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Grand Nerf  
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Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Companion Pets
#837 Death Knight (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Rune Strike now scales from 15% of Attack Power, down from 20%.
  • Icebound Fortitude now reduces damage taken by 20%, down from 30%. Cooldown increased from 2 min to 3 min.


  • Mastery: Blightcaller now increases damage done by your diseases by 40%, up from 32%. Each point of Mastery increases disease damage by an additional 5%, up from 4%.

#837 Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Mangle (Bear Form) now deals 360% normal damage, up from 230%.
  • Bear Form now increases Stamina by 10%, down from 25%.
  • Survival Instincts now reduces damage taken by 50%, down from 60%. Cooldown changed to 3 min, down from 5 min.
  • Savage Defense now reduces damage from the next physical attack that strikes you by 35% of your attack power, down from 65%.


  • Rejuvenation now costs 26% of base mana, up from 20% of base mana.
  • Revitalize is now a 2 Ranks talent, down from 3 Ranks. Now has a 20% chance to proc at all ranks, now regenerates 1/2% of your total mana (down from 3%) and cannot occur more than once every 12 sec (up from 6 sec).
  • Heart of the Wild now increases your Stamina in bear form by 2/4/6%, down from 3/7/10%.

#837 Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Aimed Shot! now deals 95% weapon damage, down from 100%.
  • Chimera Shot now scales from 48.8% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 28.8%.


  • Black Arrow base damage increased by 20%, from 3077 to 3685.
  • Explosive Shot now scales from 42% of Ranged Attack Power, up from 22%. Base damage increased by 25%, from 558 to 697.

#837 Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Arcane Blast now increases damage by 10% (down from 20%) and mana cost by 150% (down from 175%) with each cast of Arcane Blast. Now also reduces the casting time by 0.1 sec with each cast. Base cast time reduced from 2.5 sec to 2.35 sec.
  • Arcane Missiles base damage has been increased by 5%, from 341 to 358.
  • Focus Magic tooltip clarified to add the 30 min duration and 1 target limit.
  • Arcane Barrage base damage has been increased by 5%, from [ 1004 - 1228 ] to [ 1054 - 1288 ].


  • Combustion now combines all your damaging periodic Fire effects on the enemy target, but does not consume them.
  • Fire Power damage has been added to the tooltip - [ 1134 to 1336 ].


  • Shattered Barrier now freezes enemies within 10 yards for 2/4 sec, down from 3/6 sec.
  • Fingers of Frost now has a 7/14/20% chance to proc from your Chill effects, down from 10/20/30%.
  • Early Frost now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.3/0.6 sec, down from 0.35/0.7 sec.

#837 Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Holy Radiance 20 yards range added to the tooltip.
  • Light of Dawn now uses Holy Power instead of Mana. Now heals up to 5 targets. No longer has a cooldown - Consumes all Holy Power to send a wave of healing energy before you, healing up to 5 of the most injured targets in your party or raid within a 30 yard frontal cone for 1008.96 to 1124.15 per charge of Holy Power.
  • Blessed Life now cannot occur more than 8 seconds (up from 2 seconds).
  • Protector of the Innocent now affects heals on any target except yourself.


  • Sanctity of Battle now also affects Divine Storm.
  • Divine Storm no longer uses Holy Power. Now deals 60% weapon damage, costs 5% of base mana, and has a 4.5 sec cooldown.


  • Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases your chance to block melee attacks by 18%, down from 24%. Each point of Mastery increases block chance by an additional 2.25%, down from 3%.
  • Shield of the Templar now reduces the cooldown of Guardian of Ancient Kings by 45/80/120 sec, down from 1/2/3 min.
  • Holy Shield now increases the amount your shield blocks by an additional 10% for 20 sec instead of increasing your block chance by 15%.

#837 Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Rapture now cannot occur more than once every 12 sec, down from 6 sec.
  • Atonement (Rank 1) now heals for 50% of the damage dealt, down from 100%. Rank 2 remains unchanged.
  • Inner Focus no longer affects Heal. Now affects Binding Heal.


  • Mastery: Shadow Orb has been renamed to Mastery: Shadow Orb Power - Increases the damage done by your Shadow Orbs. Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 1.25%
  • Shadow Orbs *New* - You have a 10% chance for your Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Flay spells to grant you a Shadow Orb each time they deal damage. Casting your Mind Blast or Mind Spike spell consumes all Shadow Orbs, increasing damage of that spell by 0% per Shadow Orb, and granting 0% increased damage on your periodic Shadow spells for until cancelled. You can have up to a maximum of 3 orbs.
  • Mind Spike now stacks up to 3 times (Tooltip fix)

#837 Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Backstab now deals 150% weapon damage, down from 200%.
  • Bandit's Guile now increases damage to the target by up to 30%. (Up from 15%)
  • Aggression now increases damage of Sinister Strike, Backstab, and Eviscerate by 7/14/20%, up from 5/10/15%.


