br))if(b4>1)then f.f:SetText(b4)end row=row+1;end return row;end function ub()for i,s in ipairs(bl)do local b,_,_,_,_,_,k=cu(s)if b then local vt=fm(k-GetTime())if(vt>=60)then vt=bm(vt/60)_G["B"..i].c:SetText(vt.."m")elseif vt >=0 then _G["B"..i].c:SetText(vt.."s")end end end end function Cc(f)f.c=f:CreateFontString(nil,bdr)f.c:SetFont(st,12,"OUTLINE")f.c:SetPoint("CENTER",0,-20)end function db()for i in ipairs(bl)do _G["B"..i]:Hide()end end for i,s in ipairs(bl)do _G["B"..i]=Cb(i,s)Cc(_G["B"..i])_G["B"..i]:Hide()end function bb()db()local bw=1;for i,s in ipairs(bl)do bw=vb(s,i,bw)end end bk=cbf("Frame")bk:SetScript("OnEvent",bb)bk:SetScript("OnUpdate",ub)bk:RegisterEvent(be) --hide graphics MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide() MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide() MainMenuExpBar:Hide() MainMenuBarMaxLevelBar:SetAlpha(0) MainMenuBarTexture0:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture1:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture2:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture3:Hide() --classicons UFP = "UnitFramePortrait_Update" UICC = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Classes-Circles" CIT = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS hooksecurefunc(UFP,function(self) if self.portrait then if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) and UnitIsVisible(self.unit) then self.portrait:SetTexture(UICC) self.portrait:SetTexCoord(unpack(CIT[select(2,UnitClass(self.unit))])) else self.portrait:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) end end end) --Hide pvpicon TargetFrameTextureFramePVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) PlayerPVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) FocusFrameTextureFramePVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) --combat icon CTT=CreateFrame("Frame")CTT:SetParent(TargetFrame)CTT:SetPoint("Right",TargetFrameTextureFrame,-38,-17)CTT:SetSize(27,27)CTT.t=CTT:CreateTexture(nil,BORDER)CTT.t:SetAllPoints()CTT.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ABILITY_DUALWIELD")CTT:Hide() local function FrameOnUpdate(self) if UnitAffectingCombat("target") then self:Show() else self:Hide() end end local g = CreateFrame("Frame") g:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self) FrameOnUpdate(CTT) end) CFT=CreateFrame("Frame")CFT:SetParent(FocusFrame)CFT:SetPoint("Right",FocusFrame,0,5)CFT:SetSize(30,30)CFT.t=CFT:CreateTexture(nil,BORDER)CFT.t:SetAllPoints()CFT.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ABILITY_DUALWIELD")CFT:Hide() local function FrameOnUpdate(self) if UnitAffectingCombat("focus") then self:Show() else self:Hide() end end local g = CreateFrame("Frame") g:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self) FrameOnUpdate(CFT) end) --Big Debuffs hooksecurefunc("TargetFrame_UpdateAuraPositions", function(self, auraName, numAuras, numOppositeAuras,largeAuraList, updateFunc, maxRowWidth, offsetX) local AURA_OFFSET_Y = 3 local LARGE_AURA_SIZE = 30 -- развер ВАШИХ баффов/дебаффов. local SMALL_AURA_SIZE = 23 -- развер чужих баффов/дебаффов. local size local offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y local rowWidth = 0 local firstBuffOnRow = 1 for i=1, numAuras do if ( largeAuraList[i] ) then size = LARGE_AURA_SIZE offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y + AURA_OFFSET_Y else size = SMALL_AURA_SIZE end if ( i == 1 ) then rowWidth = size self.auraRows = self.auraRows + 1 else rowWidth = rowWidth + size + offsetX end if ( rowWidth > maxRowWidth ) then updateFunc(self, auraName, i, numOppositeAuras, firstBuffOnRow, size, offsetX, offsetY) rowWidth = size self.auraRows = self.auraRows + 1 firstBuffOnRow = i offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y else updateFunc(self, auraName, i, numOppositeAuras, i - 1, size, offsetX, offsetY) end end end) --прозрачные фреймы у таргета и фокуса hooksecurefunc('TargetFrame_CheckFaction', function(self) if ( not UnitPlayerControlled(self.unit) and UnitIsTapped(self.unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(self.unit) and not UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList(self.unit) ) then self.nameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); if ( self.portrait ) then self.portrait:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); end else self.nameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); if ( self.portrait ) then self.portrait:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end end) --minimap MinimapZoomIn:Hide() MinimapZoomOut:Hide() Minimap:EnableMouseWheel(true) Minimap:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', function(self, delta) if delta > 0 then Minimap_ZoomIn() else Minimap_ZoomOut() end end) MiniMapTracking:ClearAllPoints() MiniMapTracking:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -26, 7) --cast bar CastingBarFrame.timer = CastingBarFrame:CreateFontString(nil); CastingBarFrame.timer:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT,12,"OUTLINE"); CastingBarFrame.timer:SetPoint("TOP", CastingBarFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 0); CastingBarFrame.update = .1; hooksecurefunc("CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) if not self.timer then return end if self.update and self.update < elapsed then if self.casting then self.timer:SetText(format("%2.1f/%1.1f", max(self.maxValue - self.value, 0), self.maxValue)) elseif self.channeling then self.timer:SetText(format("%.1f", max(self.value, 0))) else self.timer:SetText("") end self.update = .1 else self.update = self.update - elapsed end end) --DRTracker local DRTracker = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DRTracker", UIParent) local DRs = {} local lastChangedFrame = nil DRTracker:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") DRTracker:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local spellIds = { -- DR Categories listed here [url=http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11267997531]http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11267997531[/url] -- Many thanks to those that assisted the creation of the original list from LoseControl. -- Categories: Stun (1), Silence (2), Disorient/Fear (3), Incapacitate/Polymorph (4), Roots (5) -- Death Knight [108194] = "Stun", -- Asphyxiate [115001] = "Stun", -- Remorseless Winter [47476] = "Silence", -- Strangulate [96294] = "Root", -- Chains of Ice (Chilblains) -- Death Knight Ghoul [91800] = "Stun", -- Gnaw [91797] = "Stun", -- Monstrous Blow (Dark Transformation) [91807] = "Root", -- Shambling Rush (Dark Transformation) -- Druid [113801] = "Stun", -- Bash (Force of Nature - Feral Treants) [102795] = "Stun", -- Bear Hug [33786] = "Disorient", -- Cyclone [99] = "Incap", -- Disorienting (Incapacitating) Roar [22570] = "Stun", -- Maim [5211] = "Stun", -- Mighty Bash [163505] = "Stun", -- Rake [114238] = "Silence", -- Fae Silence (Glyph of Fae Silence) [81261] = "Silence", -- Solar Beam [339] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots [113770] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Force of Nature - Balance Treants) [19975] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Nature's Grasp) [45334] = "Root", -- Immobilized (Wild Charge - Bear) [102359] = "Root", -- Mass Entanglement -- Hunter [117526] = "Stun", -- Binding Shot [3355] = "Incap", -- Freezing Trap [1513] = "Disorient", -- Scare Beast [19386] = "Incap", -- Wyvern Sting [34490] = "Silence", -- Silencing Shot [19185] = "Root", -- Entrapment [64803] = "Root", -- Entrapment [128405] = "Root", -- Narrow Escape -- Mage [118271] = "Stun", -- Combustion Impact [44572] = "Stun", -- Deep Freeze [31661] = "Disorient", -- Dragon's Breath [118] = "Incap", -- Polymorph [61305] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Black Cat [28272] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Pig [61721] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Rabbit [61780] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Turkey [28271] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Turtle [82691] = "Incap", -- Ring of Frost [102051] = "Silence", -- Frostjaw (also a root) [122] = "Root", -- Frost Nova [111340] = "Root", -- Ice Ward -- Mage Water Elemental [33395] = "Root", -- Freeze -- Monk [123393] = "Incap", -- Breath of Fire (Glyph of Breath of Fire) [119392] = "Stun", -- Charging Ox Wave [120086] = "Stun", -- Fists of Fury [119381] = "Stun", -- Leg Sweep [115078] = "Incap", -- Paralysis [137460] = "Incap", -- Silenced (Ring of Peace) [116706] = "Root", -- Disable [123407] = "Root", -- Spinning Fire Blossom -- Paladin [105421] = "Disorient", -- Blinding Light [115752] = "Stun", -- Blinding Light (Glyph of Blinding Light) [105593] = "Stun", -- Fist of Justice [853] = "Stun", -- Hammer of Justice [119072] = "Stun", -- Holy Wrath [20066] = "Incap", -- Repentance [10326] = "Disorient", -- Turn Evil [145067] = "Disorient", -- Turn Evil (Evil is a Point of View) [31935] = "Silence", -- Avenger's Shield -- Priest [605] = "Incap", -- Dominate Mind [88625] = "Incap", -- Holy Word: Chastise [64044] = "Incap", -- Psychic Horror [8122] = "Disorient", -- Psychic Scream [113792] = "Disorient", -- Psychic Terror (Psyfiend) [9484] = "Disorient", -- Shackle Undead [15487] = "Silence", -- Silence [87194] = "Root", -- Glyph of Mind Blast [114404] = "Root", -- Void Tendril's Grasp -- Rogue [2094] = "Disorient", -- Blind [1833] = "Stun", -- Cheap Shot [1776] = "Incap", -- Gouge [408] = "Stun", -- Kidney Shot [6770] = "Incap", -- Sap [1330] = "Silence", -- Garrote - Silence -- Shaman [51514] = "Incap", -- Hex [118905] = "Stun", -- Static Charge (Capacitor Totem) [64695] = "Root", -- Earthgrab (Earthgrab Totem) [63685] = "Root", -- Freeze (Frozen Power) -- Shaman Primal Earth Elemental [118345] = "Stun", -- Pulverize -- Warlock [710] = "Incap", -- Banish [137143] = "Incap", -- Blood Horror [5782] = "Disorient", -- Fear [118699] = "Disorient", -- Fear [130616] = "Disorient", -- Fear (Glyph of Fear) [5484] = "Disorient", -- Howl of Terror [22703] = "Stun", -- Infernal Awakening [6789] = "Incap", -- Mortal Coil [132412] = "Disorient", -- Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [30283] = "Stun", -- Shadowfury [132409] = "Silence", -- Spell Lock (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [31117] = "Silence", -- Unstable Affliction -- Warlock Pets [89766] = "Stun", -- Axe Toss (Felguard/Wrathguard) [115268] = "Disorient", -- Mesmerize (Shivarra) [6358] = "Disorient", -- Seduction (Succubus) [115782] = "Silence", -- Optical Blast (Observer) [24259] = "Silence", -- Spell Lock (Felhunter) -- Warrior --[7922] = "Root", -- Charge Stun [5246] = "Disorient", -- Intimidating Shout (aoe) [20511] = "Disorient", -- Intimidating Shout (targeted) [132168] = "Stun", -- Shockwave [107570] = "Stun", -- Storm Bolt [132169] = "Stun", -- Storm Bolt [18498] = "Silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order (PvE only) [107566] = "Root", -- Staggering Shout [105771] = "Root", -- Warbringer -- Other [107079] = "Incap", -- Quaking Palm [13327] = "Stun", -- Reckless Charge [20549] = "Stun", -- War Stomp [25046] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Energy) [28730] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Mana) [50613] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Runic Power) [69179] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Rage) [80483] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Focus) [129597] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Chi) [39965] = "Root", -- Frost Grenade [55536] = "Root", -- Frostweave Net [13099] = "Root", -- Net-o-Matic } function DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) -- Returns CC category of the spellIDs listed above return spellID and spellIds[spellID] or nil end function DRTracker:OnEvent(event, ...) -- Runs things, and stuff. self[event](self, ...) end DRTracker:SetScript("OnEvent", DRTracker.OnEvent) function