12 ноя 2011, 14:41


Interested in balance changes to Katarina, Graves, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Corki, Kog'Maw, Tristana, Sion or Sona? Want to find out more about the new upcoming masteries and summoner spells? If so, check out the video!


Заинтересованы в изменениях Катарины, Грейвса, Кейтлин, МФ, Корки, Ког'Мава, Тристаны, Сиона или Соны? Хотите узнать больше о предстоящих изменениях мастерис и суммонер спеллов? Если да, посмотрите это видео!

New Skins in the Store

Atlantean Fizz
Tundra Fizz
Amethyst Ashe
Musketeer Twisted Fate

PVP.net Store

Added a filter to search skins by Champion
Added a filter to search only Legendary skins
Added the ability to search multiple items at once by using “+” to separate search terms
Made performance enhancements

PVP.net v1.48

Removed the Halloween icons for Health and Mana Potions
Fixed a bug causing certain Summoner Names to have errors in Champion Select

League of Legends v1.0.0.129
Fizz, the Tidal Trickster

Urchin Strike
Fizz dashes through his target, dealing normal attack damage plus additional magic damage.
Seastone Trident
Passive: Fizz's attacks rend his target, applying a damage over time effect that strengthens if the opponent is low on life.
Active: Fizz's attacks are empowered, dealing additional magic damage and causing grievous wounds to his opponents.
Playful / Trickster
Fizz hops onto his staff, becoming untargetable. He may then choose to slam the ground or hop off to another location
Chum the Waters (Ultimate)
Fizz flings a fish that can bind itself onto enemy champions - After a brief delay, a Shark will emerge from the earth to eat the fish, dealing damage and knocking back all enemy champions.
Nimble Fighter (Passive)
Fizz's dexterity allows him to ignore unit collision and take less damage from basic attacks.


Twin Disciplines
Initial spell vamp gained upon obtaining 10 bonus attack damage reduced to 8% from 10%
Additional spell vamp reduced to 1% per 6 attack damage from 1% per 5 attack damage
Initial magic damage bonus upon obtaining 20 ability power reduced to 8% from 10%
Additional magic damage bonus reduced to 1% per 6 ability power from 1% per 5 ability power
Mark of the Assassin
Projectile base damage and proc base damage reduced to 45/70/95/120/145 from 50/75/100/125/150


Base movement speed reduced to 300 from 305


Phosphorus Bomb
Base damage increased to 80/130/180/230/280 from 70/120/170/220/270
Now reveals champions for 6 seconds in addition to revealing the area for 6 seconds (does not reveal stealth)


Essence Flux is now correctly flagged as an area effect spell


Attack range reduced to 525 from 550
Base mana lowered to 295 from 342
Buckshot damage per additional missile reduced to 25% from 30%
Fixed a few small tooltip errors


Null Sphere cast range reduced to 650 from 700
Force Pulse damage increased at earlier ranks to 80/130/180/230/280 from 60/115/170/225/280


Now moves Katarina in front of the target
When Killer Instincts is active, Katarina moves behind the target


Bio-Arcane Barrage attack range bonus reduced to 130/150/170/190/210 from 130/160/190/220/250


Base armor increased to 21.75 from 16.75
Brutal Strikes cooldown reduced to 14 seconds from 16 seconds
Ground Slam cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8 seconds

Master Yi

Alpha Strike mana cost reduced to 60/70/80/90/100 from 80/90/100/110/120
Highlander mana cost reduced to 100 from 120

Miss Fortune

Bullet Time attack damage ratio increased to .45 from .4


Unspeakable Horror
Cast range reduced to 425 from 500
Tether range reduced to 465 from 525


Olaf is now immune to blinds and silences while Ragnarok is active


Base mana regen increased to 7 per 5 seconds from 4.5 per 5 seconds.
Mana regen per level increased to .5 per 5 seconds from .45 per 5 seconds
Command: Attack cast range increased to 825 from 800


The Equalizer now works with smart cast (Hold down the smart cast hotkey to mark the beginning of the line, and release the hotkey to cast)


Cryptic Gaze ability power ratio reduced to .9 from 1
Death's Caress ability power ratio reduced to .9 from 1


Aria of Perseverance
Mana cost adjusted to 60/65/70/75/80 from 65 at all ranks
Passive aura reduced to 7/9/11/13/15 armor and magic resist from 8/11/14/17/20