  • Redirect now also redirects any insight gained from Bandit's Guile.
  • Mastery: Executioner now increases damage done by all your finishing moves, and the effectiveness of your Slice and Dice and Recuperate abilities, by 16%, down from 20%.


  • Slice and Dice now increases the duration of Slice and Dice by 6 sec, up from 3 sec.

#837 Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Elemental Reach now also increases the range of Searing Totem by 7/15 yards.


  • Windfury Weapon now deals 40% of weapon damage when Unleash Elements is used, up from 20%.

#837 Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Bane of Doom base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 2213 to 1948.
  • Bane of Agony base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1743 to 1535.
  • Drain Soul base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 437 to 384.
  • Drain Life base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 125 to 109.
  • Corruption base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1004 to 883.
  • Jinx now affects up to 15 nearby targets.


  • Hand of Gul'dan base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 1597 - 1886 ] to [ 1405 - 1660 ]


  • Chaos Bolt base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 1490 - 1893 ] to [ 1311 - 1665 ]
  • Shadowburn base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 737 - 823 ] to [ 649 - 724 ]
  • Fel Flame base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 251 - 291 ] to [ 220 - 256 ]
  • Shadowflame cooldown has been changed to 12 sec, down from 25 sec.
  • Incinerate base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 579 - 673 ] to [ 510 - 592 ]
  • Soul Fire base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 2468 - 3094 ] to [ 2171 - 2722 ].
  • Searing Pain base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 322 - 382 ] to [ 283 - 336 ].
  • Immolate base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 756 + 2401 over 15 sec ] to [ 665 + 2112 over 15 sec ].
  • Shadow Bolt base damage has been reduced by 12%, from [ 640 to 714 ] to [ 563 to 629 ].

#837 Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

  • Mastery: Strikes of Opportunity's additional attack now deals 100% normal damage, down from 115%.
  • Overpower now deals 125% weapon damage, up from 100%.
  • Heroic Strike now scales from 75% of Attack Power, up from 60%.
  • Rend base damage has been reduced by 17%, from 635 to 528. Additional bleed damage increased by 25%, from [ 8.57% of MWS * AP + 60% of MWB + 60% of mwb ] over 15 sec to [ 10.71% of MWS * AP + 75% of MWB + 75% of mwb ].
  • Mortal Strike now deals 150% weapon damage, down from 185%.


  • Mastery: Unshackled Fury now increases the benefit of abilities that cause or require you to be enraged by 37.6%, up from 25%. Each point of Mastery increases enrage effects by an additional 4.7%, up from 3.13%.
  • Bloodthirst now scales from 62% of Attack Power, down from 75%.
  • Raging Blow now deals 110% weapon damage, down from 150%.
  • Slam now deals 125% weapon damage, down from 150%. Additional damage increased by 55%, from 277 to 430.
  • Whirlwind now deals 65% weapon damage, down from 75%.
  • Cleave now scales from 56.2% of Attack Power, up from 45%.
  • Victory Rush now scales from 56% of Attack Power, up from 45%.


  • Shield Block (Passive) now increases your chance to block by 25%, down from 100%. In addition, if your total chance to block or avoid an attack exceeds 100%, your chance to critically block is increased by the excess.
  • Vigilance no longer reduces damage taken by the target by 3%.
  • Mastery: Critical Block now increases your chances to block by 12%, up from 10%. Increases your chance to critically block by 12%, down from 20%. Each point of mastery now increases your chance to block by an additional 1.5%, and your chance to critically block by an additional 1.5% (Down from 2.5%).

Какой то уговый копипаст вышел ... :nea

04 ноя 2010, 09:03

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
на русском бы прочитать ато неоч понятно :cry

04 ноя 2010, 10:34

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Близы совсем ёbнулись на всю голову :mad

04 ноя 2010, 10:52

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf

Рог понерфили в задницу просто.
Буду элемом играть :rofl

04 ноя 2010, 11:11

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
У рог, по-хорошему, понерфили только бэкстаб.