DRTracker:ADDON_LOADED(addonName) -- Anchor DR trackers if addonName == "Blizzard_ArenaUI" then local arenaFrame for i = 1, 5 do arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i --local loc = -30 -- (Depreciated) Distance between the left edge of each frame. Should match the width of the frame. for j = 1, 5 do local DR = CreateFrame("Frame", arenaFrame.."DR"..j, ArenaEnemyFrames) DR:ClearAllPoints() DR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", arenaFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -10) DR:SetSize(32, 32) -- (Width, Height) of each frame. A perfect square is preferable, otherwise the spell icon will look stretched. DR.border = DR:CreateTexture(nil, "LOW") DR.border:SetAllPoints() DR.border:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-Quickslot-Depress.png") DR.icon = DR:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") DR.shown = false DR.severity = 1 DR.unit = i DR.cate = j DR.applied = 0 DR.sweep = CreateFrame("Cooldown", nil, DR, "CooldownFrameTemplate") DR.sweep:ClearAllPoints() DR.sweep:SetAllPoints(DR) local function OnShow(self) local curX = 0 for b=1,5 do local curFrame = DRs["arena"..DR.unit..b] if curFrame.shown == true and b ~= self.cate then curX = curX - 30 end end self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..self.unit, "TOPLEFT", curX, -10) self.shown = true self.applied = GetTime() end DR:HookScript("OnShow", OnShow) local function OnHide(self) for b = 1,5 do local curFrame = DRs["arena"..self.unit..b] if curFrame and curFrame.shown == true and curFrame.applied > self.applied then local _, _, _, x = curFrame:GetPoint(1) curFrame:ClearAllPoints() curFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..curFrame.unit, "TOPLEFT", x+30, -10) end end self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..self.unit, "TOPLEFT", 0, -10) end DR:HookScript("OnHide", OnHide) local function DREnd(self, elapsed) if self.sweep:GetCooldownDuration() == 0 and self.shown == true then self:Hide() self.shown = false self.severity = 1 end end DR:HookScript("OnUpdate", DREnd) DR:Hide() DRs["arena"..i..j] = DR end end end end function DRTracker:SetTexture(Frame, spellID) -- Sets displayed icon to last spell. if Frame.shown == true then Frame.dur = Frame.sweep:GetCooldownDuration() Frame:Hide() end lastChangedFrame = Frame local _, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellID) Frame.icon:ClearAllPoints() Frame.icon:SetAllPoints() Frame.icon:SetTexture(icon) Frame:Show() if Frame.severity == 1 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0, 1) Frame.severity = 2 elseif Frame.severity == 2 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, .4, 0, 1) Frame.severity = 3 elseif Frame.severity == 3 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1) end end function DRTracker:TimerStart(GUID, spellID, spellName) -- Primary function; begins CD sweep and icon updates. Not a good idea to edit any of this. local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType ~= "arena" then return end local cat = DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) if(UnitGUID("arena1") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena1", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena2") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena2", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena3") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena3", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena4") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena4", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena5") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena5", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end end return end function DRTracker:GetDRs() return DRTracker and DRs end function DRTracker:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timeStamp, eventType, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType) if eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" then -- Crowd control landed, time to do stuff. if auraType == "DEBUFF" and DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) then DRTracker:TimerStart(destGUID, spellID, spellName) end end end --trinkets LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI") ArenaEnemyFrame1:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame2:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame3:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame4:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame5:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame1:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,70) ArenaEnemyFrame2:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,20) ArenaEnemyFrame3:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-30) ArenaEnemyFrame4:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-80) ArenaEnemyFrame5:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-130) ArenaEnemyFrame1.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame2.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame3.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame4.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame5.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrames:SetScale(1.3) for i=1, 5 do _G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i.."CastingBar"]:SetPoint("RIGHT", 95, 0) end trinkets = {} local arenaFrame, trinket for i = 1, 5 do arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames) trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6) trinket:SetSize(32, 32) trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") trinket.icon:SetAllPoints() trinket.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelry_trinketpvp_01") trinket:Hide() trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket end local events = CreateFrame("Frame") function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID) if not trinkets[unitID] then return end if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1) SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY") end end function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType == "arena" then self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0) trinket:Hide() end end end events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end) events:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
