SP QQ Thread
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Наболело. Я всё-таки решил написать некое, гхм, обращение на ЕУ форумы. Здесь пусть лежит для критики и дополнений и через некоторое время я его, гхм, запосчу(тю? xD ).
Больше всего я боюсь облажаться с любыми фактическими ошибками, так что буду признателен, если укажите на ошибки и неточности ^-^ Алсо реквестирую все починки английского, опечаток и прочего крапа :3 Hi there! I'm Daernissia of @ Gordunni EU and I am a shadow priest. I've fallen in love with this spec since the vanilla WoW and my passion for it is still strong :3 I've been playing shadow both in PvE and PvP, my guild is world #9 ranked @ Basically, the idea is that shadow priests are not fine. I'll break this post down in sections that will represent the common issues a shadow priest faces in PvP and PvE. PvP Mobility Mobility - one of the keys to victory in an arena match. So what does a shadow priest have to keep mobility? We have... Fade? An ability that removes movement imparing effects. Cool. But even with 2/2 Veiled Shadows it has a 24 second cooldown. Even with a glyph it still has an as long as 15 full scale seconds cooldown. What does this ability provide us with in an arena fight? We use it when we want: a) to break distance, b) to catch up a target of our mighy 8 yard AoE CC. And who applies the movement imparing effects? Rogues, warriors, death knights, mages, warlocks, shamans, feral druids, hunters? Do they have CDs on their movement imparing spells? And even if they do, are those cooldowns long enough? Let's take our common enemies - melee: warriors, rogues, death knights. We assume any of them gets CCd, for example by Kidney Shot, when we use our "fade", but what comes next? Warrior - Intercept + Piercing Howl/Hamstring, Rogue = CoS -> Sprint (we assume it is not an exotic Subtlety rogue, but it could be => shadowstep) -> another application of teh Crippling Poison. Woohoo! Approximately 5 seconds of freedom! Thanks to our partner's CC! For it is the only reason of that few seconds without a movement imparing effect on us. Than we have our brand new redisigned Dispersion! Whee! Even without our partners support we will get 6 seconds of sweet freedom! Jeez, that's awesome. Oh, wait... It's not. What is the Dispersion ability? It is our "OH SH~" button, you know. When do players use "OH SH~" buttons? When the nuke is incoming. When does the enemy nuke us? R-r-right! When we are CCd. So, what do we get? We use our other mobility granting spell in stuns, coils, fears, silences and stuff => we have almost no profit from the "freedom" granted, for as soon as the Dispersion effect fades the movement imparing comes. Cool... Look at our cloth-wearing caster-colleagues. Both warlocks and mages have better escaping abilities (i.e. Blink, Demonic Circle: Teleport). Ironically, having better escaping abilities, they've ALSO got abilities that slow down or even completely immobilize their opponents, effectively preventing them from re-applaying movement imparing effects (a list of mage's snare and root abilities goes here: Novas (4 ones to be correct: from a Barrier, the Frost Nova itself, an elemental's nova and the frostbite effect), Ice Block (that is a full immunity effect for 10 seconds), Frost Armor, Frost Bolt, Cone of Cold - and that's only frost's ones. There is also Slow and some other random stuff like Blazing Speed in exotic specs.)What does a shadow priest have to slow down his opponent? Mind flay... a spell, that slows down the enemy... but immobilizes a shadow priest himself. Am i the only one who finds Devs sense of humour a bit perverted? Dispel protection None. Do you read me? NONE. N. O. N. E. The only thing that stops healers from dispelling is that they'd better heal in some situations. In every other situation - they still dispel. FFS, do you understand the reason why the Unstable Affliction is so dangerous? Not that damage, not even those higher (waaay higher) crit rates (have you even seen the VT dispel backlash damage crit? I've seen one. On a zero resilience buddy's char, when we were testing damage. I have around 20% crit rating and that is kinda nice for a shadow priest. Cool, huh?) - SILENCE. The only thing that stops you from spamming the dispel button. You've buffed the backlash damage, cool. Do you know the real numbers? Around 4k dmg on a PvP player, no crits. It's just funny. If it would've hit for around 8k, then (maybe) the healer will thing twice, but not now. This is the issue. Burst So... The burst combo is MB + SW:D. I'm almost top geared. The best noncrit I get is around 5-6k dmg. Around 10 k double crit (I've never seen double crits on PvP geared enemies, though. I also barely see 1 MB crit per 3 fights). MB. 1.5 sec cast. Awful scaling. 8 sec CD (0/5 IMB). SW:D. Instant. Awful scaling. 