Noxious Trap now has an ammo stack and reload time indicator on the buff bar


Base attack damage increased to 46.5 from 44.5
Tristana will now automatically attack the target she casts Explosive Shot on
Buster Shot
Knockback radius increased to 200 from 175
Now has an indicator around the target to show knockback radius (similar to Brand's Conflagration)


Fixed a bug where the display range for Tides of Blood was much shorter than the actual range


Wriggles Lantern Life Steal reduced to 15% from 18%
Odyn's Veil no longer triggers spellcast effects like Sheen, Tear of the Goddess, or Ryze's passive
Warmog's Armor and Priscilla's Blessing are no longer purchasable in the Dominion game mode


Added small amounts of experience to various jungle monsters in order to maintain current jungling paths without the necessity of the Awareness mastery (which increases experience gained)
Dr. Mundo's Burning Agony, Irelia's Ionian Duelist, Trundle's Contaminate, and Singed's Insanity Potion now additionally reduce silences and blinds, but no longer allow them to walk through persistent slowing fields such as Kog'Maw's Void Ooze when stacked with other disable duration reductions (ie: Tenacity)
Death Recap
Improved Death Recap to show more accurate damage over a longer period of time
Fixed numerous bugs with the display of ability damage
Masteries have been remade
Improved Summoner Spells are now condensed into 3 masteries, each at the first tier of their respective trees
Summoner's Wrath improves Offense tree Summoner Spells
Summoner's Resolve improves Defense tree Summoner Spells
Summoner's Insight improves Utility tree Summoner Spells
All summoner spell icons have been updated
"Welcome to the Crystal Scar" announcement will now play at the start of a Dominion game
Fixed a bug where Allied Player Portraits would not update unless they were on your screen
Fixed a bug where Champion outlines would appear as boxes while in grass
Fixed a bug that caused an error to appear in chat on Dominion

Summoner Spells

Cooldown increased to 70 seconds from 55
Improved Clairvoyance increases duration by 2 seconds, down from 4 and no longer reduces the cooldown
Now cleanses summoner spell debuffs such as Exhaust's movement speed and damage reduction and Ignite's damage over time
Cooldown increased to 210 seconds from 150 seconds
Improved Cleanse no longer reduces cooldown, but now extends the secondary disable reduction buff by 1 second
Duration reduced to 2.5 seconds from 3 seconds
Improved Exhaust no longer increases the duration
Cooldown increased to 265 seconds from 255 seconds
Range reduced to 400 from 450
Now usable at Summoner Level 1, down from Summoner Level 4
Now improved in the Offense Mastery tree instead of Utility
Heal amount per level increased to 25 from 20
Improved Heal no longer reduces the cooldown but now increases the amount healed by 15%
Added to Summoner's Rift
Promotes the nearest allied siege minion, increasing its attack range, health, armor, and magic resist. 180 second cooldown base.
Improved in the Utility tree - Improved Promote increases the defensive bonus stats of promoted minions by 15%
Now usable at Summoner Level 8 (on both the Crystal Scar and Summoner's Rift), up from Summoner Level 1
Health bonus upon reviving is now innate to the spell (as opposed to requiring Improved Revive)
Improved Revive now grants a 125% movement speed increase upon revival (Improved Revive no longer grants a 225% movement speed increase)
Now improved in the Defense tree instead of Offense
Improved Smite no longer reduces cooldown but the gold gained on cast is increased to 10 from 5
Cooldown reduced to 70 seconds from 75 seconds
Surge *New*
Empowers your champion, increasing ability power by 10-78 (depending on level) and attack speed by 35% for 12 seconds (220 second cooldown)
Improved Surge increases the attack speed bonus to 40% and ability power gained by 10%
Usable at summoner level 1
Summoner's Insight no longer reduces cooldown
Просмотров: 4895  Комментарии: 43
League of Legends
12 ноя 2011, 11:56
Another update that we’re excited to share with you is Season Two’s new mastery trees. Coupled with new summoner spells, these new masteries will present players with even more strategic options as we head into the new season.

Variety is the Spice of Life

As they are currently designed, the masteries in League of Legends tend to support a small number of optimum paths depending on the champion role. With the redesign we want each champion to have a variety of choices depending on your particular playstyle. For example:

    In the Offense tree, the new options are equally viable for champions that specialize in either physical or magical damage.

    Defense has new options for initiators who want to increase their movement speed, or gain increased gold from kill assists.

    The Utility tree provides new options for players playing support champions. For instance, they can use the new masteries to increase their passive gold gain and starting gold, so they can get the items they need faster.

In addition to supporting a greater variety of champions in each tree, we’ll also be increasing the number of options available at each level of the tree. No matter how you choose to specialize, every role has new options within masteries for improving their effectiveness.