Я стал использовать другой скрипт на убирание запятой, пока багов не заметил. Код: SetCVar('BreakUpLargeNumbers', 0) |
25 ноя 2014, 01:37 |
witcher писал(а): Diskay писал(а): У меня тут проблема возникла: скрипт на разделение больших цифр запятой в комбинации с остальными скриптами, которые у меня прописаны, не дает возможности менять глифы, пишет что действие доступно только стандартному интерфейсу близорд. Может кто помочь с этим? Все скрипты из луа файла: Код: --Change the format of hp/mana text to absolute values ("140k"): local f=function(v)if(v>=1e4) then return ('%.1fk'):format(v/1e3):gsub('%.?0+([km])$','%1') else return v end end hooksecurefunc("TextStatusBar_UpdateTextString",function(s) if not GetCVarBool("statusTextPercentage") then if s.TextString and s.currValue then s.TextString:SetText(f(s.currValue)) end end end) --hide macro labels hooksecurefunc('ActionButton_UpdateHotkeys', function(self) local macro = _G[self:GetName()..'Name'] if macro then macro:Hide() end end) --Blizzard Loss Of Control hooksecurefunc("CooldownFrame_SetTimer", function(self) if self.currentCooldownType == COOLDOWN_TYPE_LOSS_OF_CONTROL then self:SetCooldown(0, 0) end end) select(1,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(2,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(3,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) select(2,LossOfControlFrame:GetChildren()):SetAlpha(0) select(4,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):ClearAllPoints () LossOfControlFrame:ClearAllPoints() LossOfControlFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",70,0) select(4,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",70,0) select(5,LossOfControlFrame:GetRegions()):SetAlpha(0) --Arena talents local aftscript = CreateFrame("Frame") aftscript:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") local function eventHandler(self,event) if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType == "arena" or instanceType == "pvp" then TalentFrame_LoadUI() ShowUIPanel(PlayerTalentFrame) end end end --clean player frame hooksecurefunc("PlayerFrame_UpdateStatus", function() if IsResting("player") then PlayerStatusTexture:Hide() PlayerRestIcon:Hide() PlayerRestGlow:Hide() PlayerStatusGlow:Hide() elseif PlayerFrame.inCombat then PlayerStatusTexture:Hide() PlayerAttackIcon:Hide() PlayerRestIcon:Hide() PlayerAttackGlow:Hide() PlayerRestGlow:Hide() PlayerStatusGlow:Hide() PlayerAttackBackground:Hide() end end) --hide stancebar RegisterStateDriver(StanceBarFrame, 'visibility', 'hide') --hide petname PetName:Hide() --Woundman DRTracker USD="UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED";OT="OnEvent";FR="Frame";RF=CreateFrame;RD="Border";UE=UnitName CS=RF(FR) CS.c=RF("Cooldown","CST",CS.t) CS:RegisterEvent(USD) CS.c:SetAllPoints(CS) CS:SetPoint("RIGHT",PlayerFrame,22,28)CS:SetSize(25,22)CS.t=CS:CreateTexture(nil,RD)CS.t:SetAllPoints()CS.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ability_cheapshot") CS:SetScript(OT,function(self,event,...)if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==1833 then CST:SetCooldown(GetTime(),23) end if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==408 then CST:SetCooldown(GetTime(),25)end end) SP=RF(FR) SP.c=RF("Cooldown","SAP",SP.t) SP:RegisterEvent(USD) SP.c:SetAllPoints(SP) SP:SetPoint("RIGHT",PlayerFrame,22,6)SP:SetSize(25,22)SP.t=SP:CreateTexture(nil,RD)SP.t:SetAllPoints()SP.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ability_sap") SP:SetScript(OT,function(self,event,...)if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==6770 then SAP:SetCooldown(GetTime(),27)end if UE(select(1,...))==UE("player")and select(5,...)==1776 then SAP:SetCooldown(GetTime(),23)end end) --cd text fix COOLDOWN_DURATION_MIN = "%dm" COOLDOWN_DURATION_HOURS = "%dh" --Combat Text local ctscript = CreateFrame("Frame") ctscript:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local function eventHandler(self,event,a1) if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and a1 == "Blizzard_CombatText" then --ENTERING_COMBAT = "+Combat" --LEAVING_COMBAT = "-Combat" CombatText:SetScale(.7) --AURA_END = "-%s" --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_START_HARMFUL"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_END_HARMFUL"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_AURA_END"].var = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_DAMAGE"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["SPELL_DAMAGE_CRIT"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["DAMAGE_CRIT"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_CRIT_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["PERIODIC_HEAL"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_CRIT"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["PERIODIC_HEAL_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["HEAL_ABSORB"].show = nil COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ABSORB_ADDED"].show = nil --COMBAT_TEXT_COMBO_POINTS = "%d CP" --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].r = 0.1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].g = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["COMBO_POINTS"].b = 0.1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].r = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].g = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["ENTERING_COMBAT"].b = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].r = 1 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].g = 0 --COMBAT_TEXT_TYPE_INFO["LEAVING_COMBAT"].b = 1 end end