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Анонсирован 4.1.  
Автор Сообщение

<Нафиг с пляжу я тут ляжу>

Сервер: Страж Смерти
Сообщение Анонсирован 4.1.
Жирные и выделенные цифры означают то, что есть сейчас.
Цифры обычным форматом - то что будет после патча 4.1

В кратце о самом главном:

:воин: Воинам нерфят Колоссус на 30% (будет игнорировать 70% армора), при этом ещё (!) примерно на 10% бафают мортал, оверпавер и слэм. Немного изменяется талант хамстринга, два очка снизят гкд на одну секунду, что также поднимет дамаг воинов, т.к. сильно высвободятся свободные для урона гкд. Интересные изменения с чаржем (если я правильно трактую тултипы с беты), он не будет диминишить сам себя, но будет диминишиться с другими станами, по идее иммуны при повторяющихся чаржах в одну цель должны уйти в прошлое. Также, нам дают новую защитную абилку действующую на весь рейд в радиусе 30 ярдов - Rallying Cry. Эта абилка даст всем членам рейда (тиммейтам на арене в том числе) 20% хп на 10 секунд (ака last stand). Приятно, появляется дистанционный сейв тиммейтов.

:жрец: Пристов начинают возвращать в умеренную кондицию. Начали с ШП отобрав дефенсив диспел (!), введя новый талант на возможность дефенсив диспела в дисциплине (не известно как глубоко). Впрочем, оффенсив диспел также понерфлен в два раза. Как и у шаманы, присты будут снимать только один вражеский бафф за раз. Более чем в два раза нерфится спринт в холи билдах, возможно как-то повлияет на любителей холи билда на рБГ.
Стоит обратить внимание и на другой фикс, длительность Power Word: Shield будет снижена в два раза (!) с 30 до 15 секунд. Учитывая, что на тиммейтах будет всегда висеть дебафф на наложение повторного щита в течениее всё тех же 15 секунд, это серьёзный (в некоторых моментах, ситуациях и сетапах даже критичный) нерф. Ситуации, что свичнув в мага которому прист кинул абсорб 25 секунд назад вы натолкнётесь на ~70 тысяч абсорба не будет. Как спадёт дебафф (15 секунд), так спадёт и щит.

#129 Death Knight
  • Scarlet Fever: Causes your Blood Plague to afflict enemies with Scarlet Fever, reducing their physical damage dealt by 5% 10% for 21 sec.

  • Blood of the North: Permanently transforms your Whenever you hit with Blood Runes into Strike or Pestilence, the Blood Rune will become a Death Runes. Rune when it activates. Death Runes count as a Blood, Frost, Frost or Unholy Rune.

#129 Druid
  • Blood in the Water: 100 yd range
  • Mangle: Mangle the target for 260% 235% normal damage plus 754 682 and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 1 min.
  • Maul: An attack that instantly deals [8 + 26.4% 24% of ap - 1] physical damage. Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Maul damage.
  • Stampeding Roar: The druid roars, increasing the movement speed of all nearby friendly players movement speed within 10 yards by 40% for 6 sec.
  • Thrash: Deals [202 + 12.8% of AP] to [249 + 12.8% 15.4% of AP] damage, and causes all targets within 8 yards to bleed for [378 + 6.51% 7.8% of AP] damage over 6 sec.
  • Moonfury: Arcane and Nature spell damage increased by 10%. Increases 15%. Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Wrath, Moonfire, Starfire, Starsurge, Insect Swarm and Starfall spells by 100%.
  • Solar Beam: You summon a beam of solar light over an the enemy target's location, interrupting the enemy target and silencing all enemies enemy targets under the beam within 0 5 yards while it is active. Solar Beam lasts for 1 10 sec.

#129 Mage
  • Flame Orb: 6 sec cooldown
  • Ignite: Your critical strikes from non-periodic Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 13% of your spell's damage over 4 sec.
  • Ignite: Your critical strikes from non-periodic Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 26% of your spell's damage over 4 sec.
  • Ignite: Your critical strikes from non-periodic Fire damage spells cause the target to burn for an additional 40% of your spell's damage over 4 sec.

