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Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)  
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Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Уберут пвп шмот, но еще нужны тесты и прочее. Возможно и не уберут. (предпоследний вопрос)

много другой инфы.

  • Альтам скажем нет, качайте свой веп с 0
  • Под каждый спек, качаем свой веп (small catch up ситсема)
  • Позже закинут инфы, как мы достаем артефакты у трала и т.д. (мое мнение, что они умрут)

Will you be able to use flying mounts in Legion content?

We're happy with the system they have in place for WoD were the player has to go out and explore the world to earn their flying ability. That same model will likely be adopted in Legion, with the player being required to accomplish a set of tasks in order to earn the right to fly at some point in the expansion.


Where exactly are the "Broken Isles" located?

We've yet to reveal that on the map but we'll be revealing more info on it's location later.


Are their any changes to the raid system like the size and the difficulty?

Every expansion we've radically changed the raid system and we think it worked out really well in WoD. We've been discussing ways to make loot better and how to improve upon the 'personal loot' system but haven't decided on any changes at this point. Our current raid structure is working really well for us right now.


Are we going to see the continued use of the 'warforged' and 'socket' system in Legion?

We really like the idea of players being able to obtain upgrades for their loot and have even talked about extending that 'upgrade' system further. Killing the same boss again could possibly yield better gear than what you currently have equipped.


With Artifacts being introduced as the player's primary weapon choice, will we ever replace them for better weapons? Will we loot weapons?

"You will not loot weapons in Legion."


Will there be legendary quest lines for your weapon or will they be legendary drops?

We haven't talked about how we want to treat the weapons but we currently have a few ideas on how this progression might occur. They might start out as epic but through some method you can upgrade them to legendary or they might just start as legendary quality. No final decisions have been reached.


So Artifacts won't directly be labelled as "Artifact" in quality?

We've also discussed that idea; that an artifact might just be assigned it's own, unique "Artifact" item quality. It's still to be determined but we do like the idea of the player having an item that they work on "powering up" throughout the expansion.


Most legendary quest lines are difficult for alts [Note: "Difficult" as in there is no catch up mechanic to reduce alleviate some of the difficulty the second, third, etc. time around.] so will that remain the same with Artifacts or will they have some form of a catch up mechanic? What about a single character that uses multiple specs?

We're not planning on any catch up mechanic for any alts. They'll have their own artifact path to follow independent of any other character. As for specs, each spec will have their own unique weapon so we don't want it to be too painful on players that switch specs often. While we haven't come to any final decisions yet, we think it's super important and we're actively discussing it all the time.


What does the Demon Hunters tanking style feel like? Can it be compared to something like Druid's self-healing or any other class we have right now?

We're not 100% on all of this yet but right now Demon Hunters are a very agile class so they will likely use associated stats like dodge and parry for damage and threat mitigation. We want them to feel very agile so they have a lot of ways to rush in to danger and a lot of ways to escape from danger. That's the general theme of Demon Hunter tanks right now.


A lot of raid encounters have been melee unfriendly so with the addition of more melee (Demon Hunter as melee, Survival hunters as melee) classes/specs, how will you handle this?

There's always going to be encounters that favor ranged and encounters that favor melee more and we don't think that's necessarily a problem. However, we do want to make sure that the gap isn't significant enough to warrant removing certain classes because they don't excel in that encounter; we want everyone to have the chance to be successful.


With artifact weapons being very unique, how are players going to obtain them? Will the characters currently using them hand them over?

"You're just going to ask for it... No, not really. All that will be revealed at some point in the future. No spoilers."


Illidan looks demonic and has horns as a result of his pact with the Legion so why does every player created Demon Hunter look so similar to him?

The basic idea is that Illidan had to make a deal with demons in order to get the power necessary to combat them (fight fire with fire) and that same deal extends to members of the Illidari. Players have a wide range of cosmetic options for things like their horn style and their eye guard style along with the option of having no horns at all. All those visuals together feel like an iconic part of the Demon Hunter's identity.


You've mentioned before that you want players to be interested in doing 5-man dungeons for the entire length of an expansion. [unintelligible]

One of the mistakes in WoD was that once a player started raiding, they had no reason to ever return to 5-man dungeons. We liked the system MoP used in which a player was given a relevant reward for completing the daily dungeon and that's something we're keen on fixing.


Will dungeons have any new difficulty types (Normal, heroic, mythic, etc.) in Legion? If mythic difficulty dungeons are open from day one, what place will they have in progression?