12 sec CD. The key word is scaling - we have none. Our nukes scale awfully. SW:D is a sort of a joke I suppose. The mighty spell commanding your enemy to instantly die not only deals the damage almost equal to the damage dealt by a hand mounted off GCD rocket launcher and the Darkmoon Card: Death's proc dmg, but also returns 2/3 of it back to the caster... Fire Blast, Ice Lance, Backlash, Shadowburn, Conflagrate?.. For example a famous shatter combo crits for around 11k with some incredible crit rate and this is only the shatter combo itself. Destrolocks' burst goes with no comments 14k dmg after a 2 second cast = win. And if our dear mages don't have the DoTs (though they have their illusions and the elemental) the destrolock also has his 2-3 dots up and ticking. As for affliction... 8k Drain Soul ticks in the execute zone wink you slyly. Crit The problem is that we have almost none. How are we supposed to crit with approximately 17% crit while our enemies have around 10% crit chance reduction from their resilience? Almost every DD has a kind of crit increasing ability and a tonne of crit increasing talents. E.g. Elemental Shamans have Elemental Mastery, Elemental Oath, Totem of Wrath, Flame Shock + Lava Burst 100% crit; Frost Mages have their shatter combos with numerous procs of novas and Fingers of Frost to carry out; Warlocks - Backlash, Devastation, Fire and Brimstone... Survivability That's a complex issue being a result of a number of others. I've been watching all those warlock+rogue, mage+rogue movies (let's set it clear - I am not talking about a 2x2 bracket, but about a situation that can show us the class' ability to survive) and I've came up with numerous situations when a rogue leaves his partner with the enemy DD and healer and replenishes with bandages, food, HS or something. What happends if he does the same trick with a shadow priest as his partner? SP dies in no time. It's kind of paradox. SP's role in arena is more of a support DD with the ability to heal, but without support he cannot do a thing - he instantly dies, he can not heal with an enemy tunneling him, he can not release his main CC without getting close enough to the target and that is impossible without a great deal of assistance from his team mate. What the hell? I am supposed to assist, but I do it really lame for I'm a weak DD, therefore if I'm supposed to assist my team mates with heals. Guess what? I'm a weak healer too with close to zero abilities to escape melee-train or help with crowd control (hello cyclone). Healing So we are supposed to be hybrid? The only way to try to heal for us is to drop shadowform (at a cost of around 10% of our mana pool if we assume we even get a chance to cast it again). The keyword is "try", since we don't have a single freaking boost for it. Our heal not only lacks power, but it also is being interrupted with ease. We can not heal right on the battlefield as all other hybrids do, we have to take cover, have our partners assist us and only then we can push some sort of healing. Vampiric Embrace is almost useless. Not only it has to be manually applied it's healing is just ridiculously low. If you don't want to give us some sort of healing boost or an in shadowform healing ability - buff this with some restrictions for PvE. Restore the Devouring Plague's healing back to 100% of damage done after all... Mana Efficiency Even with our brand new Dispersion Glyph the situation our mana distribution is too high, while the only safe source of mana is the Dispersion's regen. Shadowfiend is being controlled and/or killed with ease. Our in 5 seconds rule regen is only provided by the Replenishment buff. Dropping SF for healing as I already mentioned drains tonnes of mana. And mages can still non stop spam their spells, using mana gems, abusing PvE gear and vanishing to use Evocation. Intense fight drains our mana incredibly fast, forcing us to assist team mates with tonnes of dispels (including mass dispels), shielding and so on. In the last patches mages got their spells' cost lowered, druids got their reshift cost lowered while shadow priest were "fine" as always. Overall spell/talent usability Dispersion - cool manaregen ability. Lacking hp regen, lacking some development of snare immunity idea, for in its current form it is almost useless - I've described it above. Imp. Fade - nice, but also lacking some sort of after use snare protection. Sort of speed boost, blink, immunity for a coulpe of secs or smth. MB/SW:D - Scaling, CD. Imp. MB - 5 points for 20% MS effect while this is a pure PvE talent. Redesign needed. VT - the dispel protection component has to be reworked or buffed even more to become viable. Silence - all other classes' analogical spells not only have the school block component but also have their 24 seconds cooldown. We have no school block and a 45 seconds cooldown with almost the same duration of the silence component. Awesome. PvE Scaling Again. Our scaling is just awful. For example, 20/51/0 mage gets 10% more benefit from spellpower and almost 2 times more benefit from haste; our fellow hybrid caster DPS get 25% more benefit from haste for elem shamans and 36% more for boomkins. So our scaling problem is about haste? Haste Not only form the calculations mentioned in the previous paragraph, I can have a brief look at my DPS meter upon the Heroism/Bloodlust usage to see that every single other class gets much more benefit form haste. 