#129 Paladin
  • Divine Guardian: 3 2 min cooldown

  • Divine Storm: An instant attack that causes 100% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yards. The Divine Storm heals up to 3 party or raid members totaling 25% of the damage caused, and will grant a charge of Holy Power if it hits 4 or more targets. caused.
  • Sacred Shield: When reduced below 30% health, you gain the Sacred Shield effect. The Sacred Shield absorbs [1 + 2.8 * AP] damage and increases healing received by 20%. Lasts 15 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 30 sec.

  • Divine Light: 30% 33% of base mana
  • Flash of Light: 27% 30% of base mana
  • Walk in the Light: Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 10% and removes the cooldown on your Word of Glory. 10%.
  • Word of Glory: 20 sec cooldown
  • Aura Mastery: Causes your Concentration Aura to make all affected targets immune to Silence and Interrupt effects and improve the effect of Devotion Aura, Resistance Aura, and Retribution Aura all other auras by 100%. Lasts 6 sec.
  • Conviction: Gives you a 1% bonus to damage and healing for 15 sec after causing a critical effect from a weapon swing, non-periodic spell, or ability. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
  • Conviction: Gives you a 2% bonus to damage and healing for 15 sec after causing a critical effect from a weapon swing, non-periodic spell, or ability. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
  • Conviction: Gives you a 3% bonus to damage and healing for 15 sec after causing a critical effect from a weapon swing, non-periodic spell, or ability. This effect stacks up to 3 times.

#129 Priest
  • Body and Soul: When you cast Power Word: Shield or Leap of Faith, you increase the target's movement speed by 12% 30% for 4 sec, and you have a 50% chance when you cast Cure Disease on yourself to also cleanse 1 poison effect in addition to diseases.
  • Body and Soul: When you cast Power Word: Shield or Leap of Faith, you increase the target's movement speed by 25% 60% for 4 sec, and you have a 100% chance when you cast Cure Disease on yourself to also cleanse 1 poison effect in addition to diseases.

  • Absolution: New
  • Dispel Magic: Dispels magic on the target, removing 2 harmful spells from yourself a friend or 1 2 beneficial spell spells from an enemy.
  • Power Word: Shield: 34% 25% of base mana | Draws on the soul of the friendly target to shield them, absorbing [8136 + 87% of SP] damage. Lasts 15 30 sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. Once shielded, the target cannot be shielded again for 15 sec.
  • Divine Aegis: Critical heals and all heals from Prayer of Healing create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 10% of the amount healed. Lasts 15 12 sec.
  • Divine Aegis: Critical heals and all heals from Prayer of Healing create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 20% of the amount healed. Lasts 15 12 sec.
  • Divine Aegis: Critical heals and all heals from Prayer of Healing create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 30% of the amount healed. Lasts 15 12 sec.

  • Shadow Power: Spell damage increased by 15%. Increases 25%. Increases the critical damage of your Shadow spells by 100%.

#129 Rogue
  • Recuperate: Finishing move that consumes combo points on any nearby target to restore 3% 2% of maximum health every 3 sec. Lasts longer per combo point:
  • Improved Recuperate: Causes your Recuperate ability to restore an additional 0.5% 1% of your maximum health and reduces all damage taken by 3% while your Recuperate ability is active.
  • Improved Recuperate: Causes your Recuperate ability to restore an additional 1% 2% of your maximum health and reduces all damage taken by 6% while your Recuperate ability is active.
  • Killing Spree: Step through the shadows from enemy to enemy within 10 yards, attacking an enemy every 0.5 sec .5 secs with both weapons until 5 assaults are made, and increasing all damage done by 20% for the duration. Can hit the same target multiple times. Cannot hit invisible or stealthed targets.

  • Stealth: 4 10 sec cooldown | Conceals you in the shadows, allowing Allows you to stalk enemies without being seen. sneak around, but reduces your speed by 30%. Lasts until cancelled.
  • Tricks of the Trade: 100 20 yd range
  • Nightstalker: Increases your speed while stealthed by 5% 7% and reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 2 3 sec.
  • Nightstalker: Increases your speed while stealthed by 10% 15% and reduces the cooldown of your Stealth ability by 4 6 sec.