Equivalent Exchange

We also wanted to normalize the value of each individual mastery point across the mastery trees. As we have added more items to the game, the value of altering certain stats has changed. With the cost-benefit relationship of each stat more strongly determined through all of this iteration, it made sense to reevaluate the masteries with this new data in mind.

In the new system, every point matters. Each mastery point that you spend feels like a strong, impactful choice.


Finally, we wanted a better way for players to select the masteries associated with their chosen summoner spells. Presently, selecting a mastery aimed at augmenting a particular spell might involve specializing deeply in a specific tree, even if it’s primarily focused on stats you’re not interested in increasing. Currently, reducing the cooldown on Flash requires heavy point investment in the Utility tree, which isn’t optimal for some roles.

Under the new system, each tree will now feature a tier 1 mastery that will boost all of the summoner spells associated with it. This way, all summer spells can be amplified at low cost, opening up the field for new strategic combinations, and affording you the ability to still specialize in the tree most closely associated with your combat style. Additionally, by giving summoners the option to select these highly-impactful masteries early, new players now have compelling choices available to them as early as level 1.

More Options, More Impact

These new changes to the mastery trees will provide you with better customization options for your champions each time you take to the Field of Justice. Additionally, you should no longer feel that some masteries are simply more powerful than others or that you’re obliged to specialize in one tree or another in order to boost a particular summoner spell. Instead, you’re free to focus on new strategic options, and new combinations that improve your combat effectiveness.

Offense теперь юзабелен и для АП, и для АД
Defense получил плюшки для инициаторов в виде бонус МСа и бонусной голды за киллы и ассисты
Utility получает новые таланты для саппортов в виде дополнительного гп5 и увеличения стартового золота
Все СС разбили на три группы, теперь в первом тире каждой ветки есть талант, улучшающий целую группу
Ссылка на новые мастерис
Просмотров: 4908  Комментарии: 1
League of Legends
10 ноя 2011, 04:23
В эту субботу пройдет турнир Battle in Berlin 2011. В недавно проходившей квалификации выиграли оба нидерландских игрока :protoss: Grubby и :zerg: Ret. Турнир начнется в 16:00 по московскому времени. В нем будут участвовать такие игроки как: :terran: Kas, :terran: TLO, :protoss: Grubby, :protoss: White-Ra, :protoss: Socke, :zerg: Nerchio, :zerg: Stephano and :zerg: Ret.
1. 5000 $
2. 1750 $
3. 1000 $
4. 750 $
5-8. 375 $


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Просмотров: 5221  Комментарии: 48
Starcraft 2 Новости
10 ноя 2011, 02:50
Вышло обновление 1.4.2 для StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty! В нем были исправлены некоторые неполадки и внесены изменения в баланс. Все подробности вы найдете в описании обновления, представленном ниже.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty — обновление 1.4.2

  • Название пункта «Приглушение оповещений» в настройках звука было изменено на «Громкость звуков игры при оповещениях». Формулировка подсказки тоже была изменена.
  • Время, в течение которого звук приглушается при проигрывании оповещений, увеличено с 0,5 до 2 секунд.
  • Расписание игры, заданное для World of Warcraft в разделе «Родительский контроль», теперь действует и для StarCraft II

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Просмотров: 2459  Комментарии: 1
Starcraft 2 Новости
08 ноя 2011, 01:18


Вслед за EG, состав по Dota 2 создаёт популярная мультигейминговая организация FnaticMSI. Ростер игроков представлен сербскими игроками 4GL (GAMERS League) - обладателями бронзовых медалей ESWC 2011. Ближайшими событиями для команды будут - DreamHack Winter 2011 и "The Defense" от joinDOTA. C официальным анонсом и комментариями генерального менеджера FnaticMSI Даниэля Ремуса можно ознакомиться на клубном сайте.

Состав Fnatic.MSI.DotA2:

- #693 Marko 'BAJA-' Jovanovic
- #693 Nenad 'grizine' Lukic
- #693 Gordan 'g0g1' Prosic
- #693 Damir 'Mitch' Skaricic
- #693 Andreja 'ANdre' Mahovic
Просмотров: 1653  Комментарии: 5
06 ноя 2011, 18:17


Вторая волна инвайтов начнется сегодня в 21:00 МСК. Как известно, первая волна практически не затронула СНГ. 90% инвайтов остались в Европе и Америке, лишь малая часть попала в руки нашим людям.