3 of all our damaging spells' arsenal are DoTs, 1 is a nuke with 1.5 seconds cast time and on a 5.5 seconds cooldown, 1 is an instant cast on a 12 seconds cooldown, and the last one is a 3 seconds channeling spell. The only spell, that really gets some boost from haste in Mind Flay. SW:P Bug This is not even funny anymore. When will we get this spell working properly? 2 content patches -> no change. It still is not getting all the appropriate buffs after being refreshed with an MF, instead we have to manually recast it every time we get our 5/5 SW stacks and/or crit/DMG% buffs/debuffs. Warm up 3 DoTs, 5 stacks of Shadow Weaving (not to mention the fact that the best trinkets (being best as a result of our awful scaling) for a shadow priest both require buff stacking)... By the time we get all our buffs and debuffs up and running a trash mob is already dead and other DDs are at their full DPS. I've seen Ghostcrawler's answer earlier "if the pulls are really that quick, nobody is counting on your dps", but in terms of fairness if you're trying to make all DD classes somewhat equal then you have to consider the fact that more than 50% of all time spent in combat in most instances is in fact fights versus trash mobs. Do not forget such encounter elements as the Heart destruction during the Deconstructor HM fight - 10 of 30 seconds a shadow priest has to stack everything he needs to DPS. Mind Blast's CD Is the main thing, that ruins our DPS. Serously. I do even have a solution for almost all the above issues. Just remove the cooldown. For example, let's rework the Improved Mind Blast talent. 0/5 points - MB has a 1.5 sec cast time and has a 8 (5?) seconds cooldown. 5/5 points - MB has a 2.0 sec cast time and has no cooldown, but every MB cast puts a debuff on you (Exhausted Mind?) that increases the manacost of the next Mind Blast cast by 100% and also increases the damage taken from the players and the player controlled units by 50%. The debuff is removed by the 3rd MF tick. This will provide us with some controllable burst in short fight, when we can sacrifice some mana to put everything in DPS, while stopping us from spamming it during the long fights and giving us a stable MB-MF-MB rotation. It won't be OP in PvP eather due to the second debuff's effect in combination with the first one. It will also provide us with much better scaling from haste. Hybrid Just a quick note. In the beginning of the WotLK u've told us, that all the hybrids will be treated as full-fledged damage dealers in their DD specs, not as buff bots. We all have almost the same amount of ablilities that buff raid DPS. Still hybrids deal significantly less damage... or not? Feral druids deal almost the same damage as the rogues do and do usually compete with the fury warriors for the top places in the DPS charts. Why do you give some specs so much power in every aspect of the game, while leaving the others somewhere at the bottom? Crypt Fever A unique debuff buffing shadow priests can be applied only by Unholy specced Death Knights =/ Conclusion In conclusion, I'd like to say that I'm aware of all the stuff about the classes' difference. I got your point. We don't have to resemble warlocks or mages or smth... But. Who would play a weak, underbuffed spec except for the fanatics like me? I our current state we are something similar to affliction warlocks. But much weaker. Why can't we gain some other mechanics, some reworked talents and spells? Because we will be similar to other classes? Nonsense. We will always have our unique look and features, but we want our spells and talents to be effective and useful. Not only to be the guys who can turn into a dark cloud of something. I know that you tell us that we have our spots in raids in all high end guilds, but we don't only want to exist in raids. We want to perform well. To compete with other classes. To push right buttons and to see the output. There were 3 shadow priest that could have achieved the Gladiator rank this season in my BG. Around 5 SPs were playing above 2k rating. And I believe that not more than other 50 below 2k. I am the only season 6 gladiator shadow priest in my battlegroup... The only. This spec is almost dead. PS Back in tBC one of the community managers told us that the Shadow Priest's PvP viability is at a Prot Warrior's level: Furious Gladiator Prot Warrior. Where's your God now? © |
26 авг 2009, 12:32 |
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ого нисечка сколько настрочила!
26 авг 2009, 12:38 |
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По делу, это нужно, только хрен че они сделают, уже столько постов на эту тему было, а реакции не было. Проблем много, а решать их близзы не собираются, они ясно дали понять.