#129 Shaman
  • Earthquake: 10 sec cooldown | 2.5 sec cast Channeled | You cause the earth at the target location to tremble and break, dealing 325 542 Physical damage every 1 sec to enemies in 8 yard radius, with a 10% chance of knocking down affected targets. Lasts 10 8 sec.

Elemental Combat
  • Earthquake: An earthquake shakes the target area, dealing 325 542 Physical damage to enemies every 1, with a 10% chance of knocking them down.
  • Fire Nova: 40 30 yd range | 4 10 sec cooldown | Ignites your Flame Shock spell on any nearby enemies, causing each of them Causes the shaman's active Flametongue, Magma, or Fire Elemental Totem to emit a wave of flames that deals flames, inflicting 647 to 724 Fire damage to every other enemy enemies within 10 yards. yards of the totem.
  • Magma Totem: Summons a Magma Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 0 20 sec that causes 268 Fire damage to creatures within 8 yards every 2 seconds.

  • Earth Elemental Totem: Summons Summon an elemental totem that calls forth a Greater Earth Elemental greater earth elemental to protect the caster and < his/her > allies. Lasts 2 min.
  • Seasoned Winds: Seasoned Winds Improved Fire Nova | When you successfully prevent an enemy spellcast with Wind Shear or Grounding Totem, you gain [(if (PL < =70) then PL else if (PL < =80) then PL+(PL-70)*5 else PL+(PL-70)*5+(PL-80)*7)*0.5] resistance to that spell's magical school for 10 Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova by 10% and reduces the cooldown by 2 sec.
  • Seasoned Winds: Seasoned Winds Improved Fire Nova | When you successfully prevent an enemy spellcast with Wind Shear or Grounding Totem, you gain [if (PL < =70) then PL else if (PL < =80) then PL+(PL-70)*5 else PL+(PL-70)*5+(PL-80)*7] resistance to that spell's magical school for 10 Increases the damage done by your Fire Nova by 20% and reduces the cooldown by 4 sec.

  • Purification: Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 25%, 10%, and reduces the casting time of your Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave spells by 0.5 sec.

#129 Warrior
  • Intercept: Charge an enemy, causing [12% of AP] damage (based on attack power) and stunning it for 1 3 sec.
  • Whirlwind: In a whirlwind of steel you attack all enemies within 8 yards, causing 65% weapon damage from both melee weapons to each enemy. If Whirlwind deals damage to 4 or more targets, its cooldown will be reduced by 6 sec.
  • Meat Cleaver: Dealing damage with Cleave or Whirlwind increases the damage of Cleave and Whirlwind by 5% for 10 sec. This effect stacks up to 3 times and lasts for times.
  • Meat Cleaver: Dealing damage with Cleave or Whirlwind increases the damage of Cleave and Whirlwind by 10% for 10 sec. This effect stacks up to 3 times and lasts for times.

  • Colossus Smash: Smashes a target for 150% weapon damage plus 120 and weakens their defenses, allowing your attacks to entirely bypass 70% of their armor for 6 sec.
  • Mortal Strike: A vicious strike that deals 175% 150% weapon damage plus 423 and wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received by 10% for 10 sec.
  • Overpower: Instantly overpower the enemy, causing 145% 125% weapon damage. Only useable after the target dodges. The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.
  • Rallying Cry: New
  • Two-Handed Weapon Specialization: Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 20%. 10%.
  • Improved Hamstring: When reapplying Hamstring, you immobilize the target for 5 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 60 sec. In addition, reduces the global cooldown of your Hamstring by 0.5 sec.
  • Improved Hamstring: When reapplying Hamstring, you immobilize the target for 5 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 sec. In addition, reduces the global cooldown of your Hamstring by 1 sec.
  • Improved Slam: Decreases the swing time of Slam by 1 sec and increases its damage by 40%. 20%.
  • Improved Slam: Decreases the swing time of Slam by 0.5 sec and increases its damage by 20%. 10%.
  • Juggernaut: Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat and in all stances, and the cooldown duration of your Charge stun is reduced increased by 3 2 sec. Following a Charge, your next Slam or Mortal Strike has an additional 25% chance to critically hit if used within 10 sec. However, Charge and Intercept now share a cooldown.