ctscript:SetScript("OnEvent",eventHandler) --arena statistic for i=0,1 do teamName,oldTeamRating,newTeamRating, teamRating=GetBattlefieldTeamInfo(i);SendChatMessage(teamName .. " (now: " .. newTeamRating .. "; before: " .. oldTeamRating .. "; mmr: " .. teamRating .. ")", "PARTY"); end --Disable healing/damage spam over player/pet frame PlayerHitIndicator:SetText(nil) PlayerHitIndicator.SetText = function() end PetHitIndicator:SetText(nil) PetHitIndicator.SetText = function() end -- EDIT THIS LINE BELOW TO CHANGE YOUR NAME NewName = "Diskay" PN = GetUnitName("player") -- Change Player UnitFrame Name PFNC = CreateFrame("Frame", "PlayerFrameNameChange") local function ChangePlayerName(self) PlayerFrame.name:SetText(NewName) end PFNC:SetScript("OnUpdate", ChangePlayerName) --group number PlayerFrameGroupIndicator.Show = function() return end --Class colors in hp bars local function colour(statusbar, unit) local _, class, c if UnitIsPlayer(unit) and UnitIsConnected(unit) and unit == statusbar.unit and UnitClass(unit) then _, class = UnitClass(unit) c = CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS and CUSTOM_CLASS_COLORS[class] or RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] statusbar:SetStatusBarColor(c.r, c.g, c.b) PlayerFrameHealthBar:SetStatusBarColor(0,1,0) end end hooksecurefunc("UnitFrameHealthBar_Update", colour) hooksecurefunc("HealthBar_OnValueChanged", function(self) colour(self, self.unit) end) --FocusFrameSpellBar FocusFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints() FocusFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("BOTTOM", FocusFrame, "LEFT", -80, 0) FocusFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end FocusFrameSpellBar:SetScale(1.3) --target cast bar TargetFrameSpellBar:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrameSpellBar:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 30) TargetFrameSpellBar.SetPoint = function() end TargetFrameSpellBar:SetScale(1.3) --[[ BuffTracker bl = icon list bs = icon size xb = x positon of buff Tracker yb = y positon of buff Tracker br = x buffs per line ]]-- bl={73651,5171,1966,108208,1784,126707,118334,51713} bs=25;xb=-290;yb=35;br=7;bdr="BORDER"be="UNIT_AURA"cbf=CreateFrame;gi=GetSpellInfo;bm=math.ceil;fm=math.floor;st=STANDARD_TEXT_FONT;function cu(s)return UnitBuff("player",gi(s))end function Cb(i,s)local _,_,t3=gi(s)local f=cbf("Frame")f:SetSize(bs,bs)f.t=f:CreateTexture(nil,bdr)f.t:SetAllPoints(true)f.t:SetTexture(t3)f.f=f:CreateFontString(nil,bdr)f.f:SetFont(st,12,"OUTLINE")f.f:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0)return f;end function vb(s,i,row)local b1,_,_,b4=cu(s)local f=_G["B"..i]if b1 then f:Show()f:SetPoint("CENTER",xb+(bs+5)*bm((row-1)%br),yb-(bs+10)*bm(row/br))if(b4>1)then f.f:SetText(b4)end row=row+1;end return row;end function ub()for i,s in ipairs(bl)do local b,_,_,_,_,_,k=cu(s)if b then local vt=fm(k-GetTime())if(vt>=60)then vt=bm(vt/60)_G["B"..i].c:SetText(vt.."m")elseif vt >=0 then _G["B"..i].c:SetText(vt.."s")end end end end function Cc(f)f.c=f:CreateFontString(nil,bdr)f.c:SetFont(st,12,"OUTLINE")f.c:SetPoint("CENTER",0,-20)end function db()for i in ipairs(bl)do _G["B"..i]:Hide()end end for i,s in ipairs(bl)do _G["B"..i]=Cb(i,s)Cc(_G["B"..i])_G["B"..i]:Hide()end function bb()db()local bw=1;for i,s in ipairs(bl)do bw=vb(s,i,bw)end end bk=cbf("Frame")bk:SetScript("OnEvent",bb)bk:SetScript("OnUpdate",ub)bk:RegisterEvent(be) --hide graphics MainMenuBarLeftEndCap:Hide() MainMenuBarRightEndCap:Hide() MainMenuExpBar:Hide() MainMenuBarMaxLevelBar:SetAlpha(0) MainMenuBarTexture0:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture1:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture2:Hide() MainMenuBarTexture3:Hide() --classicons UFP = "UnitFramePortrait_Update" UICC = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-Classes-Circles" CIT = CLASS_ICON_TCOORDS hooksecurefunc(UFP,function(self) if self.portrait then if UnitIsPlayer(self.unit) and UnitIsVisible(self.unit) then self.portrait:SetTexture(UICC) self.portrait:SetTexCoord(unpack(CIT[select(2,UnitClass(self.unit))])) else self.portrait:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) end end end) --Hide pvpicon TargetFrameTextureFramePVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) PlayerPVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) FocusFrameTextureFramePVPIcon:SetAlpha(0) --combat icon CTT=CreateFrame("Frame")CTT:SetParent(TargetFrame)CTT:SetPoint("Right",TargetFrameTextureFrame,-38,-17)CTT:SetSize(27,27)CTT.t=CTT:CreateTexture(nil,BORDER)CTT.t:SetAllPoints()CTT.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ABILITY_DUALWIELD")CTT:Hide() local function FrameOnUpdate(self) if UnitAffectingCombat("target") then self:Show() else self:Hide() end end local g = CreateFrame("Frame") g:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self) FrameOnUpdate(CTT) end) CFT=CreateFrame("Frame")CFT:SetParent(FocusFrame)CFT:SetPoint("Right",FocusFrame,0,5)CFT:SetSize(30,30)CFT.t=CFT:CreateTexture(nil,BORDER)CFT.t:SetAllPoints()CFT.t:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\ABILITY_DUALWIELD")CFT:Hide() local function FrameOnUpdate(self) if UnitAffectingCombat("focus") then self:Show() else self:Hide() end end local g = CreateFrame("Frame") g:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self) FrameOnUpdate(CFT) end) --Big Debuffs hooksecurefunc("TargetFrame_UpdateAuraPositions", function(self, auraName, numAuras, numOppositeAuras,largeAuraList, updateFunc, maxRowWidth, offsetX) local AURA_OFFSET_Y = 3 local LARGE_AURA_SIZE = 30 -- развер ВАШИХ баффов/дебаффов. local SMALL_AURA_SIZE = 23 -- развер чужих баффов/дебаффов. local size local offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y local rowWidth = 0 local firstBuffOnRow = 1 for i=1, numAuras do if ( largeAuraList[i] ) then size = LARGE_AURA_SIZE offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y + AURA_OFFSET_Y else size = SMALL_AURA_SIZE end if ( i == 1 ) then rowWidth = size self.auraRows = self.auraRows + 1 else rowWidth = rowWidth + size + offsetX end if ( rowWidth > maxRowWidth ) then updateFunc(self, auraName, i, numOppositeAuras, firstBuffOnRow, size, offsetX, offsetY) rowWidth = size self.auraRows = self.auraRows + 1 firstBuffOnRow = i offsetY = AURA_OFFSET_Y else updateFunc(self, auraName, i, numOppositeAuras, i - 1, size, offsetX, offsetY) end end end) --прозрачные фреймы у таргета и фокуса hooksecurefunc('TargetFrame_CheckFaction', function(self) if ( not UnitPlayerControlled(self.unit) and UnitIsTapped(self.unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(self.unit) and not UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList(self.unit) ) then self.nameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); if ( self.portrait ) then self.portrait:SetVertexColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); end else self.nameBackground:SetVertexColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); if ( self.portrait ) then self.portrait:SetVertexColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); end end end) --minimap MinimapZoomIn:Hide() MinimapZoomOut:Hide() Minimap:EnableMouseWheel(true) Minimap:SetScript('OnMouseWheel', function(self, delta) if delta > 0 then Minimap_ZoomIn() else Minimap_ZoomOut() end end) MiniMapTracking:ClearAllPoints() MiniMapTracking:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", -26, 7) --cast bar CastingBarFrame.timer = CastingBarFrame:CreateFontString(nil); CastingBarFrame.timer:SetFont(STANDARD_TEXT_FONT,12,"OUTLINE"); CastingBarFrame.timer:SetPoint("TOP", CastingBarFrame, "BOTTOM", 0, 0); CastingBarFrame.update = .1; hooksecurefunc("CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate", function(self, elapsed) if not self.timer then return end if self.update and self.update < elapsed then if self.casting then self.timer:SetText(format("%2.1f/%1.1f", max(self.maxValue - self.value, 0), self.maxValue)) elseif self.channeling then self.timer:SetText(format("%.1f", max(self.value, 0))) else self.timer:SetText("") end self.update = .1 else self.update = self.update - elapsed end end) --DRTracker local DRTracker = CreateFrame("Cooldown", "DRTracker", UIParent) local DRs = {} local lastChangedFrame = nil DRTracker:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") DRTracker:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") local spellIds = { -- DR Categories listed here [url=http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11267997531]http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/11267997531[/url] -- Many thanks to those that assisted the creation of the original list from LoseControl. -- Categories: Stun (1), Silence (2), Disorient/Fear (3), Incapacitate/Polymorph (4), Roots (5) -- Death Knight [108194] = "Stun", -- Asphyxiate [115001] = "Stun", -- Remorseless Winter [47476] = "Silence", -- Strangulate [96294] = "Root", -- Chains of Ice (Chilblains) -- Death Knight Ghoul [91800] = "Stun", -- Gnaw [91797] = "Stun", -- Monstrous Blow (Dark Transformation) [91807] = "Root", -- Shambling Rush (Dark Transformation) -- Druid [113801] = "Stun", -- Bash (Force of Nature - Feral Treants) [102795] = "Stun", -- Bear Hug [33786] = "Disorient", -- Cyclone [99] = "Incap", -- Disorienting (Incapacitating) Roar [22570] = "Stun", -- Maim [5211] = "Stun", -- Mighty Bash [163505] = "Stun", -- Rake [114238] = "Silence", -- Fae Silence (Glyph of Fae Silence) [81261] = "Silence", -- Solar Beam [339] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots [113770] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Force of Nature - Balance Treants) [19975] = "Root", -- Entangling Roots (Nature's Grasp) [45334] = "Root", -- Immobilized (Wild Charge - Bear) [102359] = "Root", -- Mass Entanglement -- Hunter [117526] = "Stun", -- Binding Shot [3355] = "Incap", -- Freezing Trap [1513] = "Disorient", -- Scare Beast [19386] = "Incap", -- Wyvern Sting [34490] = "Silence", -- Silencing Shot [19185] = "Root", -- Entrapment [64803] = "Root", -- Entrapment [128405] = "Root", -- Narrow Escape -- Mage [118271] = "Stun", -- Combustion Impact [44572] = "Stun", -- Deep Freeze [31661] = "Disorient", -- Dragon's Breath [118] = "Incap", -- Polymorph [61305] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Black Cat [28272] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Pig [61721] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Rabbit [61780] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Turkey [28271] = "Incap", -- Polymorph: Turtle [82691] = "Incap", -- Ring of Frost [102051] = "Silence", -- Frostjaw (also a root) [122] = "Root", -- Frost Nova [111340] = "Root", -- Ice Ward -- Mage Water Elemental [33395] = "Root", -- Freeze -- Monk [123393] = "Incap", -- Breath of Fire (Glyph of Breath of Fire) [119392] = "Stun", -- Charging Ox Wave [120086] = "Stun", -- Fists of Fury [119381] = "Stun", -- Leg Sweep [115078] = "Incap", -- Paralysis [137460] = "Incap", -- Silenced (Ring of Peace) [116706] = "Root", -- Disable [123407] = "Root", -- Spinning Fire Blossom -- Paladin [105421] = "Disorient", -- Blinding Light [115752] = "Stun", -- Blinding Light (Glyph of Blinding Light) [105593] = "Stun", -- Fist of Justice [853] = "Stun", -- Hammer of Justice [119072] = "Stun", -- Holy Wrath [20066] = "Incap", -- Repentance [10326] = "Disorient", -- Turn Evil [145067] = "Disorient", -- Turn Evil (Evil is a Point of View) [31935] = "Silence", -- Avenger's Shield -- Priest [605] = "Incap", -- Dominate Mind [88625] = "Incap", -- Holy Word: Chastise [64044] = "Incap", -- Psychic Horror [8122] = "Disorient", -- Psychic Scream [113792] = "Disorient", -- Psychic Terror (Psyfiend) [9484] = "Disorient", -- Shackle Undead [15487] = "Silence", -- Silence [87194] = "Root", -- Glyph of Mind Blast [114404] = "Root", -- Void Tendril's Grasp -- Rogue [2094] = "Disorient", -- Blind [1833] = "Stun", -- Cheap Shot [1776] = "Incap", -- Gouge [408] = "Stun", -- Kidney Shot [6770] = "Incap", -- Sap [1330] = "Silence", -- Garrote - Silence -- Shaman [51514] = "Incap", -- Hex [118905] = "Stun", -- Static Charge (Capacitor Totem) [64695] = "Root", -- Earthgrab (Earthgrab Totem) [63685] = "Root", -- Freeze (Frozen Power) -- Shaman Primal Earth Elemental [118345] = "Stun", -- Pulverize -- Warlock [710] = "Incap", -- Banish [137143] = "Incap", -- Blood Horror [5782] = "Disorient", -- Fear [118699] = "Disorient", -- Fear [130616] = "Disorient", -- Fear (Glyph of Fear) [5484] = "Disorient", -- Howl of Terror [22703] = "Stun", -- Infernal Awakening [6789] = "Incap", -- Mortal Coil [132412] = "Disorient", -- Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [30283] = "Stun", -- Shadowfury [132409] = "Silence", -- Spell Lock (Grimoire of Sacrifice) [31117] = "Silence", -- Unstable Affliction -- Warlock Pets [89766] = "Stun", -- Axe Toss (Felguard/Wrathguard) [115268] = "Disorient", -- Mesmerize (Shivarra) [6358] = "Disorient", -- Seduction (Succubus) [115782] = "Silence", -- Optical Blast (Observer) [24259] = "Silence", -- Spell Lock (Felhunter) -- Warrior --[7922] = "Root", -- Charge Stun [5246] = "Disorient", -- Intimidating Shout (aoe) [20511] = "Disorient", -- Intimidating Shout (targeted) [132168] = "Stun", -- Shockwave [107570] = "Stun", -- Storm Bolt [132169] = "Stun", -- Storm Bolt [18498] = "Silence", -- Silenced - Gag Order (PvE only) [107566] = "Root", -- Staggering Shout [105771] = "Root", -- Warbringer -- Other [107079] = "Incap", -- Quaking Palm [13327] = "Stun", -- Reckless Charge [20549] = "Stun", -- War Stomp [25046] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Energy) [28730] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Mana) [50613] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Runic Power) [69179] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Rage) [80483] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Focus) [129597] = "Silence", -- Arcane Torrent (Chi) [39965] = "Root", -- Frost Grenade [55536] = "Root", -- Frostweave Net [13099] = "Root", -- Net-o-Matic } function DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) -- Returns CC category of the spellIDs listed above return spellID and spellIds[spellID] or nil end function DRTracker:OnEvent(event, ...) -- Runs things, and stuff. self[event](self, ...) end DRTracker:SetScript("OnEvent", DRTracker.OnEvent) function DRTracker:ADDON_LOADED(addonName) -- Anchor DR trackers if addonName == "Blizzard_ArenaUI" then local arenaFrame for i = 1, 5 do arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i --local loc = -30 -- (Depreciated) Distance between the left edge of each frame. Should match the width of the frame. for j = 1, 5 do local DR = CreateFrame("Frame", arenaFrame.."DR"..j, ArenaEnemyFrames) DR:ClearAllPoints() DR:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", arenaFrame, "TOPLEFT", 0, -10) DR:SetSize(32, 32) -- (Width, Height) of each frame. A perfect square is preferable, otherwise the spell icon will look stretched. DR.border = DR:CreateTexture(nil, "LOW") DR.border:SetAllPoints() DR.border:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\UI-Quickslot-Depress.png") DR.icon = DR:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") DR.shown = false DR.severity = 1 DR.unit = i DR.cate = j DR.applied = 0 DR.sweep = CreateFrame("Cooldown", nil, DR, "CooldownFrameTemplate") DR.sweep:ClearAllPoints() DR.sweep:SetAllPoints(DR) local function OnShow(self) local curX = 0 for b=1,5 do local curFrame = DRs["arena"..DR.unit..b] if curFrame.shown == true and b ~= self.cate then curX = curX - 30 end end self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..self.unit, "TOPLEFT", curX, -10) self.shown = true self.applied = GetTime() end DR:HookScript("OnShow", OnShow) local function OnHide(self) for b = 1,5 do local curFrame = DRs["arena"..self.unit..b] if curFrame and curFrame.shown == true and curFrame.applied > self.applied then local _, _, _, x = curFrame:GetPoint(1) curFrame:ClearAllPoints() curFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..curFrame.unit, "TOPLEFT", x+30, -10) end end self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ArenaEnemyFrame"..self.unit, "TOPLEFT", 0, -10) end DR:HookScript("OnHide", OnHide) local function DREnd(self, elapsed) if self.sweep:GetCooldownDuration() == 0 and self.shown == true then self:Hide() self.shown = false self.severity = 1 end end DR:HookScript("OnUpdate", DREnd) DR:Hide() DRs["arena"..i..j] = DR end end end end function DRTracker:SetTexture(Frame, spellID) -- Sets displayed icon to last spell. if Frame.shown == true then Frame.dur = Frame.sweep:GetCooldownDuration() Frame:Hide() end lastChangedFrame = Frame local _, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellID) Frame.icon:ClearAllPoints() Frame.icon:SetAllPoints() Frame.icon:SetTexture(icon) Frame:Show() if Frame.severity == 1 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 0, 1) Frame.severity = 2 elseif Frame.severity == 2 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, .4, 0, 1) Frame.severity = 3 elseif Frame.severity == 3 then Frame.border:SetVertexColor(1, 0, 0, 1) end end function DRTracker:TimerStart(GUID, spellID, spellName) -- Primary function; begins CD sweep and icon updates. Not a good idea to edit any of this. local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType ~= "arena" then return end local cat = DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) if(UnitGUID("arena1") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena1", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena1"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena1"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena2") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena2", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena2"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena2"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena3") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena3", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena3"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena3"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena4") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena4", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena4"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena4"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end elseif(UnitGUID("arena5") == GUID) then local name, rank, icon, count, dispelType, duration, expires, caster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellID, canApplyAura, isBossDebuff, value1, value2, value3 = UnitDebuff("arena5", spellName) if(cat=="Stun") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..1], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..1].