We'll definitely have normal and heroic but no guarantee on the availability of mythic dungeons. Mythic is still very new and there's a lot of lessons we've yet to learn but we really like the idea of another level of difficulty that parallels the dungeon. One of the key factors is itemization and where/how that fits into our current system of item progression.


Will challenge modes still be available?

We still like the idea of challenge modes but we want to figure out a way to make them more accessible. Not promising that we'll have them but we like that feature a lot.


Will there be a new talent tab like [unintelligible] ones?

There's a lot of abilities built into your weapon so they might be there or we could possibly add another talent row but we haven't decided yet.


In the Artifact talent tree, can we unlock every trait or will we have to choose like the current character talent tree?

Eventually you'll be able to unlock every trait but one of the things we've talked about is that you may not unlock your talents in the same order. Example: Two protection warriors may not unlock all their traits in the same order but in the end they will have access to everything. Allowing the player to choose where they want to go is an idea we like a lot but the end result is that all traits will be available to you.


It was revealed that survival hunters will become a melee spec and demonology warlocks are getting revamped. Will there be any major changes for other classes?

We look at all classes every expansion but all 3 Hunter specs and Demonology Warlocks are the 4 biggest changes that we'll be making. You'll see a handful of changes here and there but those are the biggest differences.


How far into the expansion will we be progressing our Artifact weapons? Will a player get to level 110 and have it completely maxed?

No, definitely not. Players will be leveling their artifact weapons through out the entire expansion, raids, dungeons, and patches included.


With the newly revamped honor system, will the old conquest system remain?

No, conquest will be replaced entirely by the new honor system.


[Direct quote start.]


On the presentation you've said that gear in PvP is not really great. Can you tell us more about that? Will you completely remove PvP gear?

Yes, the goal is to remove PvP gear. So there will be PvP ways to obtain gear and then the way that you'll have your different power in PvP is about the gear that you obtain, but also about the talents that you've unlocked that are PvP specific. You know, you can imagine us having-- giving higher PvP level players higher PvP talents, or more different PvP talents to help them. You know I think one of the things we've struggled with is kind of this... two gear systems and we've done a lot of different things over the years to kind of like, reward PvPers that only want to go down that track and not make them as successful in PvE or have PvE and make them closer. We tried to make the gear... the gear is closer in PvE to PvP in this expansion than it has been, really in a long time. This is a really risky, radical, significant change in the game [unintelligible] to get rid of PvP gear.


So is the item level going to be normalized in PvP scenarios or is it just PvE item level?

PvE item level today. Now, all that stuff that I'm talking about is really subject to a lot of work, a lot of play testing, and we may change our minds and say, "Hey this didn't work out." but that's our current thought today.


[Direct quote end.]


In a previous interview, Tom [Chilton] told us that Demon Hunters would wear leather. Isn't the leather armor type a bit crowded? Why not let Demon Hunters use mail?

We talked about it but felt that it didn't work with the Demon Hunter fantasy of being a very mobile, very agile class. "Much to the consternation of some of our other players."


08 авг 2015, 11:05

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

почему альтам скажем НЕТ?! просто уволятся с работ, будут брать деньги у мамы и развивать всех чаров 24/7

08 авг 2015, 11:31

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Да и ништяк, может наконец отучусь альтоводить... есть за мной такой грешок, бесит но ничего не могу поделать )

08 авг 2015, 11:35


Сервер: Черный Шрам
2х2: 1241
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

збиженные фишки с престижами в пвп и с прокачкой оружий и прочих скилов ну как минимум из black ops 2 multiplayer а как максимум из многих других подобных игрулек

08 авг 2015, 11:42

<Гнев Совы>

Сервер: Страж Смерти
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Не смотрел, но осуждаю.

08 авг 2015, 11:46


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Артефакты будет сложно качать, насколько я понял, он сказал что нужно будет его качать в течении всего аддона.

08 авг 2015, 12:07
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)


EMFH gg wp, было весело.   


08 авг 2015, 12:26

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

про престиж не совсем понял, типо прокачал ты 50 ранк и у тебя все абилки есть, а потом по желанию сбрасываешь и ты опять без абилок, качаешь заново с 1го лвла но уже с крутым маунтом и иконкой возле портрета?