04 ноя 2010, 11:17

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Bane of Doom base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 2213 to 1948.
Bane of Agony base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1743 to 1535.
Drain Soul base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 437 to 384.
Drain Life base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 125 to 109.
Corruption base damage has been reduced by 12%, from 1004 to 883.
Jinx now affects up to 15 nearby targets.


04 ноя 2010, 11:22


Сервер: Outland
Рейтинг поля боя: 384
2х2: 2322
3х3: 2504
5х5: 1952
Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Для немощей. Этот нерф почти не будет влиять на 80-85 лвл. В основном он ориентирован на 10- 70 лвл.

04 ноя 2010, 11:31

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
О господи, че вы тупите то все ? Это нерф лоу лвл, и он на 100% обоснован, Все пачки мобов на каче тупо аеошатся любыми классами, роги на лоу 30-40 лвл бьют амбушами по 3-4к, У елемов болты критауют по 4 куска, Классам раздали все ключевые абилки сразу, но почему-то сразу последних рангов, сейчас это корректируют, все правильно и нормально, ибо после патча твинком можно было собирать пол локации и банально аоешить, а бг превратилось в ваншот от амбуша, причём любого класса и любого спека.

04 ноя 2010, 11:31

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
pachinko писал(а):

У рог, по-хорошему, понерфили только бэкстаб.

наверно вернётся хемо :smile

04 ноя 2010, 12:05

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
А зачем хантеры вообще юзают Аимед шот в мм? :lol Тестил против Эклипсера, каст 3 секунды, стоимость полстолба фокуса (50), дамаг 800 (!).
:lol :lol :lol
Не надо вот только писать, что его можно прожать после стеди шотов, ну не настакаете вы 5 стеди.

04 ноя 2010, 12:10

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
ItzeqvIL писал(а):

А зачем хантеры вообще юзают Аимед шот в мм? :lol Тестил против Эклипсера, каст 3 секунды, стоимость полстолба фокуса (50), дамаг 800 (!).
:lol :lol :lol
Не надо вот только писать, что его можно прожать после стеди шотов, ну не настакаете вы 5 стеди.

Самое ок то, что стедик дает прок с 60% вероятностью, то есть надо юзнуть примерно 7-8 (!!!!!!) стедиков что бы настакалось.

04 ноя 2010, 12:22

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
night shadows писал(а):

pachinko писал(а):

У рог, по-хорошему, понерфили только бэкстаб.

наверно вернётся хемо :smile

Not really. На бете бэкстаб бьёт точно так же как до патча, несмотря на то, что цифры в тултипе упали с 325% до 243%.

04 ноя 2010, 12:32

Сервер: Outland
Рейтинг поля боя: 192
2х2: 1567
3х3: 1747
Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Весело однако, вы бы хоть приписку красными буквами сделали что это для лоу лвл, а то я чуть не поседел.....
Upd. Сори, только увидел приписку :))

04 ноя 2010, 12:56

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf

  • Shattered Barrier now freezes enemies within 10 yards for 2/4 sec, down from 3/6 sec.
  • Fingers of Frost now has a 7/14/20% chance to proc from your Chill effects, down from 10/20/30%.
  • Early Frost now reduces the cast time of Frostbolt by 0.3/0.6 sec, down from 0.35/0.7 sec.

Если нерфят только лоулвл, то выходит что на 80ых даже таланты будут другие?

P.s. А если 80ые и есть лоулв :D

04 ноя 2010, 13:09

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
тупой вопрос - Эти нерфы будут применены в следущем патче или они уже в силе?

04 ноя 2010, 13:44

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Dord писал(а):

потом что гибриды портят своим присутствует арену, они не предназначены для нее.

Вот БК мне нравился то,что на арене были только Пур дпс классы,а гибриды по сути имели только играбельные хил спеки,а ДД спеки предназначались для бафа рейда в ПВЕ :rofl

04 ноя 2010, 13:46
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Вар тоже гибрид какбэ...
Лок,маг,хант,рог чистые только..

04 ноя 2010, 13:59

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Ты чо коры поел?

04 ноя 2010, 14:07
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Emilio писал(а):

Когда вступят в силу ети изменения

Эти изменения вступили в силу на тест риалме КАТАКЛИЗМА. Так что, скорее всего, раньше 7 декабря вы их не увидите. Да и про лоу лвл баланс - бред полный, изменения действуют на все лвлы.

04 ноя 2010, 14:07

Сообщение Re: Grand Nerf
Geralt писал(а):

Вар тоже гибрид какбэ...

Лок,маг,хант,рог чистые только..

:facepalm :crazy

04 ноя 2010, 14:14
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