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Silence") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..2], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..2].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Disorient") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..3], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..3].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) elseif(cat=="Incap") then DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..4], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..4].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) else DRTracker:SetTexture(DRs["arena5"..5], spellID) CooldownFrame_SetTimer(DRs["arena5"..5].sweep, GetTime(), 17+duration, 1) end end return end function DRTracker:GetDRs() return DRTracker and DRs end function DRTracker:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED(timeStamp, eventType, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellID, spellName, spellSchool, auraType) if eventType == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" or eventType == "SPELL_AURA_REFRESH" then -- Crowd control landed, time to do stuff. if auraType == "DEBUFF" and DRTracker:GetSpellCategory(spellID) then DRTracker:TimerStart(destGUID, spellID, spellName) end end end --trinkets LoadAddOn("Blizzard_ArenaUI") ArenaEnemyFrame1:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame2:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame3:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame4:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame5:ClearAllPoints() ArenaEnemyFrame1:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,70) ArenaEnemyFrame2:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,20) ArenaEnemyFrame3:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-30) ArenaEnemyFrame4:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-80) ArenaEnemyFrame5:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,"CENTER",220,-130) ArenaEnemyFrame1.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame2.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame3.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame4.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrame5.SetPoint = function() end ArenaEnemyFrames:SetScale(1.3) for i=1, 5 do _G["ArenaEnemyFrame"..i.."CastingBar"]:SetPoint("RIGHT", 95, 0) end trinkets = {} local arenaFrame, trinket for i = 1, 5 do arenaFrame = "ArenaEnemyFrame"..i trinket = CreateFrame("Cooldown", arenaFrame.."Trinket", ArenaEnemyFrames) trinket:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", arenaFrame, 30, -6) trinket:SetSize(32, 32) trinket.icon = trinket:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND") trinket.icon:SetAllPoints() trinket.icon:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\inv_jewelry_trinketpvp_01") trinket:Hide() trinkets["arena"..i] = trinket end local events = CreateFrame("Frame") function events:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(unitID, spell, rank, lineID, spellID) if not trinkets[unitID] then return end if spellID == 59752 or spellID == 42292 then CooldownFrame_SetTimer(trinkets[unitID], GetTime(), 120, 1) SendChatMessage("Trinket used by: "..GetUnitName(unitID, true), "PARTY") end end function events:PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD() local _, instanceType = IsInInstance() if instanceType == "arena" then self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") elseif self:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") then self:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED") for _, trinket in pairs(trinkets) do trinket:SetCooldown(0, 0) trinket:Hide() end end end events:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) return self[event](self, ...) end) events:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
Я стал использовать другой скрипт на убирание запятой, пока багов не заметил. Код: SetCVar('BreakUpLargeNumbers', 0) У меня ру клиент и я хочу чтобы запятая была, может быть есть какой-нибудь аналог сепаратору? |
25 ноя 2014, 17:51 |
Можно менять/убирать/переставлять/добавлять спелы в Stance bar ? |
25 ноя 2014, 21:15 |
Так что. Родились гениальные идеи как вернуть серый кружочек на эмблеме тринкета в дефолт гладиусе.
Уж больно дерьмово всё это выглядит без кружочка !
27 ноя 2014, 13:29 |
<Имя Говорит Само за Себя> Сервер: Гордунни |
Tesselhoff писал(а): Так что. Родились гениальные идеи как вернуть серый кружочек на эмблеме тринкета в дефолт гладиусе.
Уж больно дерьмово всё это выглядит без кружочка !
Тут Лорти выкладывал свои тринкеты, они вроде работают. |
27 ноя 2014, 13:48 |
Ещё я не совсем уверен. Но вроде для дефоулт гладиуса делали, чтобы при использовании контроля на цель - в арена фреймах менялась эмблемка класса на текущий контроль в котором стоит цель с сооответствующим таргетом. witcher писал(а): Tesselhoff писал(а): Так что. Родились гениальные идеи как вернуть серый кружочек на эмблеме тринкета в дефолт гладиусе.
Уж больно дерьмово всё это выглядит без кружочка !
Тут Лорти выкладывал свои тринкеты, они вроде работают. Да я уже много чего пихал туда. Нифига не меняется. |
27 ноя 2014, 13:54 |