26 авг 2009, 12:42 |
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Respect. :>
26 авг 2009, 13:19 |
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всё очень грамотно и по делу, но у близов лишь 1 аргумент на всё это - гибрид класс, задуманный как хилер изначально, хер вам а не баф шэдоу ветки
![]() а шп мне понравился больше, чем дисц на арене ![]() |
26 авг 2009, 13:20 |
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Я глазами пробежался, и что-то не увидел про убийство 2 на 2 брекета, и пинка под зад близам для исправления ситуации ШП в других брекетах)
26 авг 2009, 13:24 |
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Все правильно и четко расписал. Правда вряд ли это принесет какой-то эффект. Близзам глубоко пофиг твое мнение о ШП, т.к. а) их мало б) большинство из них даже не понимают, что у них какие-то проблемы
![]() А близзард интересует только то, что принесет им денег (т.е. влияет на большиство игроков) p.s. Очень радостно осознавать, что в этой игре есть люди, которые выбрали себе путь еще 4 года назад и следуют ему, несмотря ни на какие трудности. РЕСПЕКТ! ![]() |
26 авг 2009, 13:28 |
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Как ни странно, но даже с глифом на дисперсию в 3х3 зачастую бывают проблемы с маной =(
О том, что пет контролится/убивается как УГ даже говорить не буду |
26 авг 2009, 13:30 |
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Нисюш напиши мне про шаманов а?
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26 авг 2009, 13:36 |
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Beatta писал(а): Нисюш напиши мне про шаманов а? ![]() Скажи, что написать - напишу xD |
26 авг 2009, 13:48 |
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Размести это не на ЕУ форумах а лучше на ЮС . ГМы там больше и чаще откликаються .
26 авг 2009, 14:46 |
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Ики писал(а): Размести это не на ЕУ форумах а лучше на ЮС . ГМы там больше и чаще откликаються . Да, я думаю, попрошу помощи на sp.com. |
26 авг 2009, 14:53 |
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Daerniss писал(а): Ики писал(а): Размести это не на ЕУ форумах а лучше на ЮС . ГМы там больше и чаще откликаються . Да, я думаю, попрошу помощи на sp.com. Нет такого сайта чтото ![]() |
26 авг 2009, 14:56 |
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Ики писал(а): Нет такого сайта чтото ![]() shadowpriest.com |
26 авг 2009, 14:57 |
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Ики писал(а): Daerniss писал(а): Ики писал(а): Размести это не на ЕУ форумах а лучше на ЮС . ГМы там больше и чаще откликаються . Да, я думаю, попрошу помощи на sp.com. Нет такого сайта чтото ![]() ![]() |
26 авг 2009, 14:58 |
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Даернис вроде бы очень известный шп в начале вотлк писал уже подобный пост-и даже более подробный. Ну как видим результата он не принёс. В любом случае респект за грамотно составленный вайн.
26 авг 2009, 16:54 |
<Джубли> ![]() ![]() ![]() Сервер: Король-лич ![]() |
врятли что то измениться -_- у шп всё ок, госткравлер одобряет.
26 авг 2009, 17:08 |
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Ренегатромка писал(а): Даернис вроде бы очень известный шп в начале вотлк писал уже подобный пост-и даже более подробный. Ну как видим результата он не принёс. В любом случае респект за грамотно составленный вайн. О_о Ну, и память у меня... Не помню :( Однако на офф форумы я этого точно не писал подобного. Мне вот помогают сейчас довести грамматическую составляющую до приемлегого уровня :3 PS Мне тут подсказывают, что я чего-то не понимаю. "Даернис" в цитируемом предложении - обращение или указание на автора? PPS Алсо, подсказывают, что я не очень известный ШП пока ;( |
26 авг 2009, 18:27 |
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я имел ввиду евро шп есть известный топ 1 во многих сезонах в нескольких брекетах брал -ник хоть убей не помню. Он составлял очень подробный список всех проблем и путей возможного решения для шп. И в пвп и в пве. была довольно большая тема на офф форуме с большим количеством страниц и нулём результата.
Добавлено спустя 53 секунды: Обращение конечно же) |
26 авг 2009, 18:44 |
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Ренегатромка писал(а): Обращение конечно же) Обращение выделяется запятыми же ;< В Европе это разве что Theed. Немец. Крап тот ещё, бтв xD |
26 авг 2009, 18:48 |
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