К сожалению, сразу хотелось бы огорчить вас. Теперь порядок выдачи инвайтов, скорее всего, будет усложнен. После первой волны инвайтов резко возросло количество ливеров и слабых игроков, поэтому Valve пришлось резко предпринимать меры для ограждения ливеров от большей части игроков. Возможно, теперь внимательнее будут проверяться Steam-аккаунты и анкеты.

Многие из нас забывают, что, прежде всего, Dota 2 на данный момент – это тест. Игроки должны стараться найти баги в игре и постить их на официальном форуме разработчиков. К сожалению, большая часть игроков занимается не тем, чем надо.

upd: Думаю они правильно распределят ключи, и Россия в очередной раз не останется в стороне :(
Просмотров: 3454  Комментарии: 6
05 ноя 2011, 10:47



Going into Season Two, we’d like to open up the playing field for a greater variety of summoner spell choices. With this objective in mind, we’re going to retouch the existing summoner spells to shake up the classic compositions, and to help them better support the strategy of a given team composition.

Here are a few changes that you can expect to see coming up in Season Two.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Most of the classic summoner spells that you’re used to seeing will still be there for you to use heading into Season Two. Many of them will be getting retuned, however, to better suit the more aggressive gameplay that we want to promote in the new competitive season.

Most notably, Flash and Clairvoyance – largely considered the two most powerful summoner spells – will each be coming down a notch going into Season Two. Flash will now have both reduced range and an increased cooldown to make summoners feel less obligated to select it. Clairvoyance will also be receiving an increased cooldown and reduced duration to make it require more tactical use and be less punishing to junglers.

Heal and Cleanse, on the other hand, will each be receiving buffs to make them more attractive selections. Heal will now scale much more strongly into late game, while Cleanse will now remove summoner spell effects such as Ignite and Exhaust.

Out with the Old!

In addition to these changes, there were a couple of older summoner spells that didn’t really fit into how the game has developed since release. We opted to remove these less utilized summoner spells and replace them with some new options. In particular, we’ll be bidding farewell to both the Fortify spell and the Rally spell.

Rally suffers from a few unique disadvantages that are not symptomatic of the other summoner spells. Not only is it a stationary effect in a game that favors high-mobility play, but it can be quickly focus-fired and destroyed by an enemy team with good combat awareness. As a result, the Rally spell has seen little usage, and won’t be making a comeback in Season Two.

As for Fortify, one of the goals of our design changes going into the new competitive season is to continue to encourage aggressive, exciting gameplay. Having a summoner spell that promotes stagnant play by completely shutting down pushes, while also being unpopular, doesn’t mesh with our Season Two goals. We’ll be replacing this relic with a spell we think has a stronger place in the game.

And in with the New!

To fill the void left by the removal of these two spells, we’ll be supplementing the remaining complement of summoner spells with some new choices. This includes the return of the Promote summoner spell and the introduction of the new “Surge” (name not yet final) spell.

“Surge” is a brand new summoner spell that will imbue your champion with a powerful aura, boosting the combat effectiveness of both you and your allies. This new spell will fill the same niche that Rally was intended to occupy without suffering from all the adverse caveats that come with being linked to a stationary object.

Additionally, rather than promote stagnant gameplay through the Fortify spell, we’ve retooled the Promote spell for use on Summoner’s Rift. Like its Dominion equivalent this spell will provide a single minion with a significant buff to its Range, Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stats. Unlike the incarnation of Promote that was present in the League of Legends Beta, however, this new spell can only be cast on a cannon minion, preventing a group of players from spamming it to aggressively push a single lane.

Spell it out for me!

Ultimately, these new summoner spells will help encourage more aggressive and exciting gameplay in the new season. Additionally, the spells will help to promote more varied team strategies in order to open up the playing field for unexpected new styles of play. We hope that these changes will make for a generation of new and interesting gameplay as we head into Season Two!

http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/news/ins ... season-two

Кратко,по русски:
Во втором сезоне нас ждут изменения/добавление/удаление саммонер спелов в LoL'e.

Flash - увеличение кд,снижение ренжа.

CV - увеличение кд,снижение время действия.

Heal - будет скейлится в лейт гейм(скорее всего от уровня).

Сleanse - теперь будет снимать экзост и игнайт ( Трында делает так - :dance :rofl :diablo )

Rally - удален.

Fortify - удален.

Surge - *NEW* аура при включение,по статам похожая на Ралли/Ульту Тарика (заменит Ралли).