08 авг 2015, 12:35


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Juvemakes писал(а):

про престиж не совсем понял, типо прокачал ты 50 ранк и у тебя все абилки есть, а потом по желанию сбрасываешь и ты опять без абилок, качаешь заново с 1го лвла но уже с крутым маунтом и иконкой возле портрета?

Да, за последний левел престижа можно будет полутать вариант твоего артефакта.

08 авг 2015, 12:36
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Juvemakes писал(а):

про престиж не совсем понял, типо прокачал ты 50 ранк и у тебя все абилки есть, а потом по желанию сбрасываешь и ты опять без абилок, качаешь заново с 1го лвла но уже с крутым маунтом и иконкой возле портрета?

да, только маунта ты получишь с раза так 11.


мне вот интересно. на рбг\арена, будет ли ранк расти ускорено или нет? если да, то какойнить 11 ранк пристижа, должен копится недели 2 на арене и 3-4 на простых бг. ибо тогда каждый вася пве, который любит стоять афк на всг будет иметь маунта.  ну или открывть 11 ранк пристижа за 2к рейта

08 авг 2015, 12:37

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

WoW is down. WTF?!!

08 авг 2015, 12:49

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Рейтинг поля боя: 2295
2х2: 2201
3х3: 2302
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

не совсем понял , что будет с альтами

08 авг 2015, 13:27
Профиль ICQ


Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Рейтинг поля боя: 1765
2х2: 1689
3х3: 2139
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Может кто-нибудь подробно написать про престиж и про ранк, что-то я не понял).

08 авг 2015, 13:43

<Пони Слэйстейшн>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
2х2: 2201
3х3: 2323
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Mayorsx писал(а):

Может кто-нибудь подробно написать про престиж и про ранк, что-то я не понял).

Каждый уровень престижа открывает тебе определенный талант в пвп. По достижению 50 уровня тебе будут доступны все таланты, маунты для покупку и прочая лабуда. Если вдруг тебе станет скучно и ты захочешь дальше качаться, то ты можешь сбросить эти уровни и получить иконку рядом с твоим фреймом, как показатель того, что ты уже 1 раз брал 50 престижей. Все начинается опять с нуля и так пока не надоест.

08 авг 2015, 13:47


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Eviscerate писал(а):

Mayorsx писал(а):

Может кто-нибудь подробно написать про престиж и про ранк, что-то я не понял).

Каждый уровень престижа открывает тебе определенный талант в пвп. По достижению 50 уровня тебе будут доступны все таланты, маунты для покупку и прочая лабуда. Если вдруг тебе станет скучно и ты захочешь дальше качаться, то ты можешь сбросить эти уровни и получить иконку рядом с твоим фреймом, как показатель того, что ты уже 1 раз брал 50 престижей. Все начинается опять с нуля и так пока не надоест.

Немного не так, уровни влияют только на открытие талантов, чтобы получить определенный маунт/модельку, ты должен будешь вкачать определенный уровень престижа, скажем тебе хочется новую модельку, и тебе нужно(грубо говоря) вкачать 5 раз по 50 уровней.

08 авг 2015, 13:50
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

prophets писал(а):


EMFH gg wp, было весело.   



08 авг 2015, 14:14

<Меня не остановить>

Сервер: Свежеватель Душ
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Mefesto писал(а):

Немного не так, уровни влияют только на открытие талантов, чтобы получить определенный маунт/модельку, ты должен будешь вкачать определенный уровень престижа, скажем тебе хочется новую модельку, и тебе нужно(грубо говоря) вкачать 5 раз по 50 уровней.

теперь афкашащих задротов ботоводов можно будет наблюдать в центре даларана

08 авг 2015, 14:20

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

кстате про даларан, их теперь будет 2 в вове, типа сделают филиал?

08 авг 2015, 14:27


Сервер: Ревущий фьорд
Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Juvemakes писал(а):

кстате про даларан, их теперь будет 2 в вове, типа сделают филиал?

Да, ради геймлея оставят старый Даларан в Нордсколе, однако новый будет несколько отличаться.

08 авг 2015, 14:29
Профиль Skype

Сообщение Прощаемся с пвп шмотом (WoW 7.0)

Mefesto писал(а):

Juvemakes писал(а):

кстате про даларан, их теперь будет 2 в вове, типа сделают филиал?

Да, ради геймлея оставят старый Даларан в Нордсколе, однако новый будет несколько отличаться.

бред какойто ctrl+c ctrl+v

08 авг 2015, 14:31
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На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.