Подскажите пожалуйста, как тут скрыть неймплейты и названия тотемов и оставить только иконку??
local addon, ns = ...
local GetTotemInfo
local tbl = {"", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI", " VII", " VIII", " IX", " X"}
GetTotemInfo = function(id)
local name, rank, texture = GetSpellInfo(id)
rank = tbl[tonumber(string.match(rank, ("%d+")))]
if rank ~= nil then
return format("%s%s", name, rank), texture
return name, texture
local totemList = {
--Air Totems
8177, -- Grounding Totem
10595, -- Nature Resistance Totem I
10600, -- Nature Resistance Totem II
10601, -- Nature Resistance Totem III
25574, -- Nature Resistance Totem IV
58746, -- Nature Resistance Totem V
58749, -- Nature Resistance Totem VI
6495, -- Sentry Totem
8512, -- Windfury Totem
3738, -- Wrath of Air Totem
--Earth Totems
2062, -- Earth Elemental Totem
2484, -- Earthbind Totem
5730, -- Stoneclaw Totem I
6390, -- Stoneclaw Totem II
6391, -- Stoneclaw Totem III
6392, -- Stoneclaw Totem IV
10427, -- Stoneclaw Totem V
10428, -- Stoneclaw Totem VI
25525, -- Stoneclaw Totem VII
58580, -- Stoneclaw Totem VIII
58581, -- Stoneclaw Totem IX
58582, -- Stoneclaw Totem X
8071, -- Stoneskin Totem I -- Faction Champs
8154, -- Stoneskin Totem II
8155, -- Stoneskin Totem III
10406, -- Stoneskin Totem IV
10407, -- Stoneskin Totem V
10408, -- Stoneskin Totem VI
25508, -- Stoneskin Totem VII
25509, -- Stoneskin Totem VIII
58751, -- Stoneskin Totem IX
58753, -- Stoneskin Totem X
8075, -- Strength of Earth Totem I -- Faction Champs
8160, -- Strength of Earth Totem II
8161, -- Strength of Earth Totem III
10442, -- Strength of Earth Totem IV
25361, -- Strength of Earth Totem V
25528, -- Strength of Earth Totem VI
57622, -- Strength of Earth Totem VII
58643, -- Strength of Earth Totem VIII
8143, -- Tremor Totem
--Fire Totems
2894, -- Fire Elemental Totem
8227, -- Flametongue Totem I -- Faction Champs
8249, -- Flametongue Totem II
10526, -- Flametongue Totem III
16387, -- Flametongue Totem IV
25557, -- Flametongue Totem V
58649, -- Flametongue Totem VI
58652, -- Flametongue Totem VII
58656, -- Flametongue Totem VIII
8181, -- Frost Resistance Totem I
10478, -- Frost Resistance Totem II
10479, -- Frost Resistance Totem III
25560, -- Frost Resistance Totem IV
58741, -- Frost Resistance Totem V
58745, -- Frost Resistance Totem VI
8190, -- Magma Totem I
10585, -- Magma Totem II
10586, -- Magma Totem III
10587, -- Magma Totem IV
25552, -- Magma Totem V
58731, -- Magma Totem VI
58734, -- Magma Totem VII
3599, -- Searing Totem I -- Faction Champs
6363, -- Searing Totem II
6364, -- Searing Totem III
6365, -- Searing Totem IV
10437, -- Searing Totem V
10438, -- Searing Totem VI
25533, -- Searing Totem VII
58699, -- Searing Totem VIII
58703, -- Searing Totem IX
58704, -- Searing Totem X
30706, -- Totem of Wrath I
57720, -- Totem of Wrath II
57721, -- Totem of Wrath III
57722, -- Totem of Wrath IV
--Water Totems
8170, -- Cleansing Totem
8184, -- Fire Resistance Totem I
10537, -- Fire Resistance Totem II
10538, -- Fire Resistance Totem III
25563, -- Fire Resistance Totem IV
58737, -- Fire Resistance Totem V
58739, -- Fire Resistance Totem VI
5394, -- Healing Stream Totem I -- Faction Champs
6375, -- Healing Stream Totem II
6377, -- Healing Stream Totem III
10462, -- Healing Stream Totem IV
10463, -- Healing Stream Totem V
25567, -- Healing Stream Totem VI
58755, -- Healing Stream Totem VII
58756, -- Healing Stream Totem VIII
58757, -- Healing Stream Totem IX
5675, -- Mana Spring Totem I
10495, -- Mana Spring Totem II
10496, -- Mana Spring Totem III
10497, -- Mana Spring Totem IV
25570, -- Mana Spring Totem V
58771, -- Mana Spring Totem VI
58773, -- Mana Spring Totem VII
58774, -- Mana Spring Totem VIII
16190 -- Mana Tide Totem
do --
local name, texture
for i = 1, #totemList do
name, texture = GetTotemInfo(totemList[i])
totemList[name] = texture
totemList[i] = nil -- мусор в виде айди более не нужен
local GetNameText = function(self)
return select(7, self:GetRegions()):GetText()
local OnShow = function(self)
local texture = totemList[GetNameText(self)]
if texture then
local OnHide = function(self)
local IsNamePlate
local overlayTexture = [=[Interface\Tooltips\Nameplate-Border]=]
IsNamePlate = function(frame)
if frame:GetName() then return end
local overlayRegion = select(2, frame:GetRegions())
return overlayRegion and overlayRegion:GetObjectType() == "Texture" and overlayRegion:GetTexture() == overlayTexture
local ScanWorldFrameChildren
local nameplates = {}
function ScanWorldFrameChildren(frame, ...)
if not frame then return end
if not nameplates[frame] and IsNamePlate(frame) then
frame.texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK")
frame.texture:SetSize(30, 30) -- размер иконки
frame.texture:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame, "TOP", 0, 0) -- позиция иконки
frame:SetScript("OnShow", OnShow)
frame:SetScript("OnHide", OnHide)
nameplates[frame] = true
return ScanWorldFrameChildren(...)
local HandlePlates
local WorldFrame = WorldFrame
local curChildren
local prevChildren = 0
function HandlePlates(this, elapsed)
local curChildren = WorldFrame:GetNumChildren()
if curChildren ~= prevChildren then
prevChildren = curChildren
ScanWorldFrameChildren( WorldFrame:GetChildren() )
CreateFrame("frame"):SetScript("OnUpdate", HandlePlates)