Promote - *NEW* Делает супер крипа из канона (большая туретка на ножках в крипвейве).
Просмотров: 2260  Комментарии: 12
League of Legends
04 ноя 2011, 15:22
Сегодня, было удалено более 460-ти тысяч не активных никнеймов игроков, которые никогда не играли с использованием системы матчмейкинга. Таким образом, вы получаете уникальный шанс, взять свой старый любимый никнейм или же придумать новый.
Сменить никнейм можно в магазине, заказав на вкладке other соответствующую опцию.


We recently announced that we would be performing a much requested cleanup of the player database, reclaiming those summoner names that had been registered to accounts that had never played a game of League of Legends through our matchmaking system. As of today, we have completed this bit of housekeeping, and as a result quite a few summoner names have been freed up for use by active players.

In the wake of the reclamation, over 460,000 summoner names were cleared to make way for the new generation of League of Legends players and those of you going through a mild identity crisis. So whether you’re a new player ready to start an account or a seasoned veteran looking for a name change, now’s the time!

If you’ve been contemplating picking up a new summoner name, head over to the ‘Other’ tab of the League of Legends store and see if your desired name has become available!
Просмотров: 5504  Комментарии: 7
League of Legends
04 ноя 2011, 01:15

В этом новом поле боя, битва будет (15 на 15) нужно толкать тележки в хранилище, чтобы получить определенное количество ресурсов. Следует отметить, что там будет несколько вариантов и способов транспорта тележки в ворота.

Azshara Crater ( В стиле DOTA )

Кратер Азшара уже планировалась после патча 1.1.3 и первоначально в качестве второго бг на 40-человек,

Что касается геймплея в течение боя, он будет примерно как на Альтеракской Долине:
Группа, которая уничтожает вражескую базу выигрывает.

Просмотров: 3784  Комментарии: 19
World of Warcraft Новости
03 ноя 2011, 01:08


Критерии участия в акции «Годовая подписка на World of Warcraft» были изменены, и теперь список стран, в которых доступна данная услуга, включает также Россию (включая русскоязычные учетные записи), Швейцарию, Бразилию, Мексику, Аргентину, Чили и ряд других стран.*
Читать далее ...
Просмотров: 14449  Комментарии: 63
02 ноя 2011, 08:07
http://dota2.ru/drakon-probudilsya-oto- ... mment-6673

Кому пришло письмо от стимповеред - заполняйте анкету и ждиет. ЖДУ УЖЕ МЛЯ :love :love :love :love
Просмотров: 9865  Комментарии: 72
02 ноя 2011, 08:07


Слухи подтвердились. Организаторы Dreamhack, наконец, приоткрыли завесу тайны над Dota 2. Финальная часть мероприятия будет представлена восемью командами, четыре из которых будут приглашены организаторами. Оставшиеся четыре слота достанутся командам, прошедшим BYOC квалификацию. Дисциплина имеет поддержку Valve и Corsair, в роли основного шуткастэра выступит известный Тоби Ван. Призовой фонд составит 100,000 SEK шведских крон (15,123~ USD). Более подробная информация ниже.

Main tournament:

Dates: 25-26 November 2011
Location: DreamHack Winter 2011, Hall C, Elmia, Jönköping, Sweden
Format: 5vs5
Teams: 8
Tournament format: 4×4 Group play BO1, Playoff single elimination BO3
Tournament set-up: All matches played in Tournament Area at Tournament PC’s. Grand Final at DreamArena Extreme.
Prize Purse: 100 000 SEK
1st – 50 000 SEK
2nd – 25 000 SEK
3rd – 15 000 SEK
4th – 10 000 SEK

1. Invited team – TBA by DreamHack
2. Invited team – TBA by DreamHack
3. Invited team – TBA by DreamHack
4. Invited team – TBA by DreamHack
5. BYOC-qualifier
6. BYOC-qualifier
7. BYOC-qualifier
8. BYOC-qualifier


Dates: 17.00 CET 24 November 2011
Location: DreamHack Winter 2011, Hall C, Elmia, Jönköping, Sweden
Format: 5vs5
Teams: 64
Tournament format: Single elimination bracket BO1
Tournament set-up: All matches played in BYOC.
1st – Qualified to Main tournament
2nd – Qualified to Main tournament
3rd – Qualified to Main tournament
4th – Qualified to Main tournament

(c) Dreamhack News
Просмотров: 1426  Комментарии: 1
На сайте использованы материалы, принадлежащие Blizzard Entertainment. Копирование материалов возможно только c разрешения портала. В противном случае это будет называться уже другим словом.