  • Dust of Disappearance: Reagents: Blackfallow Ink (2)
  • Glyph of Entangling Roots: Reduces the cast time of your Entangling Roots by 0.2 0.02 sec.
  • Mysterious Fortune Card: 1.5 3 sec cast

24 фев 2011, 13:57

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
-Power Word: Shield: 34% 25% of base mana | Draws on the soul of the friendly target to shield them, absorbing [8136 + 87% of SP] damage. Lasts 15 30 sec. While the shield holds, spellcasting will not be interrupted by damage. Once shielded, the target cannot be shielded again for 15 sec.
-Dispel Magic: Dispels magic on the target, removing 2 harmful spells from yourself a friend or 1 2 beneficial spell spells from an enemy.

24 фев 2011, 14:02
Профиль ICQ

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
не силен в английском.
колосус теперь будет снимать 70% армора? и что за Rallying Cry

24 фев 2011, 14:02

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
как я понял у варов дамаг от некоторых абил ОП, а колос место 100% теперь 70% пичалька

24 фев 2011, 14:03

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Наконец колосс нерфанут.

24 фев 2011, 14:03
Профиль ICQ WWW

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
на птр заходит у кого?

24 фев 2011, 14:03

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Про локов пока ни слова, уже хорошо)

24 фев 2011, 14:05

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Кассан же писал(а):

Наконец колосс нерфанут.

почему, если так дамаг апают, его можно даже и убрать ;D

24 фев 2011, 14:07

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Нерф селфхила ретриков! Нерф офенсив диспела пристов! Ееее Ееееее
Нерф колоса Ееееее

24 фев 2011, 14:08

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
хм фростов бафнут неплохо,неплохо...

24 фев 2011, 14:09
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
не получилось нормально с ммо-чампа скопипастить :(

24 фев 2011, 14:10

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.

Rallying Cry: New

что это? У меня бета клиент уехал по-ходу...

24 фев 2011, 14:14
Профиль ICQ

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Malakaipro писал(а):


Rallying Cry: New

что это? У меня бета клиент уехал по-ходу...

Походу аое ласт стенд )

24 фев 2011, 14:14

<Нафиг с пляжу я тут ляжу>

Сервер: Страж Смерти
Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Aligatt0r писал(а):

хм фростов бафнут неплохо,неплохо...

  • Frostburn: All your spells deal 5% 20% increased damage against Frozen targets. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 2.5%.
Фрост магов нерфят на 15%. 20% сейчас пассивно даёт, будет 5%.

24 фев 2011, 14:15


Сервер: Ravencrest
Рейтинг поля боя: 1611
2х2: 1684
Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
если посмотреть пост с ммо чемпиона, я так понял что стелс больше не снижает скорость передвижения, так ли это?

24 фев 2011, 14:17

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Gothiques писал(а):

Aligatt0r писал(а):

хм фростов бафнут неплохо,неплохо...

  • Frostburn: All your spells deal 5% 20% increased damage against Frozen targets. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 2.5%.
Фрост магов нерфят на 15%. 20% сейчас пассивно даёт, будет 5%.

недостаточный нерф, надо бы побосильнее, чтобы по замороженной цели урон вообще уменьшался, а не увеличивался

24 фев 2011, 14:17

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.

Frostburn: All your spells deal 5% 20% increased damage against Frozen targets. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 2.5%.

можно прощаться с фростами походу :sad

24 фев 2011, 14:20

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Принц писал(а):

Кассан же писал(а):

Наконец колосс нерфанут.

почему, если так дамаг апают, его можно даже и убрать ;D

А как же бедные воены будут убивать плейт за 6 секунд?

24 фев 2011, 14:20
Профиль ICQ WWW

<Братство Кнута>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 1523
3х3: 288
Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
Решифт верните, суки.

24 фев 2011, 14:22

Сообщение Re: Анонсирован 4.1.
чёто про магов загнули :unknw

24 фев 2011, 14:24
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