Релиз Path of Exile!  
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09 ноя 2013, 17:54

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

рипнулся седня мой мейн на дисконекте

классно зайти в игру и увидеть синий флажок  :crab

09 ноя 2013, 18:58

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Если не сложно, пожалуйста киньте актуального дисчарджера. Волшебный посох в наличии.


Так же интересно посмотреть на CI Fire discharger'a.


Ато либо старое, либо кривое. 


Ах да, интересует темплар.

09 ноя 2013, 19:30

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Desst писал(а):

рипнулся седня мой мейн на дисконекте

классно зайти в игру и увидеть синий флажок  :crab

пошли вместе качнемся =)


09 ноя 2013, 19:40

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

накидайте какие-нибудь оп билды на сционку, если не сложно, или портал может какой где их можно найти

10 ноя 2013, 00:04

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

thefever писал(а):

Если не сложно, пожалуйста киньте актуального дисчарджера. Волшебный посох в наличии.


Так же интересно посмотреть на CI Fire discharger'a.


Ато либо старое, либо кривое. 


Ах да, интересует темплар.

Shock Nova q20 + Discharge q20 build - остальное на твое усмотрение, можно взять урон горения, или просто фаер, или крит, ну и dexterity если нужно.

Ну и у бандитов берём хп и эндурэнс чарж.

10 ноя 2013, 02:36
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Dragonsfreezy писал(а):

накидайте какие-нибудь оп билды на сционку, если не сложно, или портал может какой где их можно найти

Вы мимо темы ходите да? Страницу назад скинули 3 сайта длф фанатов ПоЕ.

10 ноя 2013, 11:21

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Ainterh писал(а):

Dragonsfreezy писал(а):

накидайте какие-нибудь оп билды на сционку, если не сложно, или портал может какой где их можно найти

Вы мимо темы ходите да? Страницу назад скинули 3 сайта длф фанатов ПоЕ.

Зачем нужны фансайты когда у игры есть отличный офф форум (Метелица привет), на котором есть куча тем с билдами, с линком вещей, с интегрироваными профилями из игры и т.д.

10 ноя 2013, 15:09
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

А есть какая-нибудь гильда, где все тусуются?

10 ноя 2013, 17:52

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

какие то шмотки не эпичные на вид в пое , это отталкивает :/

10 ноя 2013, 18:30

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Там есть красивые шмотки.

Я правда сам не знаю, уники это или что, но видел классных персонажей.

10 ноя 2013, 19:07

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

за донат не?

10 ноя 2013, 20:08

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Dragonsfreezy писал(а):

за донат не?

ну донат только накладывает эффекты

хоть тыщу эффектов на говно наложи останется говном


в пое есть свой вижуал

этакий псевдо-реализм и "историчность" без гротеска

это и нравится и не нравится

двуручному оружию например явно не хватает пафоса

10 ноя 2013, 21:45

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Похожая стилистика была в д2, в визуальном плане оружия и доспехов.

Вообще единственное, чем пое конкретно поигрывает д3, это дизайном и разнообразием мобов.

Если еще под конец а3 появляются все эти miscreation, которые достаточно стильно выглядят, то все остальное как то слабо.

Хотеть больше разных и красивых мобов!

11 ноя 2013, 10:52

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!



11 ноя 2013, 19:25

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Зависание интернета и последующее падение печально сказалось на моем персонаже, очередной рип  :vava

11 ноя 2013, 19:27

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

Xoma писал(а):

Зависание интернета и последующее падение печально сказалось на моем персонаже, очередной рип  :vava

Беларуский интернет - почувствуй себя на луне !!!

Именно по этому не играю на Немезисе.

11 ноя 2013, 22:36
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

С выхинской йотой ничего не сравнится

11 ноя 2013, 23:03

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

This will be deployed tomorrow (during the NZ workday).

Version 1.0.1

Major Content/Features:

  • Added support for the Descent: Champions race events and Race Season Five.
  • Added a new Dexterity support gem - Enhance: This is a world-drop-only gem with three levels that only performs its function at level two and above.
  • Added a new Strength skill gem - Purity of Fire: Casts an aura that grants fire resistance to you and your allies. Higher levels increase maximum fire resistance.
  • Added a new Dexterity skill gem - Purity of Ice: Casts an aura that grants cold resistance to you and your allies. Higher levels increase maximum cold resistance.
  • Added a new Intelligence skill gem - Purity of Lightning: Casts an aura that grants lightning resistance to you and your allies. Higher levels increase maximum lightning resistance.
  • The new aura gems are available to certain classes from the "Intruders in  Black" quest and to other classes from the "A Fixture of Fate" quest  (both in normal difficulty).
  • Added four new Unique items, all of which were designed by supporters.
  • Added three new cosmetic microtransactions: Golden Spectral Throw, Discipline Force Field Effect and Scion Dance Animation.
  • Two new Achievements have been added: Capture the Flag and Zombie Horde
  • A checkbox has been added to allow Guild Chat to be hidden.
  • New art has been added for Endurance, Power and Frenzy charges.
  • Eight new vendor recipes have been added in two groups of four, including ones for changing which bandit quest reward you chose.
  • To change your bandit quest reward, use the book that you receive from the recipe in the appropriate difficulty. If you had Eramir's reward, you will need a skill point available to change away from it.
  • When  race prizes are awarded in Race Season Five onwards, the remove-only stash tab they go to can be accessed from any non-event league. You cannot access it in the first two weeks of a ladder. This means that your race prizes can be removed from the tab in Domination or Nemesis (but can't be put back in). When the next four month leagues start, the prizes will not be available in the first two weeks (to keep the early race fair).

Minor Content/Features:

  • Spectral Throw now has a more spectral effect.
  • Necromancers now use an alternate curse effect.
  • Effects have been added for when a Jade or Quartz Flask is used.
  • The list of community supporters in the credits has been updated.
  • A new audio track has been added to the the Darkness Event in Act 2.
  • A button for the Microtransaction Shop has been added to the Escape menu.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

End-game Map Balance:

  • The item drop quantity and rarity for Map bosses has been increased.
  • While playing End-game Maps, you are now more likely to find higher level Maps.
  • The signature monsters for Courtyard and Palace Maps have been swapped.
  • Reduced the range at which monsters use Delayed Blast. This mostly affects Maps.

Skill Balance:

  • Cast On Damage Taken: The level requirement of gems augmented by Cast on Damage Taken may not exceed the level requirement of the Cast on Damage Taken gem. Edit: Many people seem to be reading this wrong.
  • Ice Nova: Damage at high levels has been increased (around 10% more damage at level 15).
  • Vitality: Mana reservation cost reduced from 60% to 40%.
  • Purity: Now grants no maximum resistances.
  • Animated Guardian: The Guardian now recovers 25% of its life whenever a new armour piece is added to it.
  • Enfeeble: The accuracy penalty given by quality has been halved.
  • Mortal Conviction has been improved from 30% to 40% less aura mana reservation.
  • Early Scion Spell Damage passive skills changed from 8% to 6%.

Race Balance:

  • Various balance adjustments have been made to the Endless Ledge.
  • Class chests for Descent: Classic have been updated.
  • Characters now have a standing start in all race events.

General Balance:

  • The party life bonus for monsters in higher difficulties has been reduced from 25% to 20% per player per difficulty. Parties still need a lot more damage output than in Open Beta, but it's not quite so high now.
  • Shrine effects for players that are based on skills have been buffed at higher levels.
  • The life values of several monsters that appear in the Sceptre of God have been reduced.
  • Beast skeletons can now be revived by necromancers.
  • All quest rewards are now 0% quality, not just skill gems.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where a wagon could block the path through the Barracks.
  • Fixed an issue where check marks would appear on Notable and Keystone passive skills, even though there is currently no related challenge.
  • Fixed issues that prevented some monsters from spawning as rare. This makes the Kill Rare Monsters challenge completable.
  • Fixed the Locomancer Achievement.
  • Fixed issues with the All Ears and No Stone Unturned achievements.
  • A warning message has been added for items with gems being added to guild stash.
  • Some missing minimap markers for doors have been added back into the Solaris and Lunaris Temples.
  • Fixed a bug where certain Nemesis mods did no damage when spawned on Carrion Queens.
  • Cast on Damage Taken will no longer count any damage taken while you're dead.
  • Fixed a Scion hair bug with Lamellar armour.
  • Fixed the Siosa quest to not highlight map pins once completed.
  • Fixed an issue with key pickup and the Animate (Weapon and Guardian) skills.
  • Fixed a crash related to chained projectiles.
  • Various fixes have been made to guild tabs.
  • Fixed a problem where you couldn't right-click on the league flag to bring up the player context menu for a character in the friends list or guild  member list.
  • Fixed a bug where Vaal Construct type monsters would receive attack-only mods even though they're spellcasters.
  • When someone declines your guild invite it now says they declined, rather than having left the guild.
  • Fixed an issue with pixelated outlines of monsters and characters that would occur in situations like the Darkness Event.
  • The new guild invite notification will no longer keep popping up every time you transition to a new instance.
  • Fixed a potential instance crash with Molten Shell.
  • Fixed a bug where if you kill all Clarissa's guards before getting close to her then it tells you to kill all the now-dead guards.
  • Fixed some bugs with Aura priorities and the passive skills that increase the effect of auras not being taken into account.
  • Fixed an issue where Remove Only stash tabs could remain after being emptied.
  • Fixed a bug related to viewing a Guild Tab while the leader turns off your view of it.
  • Added a message indicating that maps will be consumed when creating a Guild tag.

12 ноя 2013, 17:18
Профиль WWW

Сообщение Релиз Path of Exile!

The level requirement of gems augmented by Cast on Damage Taken may not exceed the level requirement of the Cast on Damage Taken gem. Edit: Many people seem to be reading this wrong.

Правильно ли я понял, что теперь нельзя будет гонять с 1ым лвл CoDT и 12 молтен шилда?(
Ну и нерф пурити явно лишнее, лучше бы грейвс нерфанули.

12 ноя 2013, 22:33
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